What Is Fund Flow Statement & How Is It Prepared? | 5paisa (2024)

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5paisa Research TeamDate: 25 Apr, 2023 10:47 AM IST

What Is Fund Flow Statement & How Is It Prepared? | 5paisa (1)

What Is Fund Flow Statement & How Is It Prepared? | 5paisa (2)


  • Fund Flow Statement
  • What is the Funds Flow Statement Analysis?
  • How is a Funds Flow Statement Prepared?
  • Importance of a Funds Flow Statement
  • Uses of funds flow Statement
  • Limitations of Funds Flow Statement

Fund Flow Statement

The inclusion of inflows and outflows of funds in a statement is known as a funds flow statement. It provides the funding sources and ways in which the money was used at that specific time. As a result, one may investigate the causes of a company's changing financial situation. This will also help investors and analysts determine the company's economic progression.

What Is Fund Flow Statement & How Is It Prepared? | 5paisa (5)

What is the Funds Flow Statement Analysis?

Fund flow statement analysis is often used to comprehend changes in a company's financial status. Fund flow statement analysis, like cash flow statement analysis, analyzes financial data such as the company’s income or its balance sheet. Most firms examine their finance and operations using a mix of three major financial statements:

Balance Sheet: A balance sheet is the summary of all the assets, liabilities, and capital accounts and their current balances reflecting a certain time.

Profit and Loss Statement/Income Statement: The profit and loss or income statement summarise revenue, costs, and profit or loss for a certain period.

Cash flow statement: The cash flow statement, which is most comparable to a fund flow statement, evaluates cash intake and outflow for a certain period by examining cash inflow and cash outflow from operating operations, investment activities, and financing activities.

While a single balance sheet can provide information on current assets, liabilities, and equity, it cannot tell you where the funds originated from or how they were spent. One of the most valuable aspects of fund flow analysis and a fund flow statement is how it compares two accounting periods, providing precise information on the changes that occur between the current year and the prior year.

How is a Funds Flow Statement Prepared?

To create a fund flow statement, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Create a Working Capital Changes Schedule: Take into account the change in current assets and current liabilities. The determination of the net growth or reduction in working capital is via the difference between net current assets and net current liabilities.

Work Capital Increase: A rise in working capital occurs when the long-term supply of cash exceeds the application or use of funds. Because a firm can utilize this money to meet its working capital requirements. Short-term loans or dividends, for example, can be paid. As an outcome, a rise in working capital will be shown in the Fund Flow Statement under 'Application of Funds.'

Work Capital Decrease: A corporation may require additional finances but only has a limited long-term supply of funds. In such cases, the corporation will use the available money for working capital. As a result, the amount of money accessible for working capital is reduced. As a result, a drop in working capital will be shown in the 'Source of Funds' section of the Funds Flow Statement.

Now we'll look at the structure of the "statement of change in working capital." through the fund flow statement example




Changes in the Working Capital

Statement of changes in working capital

31.03.2020(in $)

31.03.2019(in $)

Increase (in $)

Decrease (in $)

Current Assets:

Cash and Bank balances










Trade Receivables





Prepaid Expenses





Total Current Assets (A)





Current Liabilities:

Accounts Payable





Outstanding Expenses





Step 2

Prepare the Adjusted Profit and Loss Account to determine Funds from Operations.

Following the preparation of the statement of change in working capital, you should now compile a report of money from operations:

● Take the profit/loss from the profit & loss account in this statement. However, carefully adjust profit/loss.
● On an accrual basis, you create profit and loss statements. However, non-cash expenditures like depreciation, bad loans, and any expenditures written off are also taken into account to determine the real profit or loss.
● Add back or subtract, as appropriate, those non-cash costs to arrive at the cash profit/loss.
● Estimating a $20,000 profit for the current year in the style below. Then you discovered non-cash items that were deducted in profit and loss a/c, totalling $3,230, which has now been added to the current year's earnings. As a result, the present profit has been lowered by $120 due to a non-operating item added to the profit and loss account.
● After adding and subtracting non-cash or non-operating elements, you will arrive at the point when money flows from operations may be calculated, which is $23,110.


Amount (In $)

Amount (In $)

Current Year Profit/(Loss)(A)





Expenses Written Off


Bad Loans written off


Proposed Dividend


Provision for Income Tax


Total (B)



Accrued Interest on fixed Deposits




Fund From Operations (A+B-C)


Step 3

To generate a fund flow statement, you must first identify the sources of funds (inflows) and the uses of funds (outflows). To produce a money flow statement, identify the source of funds or the application of funds (growing or decreasing) from the balance sheet. In addition, net gain or reduction.

Finally, create a fund flow statement.

● This declaration will reveal the sources and uses of funds.
● In the above example, you can observe that working capital increases are $6,500 (regarded as applications of money), and the capital from an operation is $23,110. (considered a source of funds).
● Assume that you have issued $5,000 in market share capital (considered a source of funds). The funds arranged are utilized to increase working capital and acquire fixed assets.

Statement of Sources and Application of Funds

Current Year

Sources of Fund

Fund Generated from Operating Activities


Proceeds from issue of Share Capital


Total Source of Funds


Application of Fund

Purchase of Fixed Assets


Increase in Working Capital


Total Application of Funds


Importance of a Funds Flow Statement

The fund flow statement definition helps in the following:

Financial Status: A profit and loss report or balance sheet does not illustrate why a company's financial position has changed. The fund flow statement will include information on where the funds came from (Source of Monies) and where the funds were spent (Application of Funds).

