Pension vs. 401(k): What’s The Difference? (2024)

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When it comes to job benefits, an employer’s retirement offerings can be the most valuable part of the deal. Pensions and 401(k)s are among the most common retirement benefits you’ll encounter, although they work in dramatically different ways.

What Is a Pension?

Pensions are defined benefit plans that guarantee a fixed monthly benefit when you retire. This could be a set dollar amount, like $1,000 per month, or there may be a formula that calculates your monthly benefit based on your salary and the number of years you spent on the job. This could be equal to 1% of your average salary over your last five years of employment, for example.

Your employer guarantees these regular monthly payments starting at retirement and lasting for the rest of your life. Depending on your plan, a portion of these benefits may continue for a spouse or beneficiary after you die. Typically, you have to work for the employer for a set number of years before you’re fully vested, or eligible to receive the full pension amount.

With pensions, your employer takes on all of the risk for providing you with income in retirement. They put away money for you each year you work as well as manage any investments over the lifetime of your pension account. You receive a certain payment regardless of how your pension’s investments perform. You’ll receive the same amount whether the markets are up or down.

What Is a 401(k)?

A 401(k) plan is one of the most common forms of defined contribution plans. With a 401(k), you elect to contribute a portion of your salary into an account that you own and manage, and employers may opt to match your contributions. You choose your own investments, and your account balance fluctuates based on market gains or losses.

With a traditional 401(k), the money you contribute from your salary is excluded from your taxable income, meaning you get a tax break at the outset. Investments then grow tax-deferred. That’s another tax break, which occurs year by year. Finally, you pay taxes on what you withdraw in retirement.

If you opt for a Roth 401(k), you make contributions with money you’ve already paid taxes on. That eliminates the upfront tax break you get with a traditional 401(k) account. But your investments still grow tax-deferred. And because you already paid taxes on your contributions, you’re able to make tax-free withdrawals in retirement. With either type of 401(k) account, your employer may match a portion of your contributions.

401(k) plans are subject to annual contribution limits. For 2022, employees can contribute up to $20,500 into their 401(k) accounts. This number rises to $22,500 in 2023. It rises again in 2024, hitting $23,000.

Those who are 50 or older were allowed to make catch-up contributions of as much as an additional $6,500 in 2022. The cap on catch-up contributions rose to $7,500 in 2023 and another $7,500 for 2024. The total limit for both employer and employee contributions in 2022 was $61,000, or $67,500 if you’re 50 or older. In 2023, this limit increases to $66,000 or $73,500 if you’re 50 or older. For 2024, those limits are $69,000 or $76,500 for participating workers who are 50 years of age or older.

Pension vs 401(k): Which Is Better?

In the pension vs. 401(k) debate, pensions have the edge, says Tim Quillin, a chartered financial analyst and partner with Aptus Financial, a Little Rock, Ark.-based financial advisory. If you have a pension, you generally don’t have to contribute any money of your own, and you’re guaranteed a set payment each month for your entire lifetime. Some plans continue payments for as long as your surviving spouse is alive.


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“A good old-fashioned pension gives you a source of stable and predictable income in retirement, so you don’t have to worry about depleting assets in defined-contribution plans like 401(k)s,” says Quillin. “Pensions take some of the guesswork out of retirement planning.” Even well-funded 401(k)s offer no such certainty.

With a 401(k), it’s your responsibility to save for retirement, and not all employers match contributions. If you don’t save enough—or withdraw too much in retirement—your retirement fund could run out of money.

That said, you probably won’t get the choice between a pension and a 401(k). While some non-profit and government jobs offer both types of plans, pensions are becoming increasingly rare.

In the private sector, 38% of wage and salary workers were covered by a conventional pension plan in 1980, says the Social Security Administration. That fell to 20% by 2008. Only 15% had access to a pension plan by 2023, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The decline of pensions is mostly due to cost, according to Rick Frink, head of corporate 401(k) sales for Equitable, a financial services company specializing in retirement solutions.

“Pension plans generally provide less contribution flexibility for the sponsoring employer and can be more complex and costly to administer,” says Frink in comparison to 401(k)s, which lack mandatory employer contributions. “Based upon a pension plan’s stated benefit formula, the employer must make required periodic contributions determined by an actuary. Employers are also required to pay premiums to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) on behalf of covered workers.”

The PBGC provides retired workers with financial assistance if their former employer becomes unable to pay promised benefits due to business bankruptcy or closure. According to Frink, these issues—among others—have resulted in a decline in pension plans over recent decades.

If you are the rare employee with the option of choosing between a pension and a 401(k), keep the following factors in mind.

Duration of Employment

With pensions, you typically have to work for the employer for five to seven years before you’re eligible for its benefits. The amount of money you receive in retirement is based on your salary and length of service at the company.