Company Analysis: Profitable businesses are frequently caught in a liquidity pinch. In such cases, the fund flow statement provides a detailed overview of the source and utilization of cash.

Management: They use the fund flow statement to determine its future action plan and act as a tool for management control.

Changes in Assets and Liabilities: The fund flow statement explains why assets and liabilities changed between two balance sheet dates. As a consequence, you may undertake a thorough examination of the balance sheet.

Creditworthiness: Lending institutions examine a company's creditworthiness using this statement. Before authorizing a loan, they evaluate the statement over time. As a result, the fund flow statement reflects a company's trustworthiness in fund management.

Uses of funds flow Statement

The fund’s flow statement is important for conducting long-term analysis. It is a highly valuable instrument in the hands of management for assessing the Company's financial and operational performance.

The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss A/c (Income Statement) do not give the information that the Funds Flow Statement does, namely, changes in an enterprise's financial position. Such an examination is extremely beneficial to management, shareholders, creditors, and others.

1. As per the Fund Flow Statement meaning, it can help address the following questions:
● What happened to the profits?
● Why is there a mismatch between an enterprise's liquidity position and profitability situation?
● Why is the company financially stable despite losses?

2. The Funds Flow Statement analysis assists management in determining if working capital has been efficiently utilized and whether the working capital level is appropriate or insufficient for the business's needs. The Working Capital Status assists management in making policy decisions such as dividend payments, etc.

3. The Funds Flow Statement Analysis assists investors in determining if the funds have been correctly managed by the organization. It also reflects a firm's creditworthiness, which helps lenders determine whether or not to give money to the company. It assists management in making policy decisions and determining future funding and capital expenditure programs.

Limitations of Funds Flow Statement

Despite its significance in understanding a firm's financial status, the statement has two major drawbacks:

● The declaration is solely concerned with transferring funds. It does not take into account other characteristics from the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. As a result, it must be examined alongside the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account.
● The fund’s flow statement does not show a company's cash situation. As a result, a different cash flow statement must be prepared to analyze the cash situation.

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What Is Fund Flow Statement & How Is It Prepared? | 5paisa (2024)


What is a fund flow statement and how is it prepared? ›

The fund flow statement is prepared by comparing the balance sheets of two consecutive periods. In 2022-2023, the company generated a positive cash flow from all three categories of activities: Statement of sources and application of funds, Net Increase / Decrease in Working Capital, and Fund From Operations.

What is the primary purpose of a fund flow statement? ›

A funds flow statement helps explain the source of funds and its utilization or application, allowing the users of financial information to interpret and know the impact on the business.

How do you explain flow of funds? ›

The “Flow of Funds” is the movement of money in and out of bank accounts. Flows can vary depending upon the number of times money moves, the currency, the payment rail, type of business, the goods or services the business provides, by whom the business is run, and asset types that the business holds.

Which are the major questions that funds flow statement seeks to answer? ›

Where have the profits gone? Why is there an imbalance existing between liquidity position and profitability position of an enterprise? Why is the concern financially solid in spite of losses?

What is fund flow statement in simple words? ›

The fund flow statement is a financial statement that records the inward and outward flow of business funds or assets. It identifies the reason for a change in the financial position of a company by comparing two years' balance sheets.

Why do we need to prepare fund flow statement and cash flow statement? ›

The cash flow will record a company's inflow and outflow of actual cash (cash and cash equivalents). The fund flow records the movement of cash in and out of the company. Both help provide investors and the market with a snapshot of how the company is doing on a periodic basis.

What is the funds flow statement of a project? ›

The Funds Flow Statement is concerned with sources and applications of organization. Statement of changes in working capital shows the increase or decrease in the working capital. “Funds from Operations” statement shows how much funds from operations.

Which of the following will be considered while preparing a fund flow statement? ›

A fund flow statement will give us the following two information: Sources of funds - From where the funds have come in. Application of funds - Where these funds have been used.

How to prepare a fund flow statement with an example? ›

To create a fund flow statement, follow the steps below:
  1. Create a Working Capital Changes Schedule: Take into account the change in current assets and current liabilities. ...
  2. Work Capital Increase: A rise in working capital occurs when the long-term supply of cash exceeds the application or use of funds.
Apr 25, 2023

What are the four sources of fund flow statement? ›

The five primary categories of a sources and uses of funds statement are beginning cash balances, cash flows from operating activities, cash flows from investing activities, cash flows from financing activities, and ending cash balances.

What are the disadvantages of fund flow analysis? ›

Limitations of Fund Flow Analysis

Lack of Timeliness: Fund flow analysis relies on historical financial data, which may not reflect the current financial situation. It does not provide real-time insights into an organization's financial health, making it less suitable for immediate decision-making.

What questions about cash are answered by the statement of cash flows? ›

Answer and Explanation:
  • By what means does an entity obtain its cash? - It records the inflow of cash and also specifies its activity from which it is generating cash inflow.
  • On what activities an entity spends its cash? ...
  • What is the overall change in cash and cash equivalents?

Which are the 3 main activities of a cash flow statement? ›

The main components of the CFS are cash from three areas: Operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

What are the 3 components of cash flow statement? ›

The three main components of a cash flow statement are cash flow from operations, cash flow from investing, and cash flow from financing.

What type of questions do the financial statements help to answer? ›

It answers several other questions like is the present cash flow enough to serve the principal payments and interest to cover the borrowing needs of the company? Should the current investments be liquidated? Would the investments put in place bring forth good returns?

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