With a 401(k), it can be easy to start saving immediately. According to Vanguard, in 2022 85% of eligible employees participated in their companies’ 401(k) plans. And 93% participated in plans with automatic enrollment.

Level of Control

If you have a pension, you don’t have control over the investments; the company makes those decisions for the pension plan.

“You can’t tell the pension how to invest, and you don’t have much control over how it gets paid out,” says Quillin. “Some pension plans seem to rely on fairly aggressive investment return assumptions in determining their funding status, so there is a risk that certain pensions will need to reduce their future payouts to retirees.”

With a 401(k), you can decide how to invest your money. You can choose between different mutual funds, index funds and target date funds as well as change your investments when you wish.


With a pension, you’re limited in how you receive your benefits. If you leave after only a few years of service, you may forfeit your pension.

Even if you meet the pension plan’s requirements for years of service, it’s your responsibility to verify your vesting status and keep track of your employer if you leave that job before retirement age. You then typically have to apply for your pension before you start receiving payments.

With a 401(k), you have more flexibility. If you leave your employer, you can take your 401(k) with you. You can roll it into a 401(k) with your new employer, or you can roll it into an individual retirement fund (IRA).

“401(k) plan accounts are more readily portable,” says Frink. “If the worker changes jobs, in most cases, the 401(k) account can be rolled over to another plan or IRA and continue to grow on a tax-deferred basis. Workers may also be permitted to access 401(k) accounts while working through loans or hardship withdrawals, which are not available under a pension plan.”

However, if you leave before your account is fully vested, which may take up to six years, you may lose at least a portion of your employer’s matching contributions.

Plan Stability

Pensions offer greater stability than 401(k) plans. With your pension, you are guaranteed a fixed monthly payment every month when you retire. Because it’s a fixed amount, you’ll be able to budget based on steady payments from your pension and Social Security benefits.

A 401(k) is less stable. Your income in retirement is dependent on how much you and your employer contributed to the 401(k) and how the market affects your investments’ performance. While you can estimate what you may have in retirement based on previous market returns, there’s no guarantee you’ll actually grow your retirement savings at that rate. This can make planning for retirement spending difficult.

Growth Potential

A 401(k) can have the potential for more growth than a pension plan. If you invest aggressively and earn average to above-average returns, your money can grow faster, leaving you with a bigger nest egg.

Pensions contribute a fixed amount based on your years of service and salary rather than market conditions. A pension can supplement your retirement income, but it likely won’t be enough to pay for all of your expenses. This means you’ll probably want or need to supplement your pension with contributions to an IRA.

A 401(k) could give you more money in retirement. If you started investing in 2022 at age 30, contributed the annual maximum and earned a 6% average annual return, you’d have $2.3 million tucked away for retirement by the time you turned 65. If you followed the 4% withdrawal rule, you could safely withdraw $92,000 from your account in your first year of retirement. If the market performs higher than 6% average returns, you’d have even more.

How to Make Your 401(k) More Like a Pension

If you don’t have access to a pension, you’re responsible for planning for retirement on your own. But you can still gain the kind of stability a pension provides. To make your 401(k) more like a pension, follow these tips:

1. Start Investing as Early as Possible

While money may be tight when you’re young and building your career, the earlier you start investing for retirement, even with smaller amounts, the better. Your money will have more time to compound and grow, allowing you to contribute less than if you started later.

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If you started investing $250 per month at the age of 25 and earned an average annual return of 6%, for example, you’d have $567,539 by the time you reached the age of 67. You’d contribute just $126,000, and your money would grow by over $440,000.

By contrast, if you waited until you turned 35 to start investing, you’d have to invest $490 per month to achieve the same results. And your investments would have grown by just $379,103—that’s over $60,000 less. That means you’d have to invest over $188,000 of your own money—$40,000 more—to get to the same number.

2. Try to Invest the Annual Maximum

To maximize your chances of having a solid nest egg, strive to invest the annual maximum into your 401(k) every year, if you can afford it. If you can’t afford to invest that much, save enough to qualify for the full employer match if offered and aim to increase your contributions by at least 1% each year until you reach the annual max.

3. Open an Individual Retirement Account

If you reach the annual contribution limit for your 401(k) or you don’t like the investment offerings in your employer plan, you can continue saving by opening a traditional or Roth IRA. With an IRA, you can save another $6,500 in 2023 for retirement ($7,500 if you’re age 50 or higher), giving you some extra cushion to build up your retirement paycheck. Those annual caps rise to $7,000 and $8,000 for 2024.

4. Consider an Annuity

Once you’ve built up your savings, you might think about purchasing an annuity to gain payment stability. An annuity is an insurance contract you can buy from financial services companies that provides tax-deferred growth and a death benefit when you pass away. In exchange for your payments, the company promises to give your regular payments in retirement, supplementing your income.

Annuities come in a few different flavors. A fixed annuity pays you a modest guaranteed annual minimum. With a variable annuity, your annual income payment is dependent on the market’s performance, which may be higher—though could be lower—than the small rate offered by fixed annuities. Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts (QLACs) are special types of fixed annuities designed to provide you with guaranteed income later in life. QLACs are specifically built to prevent you from outliving your savings.

Annuities are not for everyone, though. Depending on the annuity and the company selling it, you may have to pay hefty fees and commissions. And while they provide payment certainty, they may offer lower returns than you could get investing on your own.

“For those worried about running out of money and wanting a pension-like benefit at retirement, it’s worth considering the purchase of single premium immediate annuities with at least a portion of your nest egg to establish a floor of predictable income,” says Quillen. Be sure to talk with a financial advisor to determine what kind of annuity, if any, may be right for you.

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Via Datalign Advisory

Pension vs. 401(k): What’s The Difference? (2024)


Pension vs. 401(k): What’s The Difference? ›

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement account that allows an employee to divert a percentage of his or her salary—either pre- or post-tax—to the account. A traditional pension plan offers retirees a fixed monthly benefit for the rest of their lives.

What is the main difference between a pension and a 401k? ›

A 401(k) allows you some control over your fund contributions, while a pension plan does not. Pension plans guarantee a monthly check in retirement a 401(k) does not offer guarantees. However, 401(k)s are portable, meaning you can roll them over into another account should you change employers one or multiple times.

What are the pros and cons of pension? ›

Pension plans: Pros and cons
  • You are not using your own money to save and invest.
  • Your employer makes investing decisions, taking the burden off you.
  • You can count on a certain amount of money in retirement.
  • The funds will be paid out until death, and in some cases to a beneficiary.
Mar 11, 2024

What is a simple definition of pension? ›

To most people, a pension is a retirement arrangement in which your employer promises you a regular payment from the day you retire, for as long as you live. The amount of your pension usually depends on how long you worked for an employer and your salary with that employer.

How does pension work when you retire? ›

This type of plan is one an employer offers its employees and promises them a certain monthly income during retirement. The monthly benefit each employee is promised is based on their years of service with the company and their salary during those years.

Are pensions guaranteed for life? ›

Key Takeaways. Pension payments are made for the rest of your life, no matter how long you live. Lump-sum payments allow you to immediately spend or invest your pension as you like. People who take a lump sum may outlive the payment, while traditional pension payments continue until death.

What happens to my pension if I quit? ›

What Happens to Your Pension When You Leave a Job? Exiting a job ushers in two primary possibilities for your pension: Receiving a lump-sum payout or keeping the money in the current plan. Keep in mind that you may not have an option depending on the terms of your plan.

Is Social Security considered a pension? ›

The Social Security program is not a pension and was never intended to be a pension. It is a social insurance program administered by the U.S. federal government.

How many years to get full pension? ›

You usually need 35 qualifying years of National Insurance contributions to get the full amount. You'll still get something if you have at least 10 qualifying years - these can be before or after April 2016.

What is a good monthly pension amount? ›

Based on the 80% principle, you can expect to need about $96,000 in annual income after you retire, which is $8,000 per month.

Can I retire on a pension and Social Security? ›

You can retire with Social Security and a pension at the same time, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) might reduce your Social Security benefit if your pension is from a job at which you did not pay Social Security taxes on your wages. There are two different kinds of pensions: covered and noncovered.

How much is the average pension in the US? ›

What is the average retirement income by state?
StateAverage retirement income
47 more rows
Feb 28, 2024

What is one advantage of a 401 K over a traditional pension? ›

One of the biggest upsides of a 401(k) plan is that the contributions you make are tax-deferred. A portion of your salary drops directly into your 401(k) before taxes. It can then grow tax-free until you begin making withdrawals after you retire.

Are pensions taxed? ›

Taxes on Pension Income

You may owe federal income tax at your regular rate as you receive the money from pension annuities and periodic pension payments. But if you take a direct lump-sum payout from your pension instead, you must pay the total tax due when you file your return for the year you receive the money.

Is a pension enough to retire on? ›

A pension can supplement your retirement income, but it likely won't be enough to pay for all of your expenses. This means you'll probably want or need to supplement your pension with contributions to an IRA. A 401(k) could give you more money in retirement.

Can you borrow from your pension? ›

If you have an asset, you can probably get a loan against it. Your paycheck, your tax return, your home, your 401(k), and, yes, even your pension if you're one of the relatively few people who still have one.

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