Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (2024)

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Current statistics on this topic

PaymentsGlobal mobile wallet market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region
PaymentsVolume of digital payments in India FY 2024, by mode
PaymentsMost used in-store (POS) payment methods in the U.S. 2017-2023, with 2027 forecast

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  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay

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Penetration rates

  • Premium Statistic Number of digital payments worldwide 2013-2021 with forecasts to 2027, by region
  • Premium Statistic M-commerce share of total retail online sales worldwide 2022, by region
  • Premium Statistic Countries with the highest share of retail sales taking place online 2023
  • Basic Statistic Smartphone penetration rate in selected countries 2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading online markets based on internet penetration rate 2024

Penetration rates

  • Premium Statistic Number of digital payments worldwide 2013-2021 with forecasts to 2027, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (4)

    Number of digital payments worldwide 2013-2021 with forecasts to 2027, by region

    Number of cashless transactions worldwide from 2013 to 2021, with forecasts from 2022 to 2027, by region (in billions)

  • Premium Statistic M-commerce share of total retail online sales worldwide 2022, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (5)

    M-commerce share of total retail online sales worldwide 2022, by region

    Retail m-commerce as percentage of total retail e-commerce sales worldwide in 2022, by region

  • Premium Statistic Countries with the highest share of retail sales taking place online 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (6)

    Countries with the highest share of retail sales taking place online 2023

    Countries with the highest percentage of retail sales taking place online in 2023

  • Basic Statistic Smartphone penetration rate in selected countries 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (7)

    Smartphone penetration rate in selected countries 2022

    Penetration rate of smartphones in selected countries 2022

  • Premium Statistic Leading online markets based on internet penetration rate 2024

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (8)

    Leading online markets based on internet penetration rate 2024

    Countries with the highest internet penetration rate as of January 2024

Mobile wallets

  • Premium Statistic Global mobile wallet market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic Mobile wallet adoption in 39 countries and territories worldwide as of 2022
  • Premium Statistic PayPal penetration, online and offline, in 21 countries worldwide in Q4 2023
  • Premium Statistic Apple Pay penetration, online and offline, in 19 countries worldwide in Q4 2023
  • Premium Statistic Google Pay penetration, online and offline, in 19 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

Mobile wallets

  • Premium Statistic Global mobile wallet market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (9)

    Global mobile wallet market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region

    Market size of mobile wallet transactions in various regions worldwide in 2020 with forecasts from 2021 to 2025 (in billion U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Mobile wallet adoption in 39 countries and territories worldwide as of 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (10)

    Mobile wallet adoption in 39 countries and territories worldwide as of 2022

    Share of respondents who indicated they use a mobile wallet in different countries and territories in the world in 2022

  • Premium Statistic PayPal penetration, online and offline, in 21 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (11)

    PayPal penetration, online and offline, in 21 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

    PayPal usage either for online payments or at POS in various countries worldwide as of December 2023

  • Premium Statistic Apple Pay penetration, online and offline, in 19 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (12)

    Apple Pay penetration, online and offline, in 19 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

    Apple Pay usage either for online payments or at POS in various countries worldwide as of December 2023

  • Premium Statistic Google Pay penetration, online and offline, in 19 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (13)

    Google Pay penetration, online and offline, in 19 countries worldwide in Q4 2023

    Google Pay usage either for online payments or at POS in various countries worldwide as of December 2023

Contactless, NFC payments

  • Premium Statistic Global NFC payment value in 2020 with forecasts to 2024, by region
  • Premium Statistic Top 10 countries worldwide with highest number of contactless card transactions 2022
  • Premium Statistic Mobile POS payment penetration rate in 34 countries worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Adoption of mobile contactless/tap to pay in 23 countries worldwide in 2019 and 2021
  • Premium Statistic Top 10 countries worldwide with highest number of POS terminals 2022

Contactless, NFC payments

  • Premium Statistic Global NFC payment value in 2020 with forecasts to 2024, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (14)

    Global NFC payment value in 2020 with forecasts to 2024, by region

    Market size of contactless payments in various regions worldwide in 2020 with forecasts from 2021 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Top 10 countries worldwide with highest number of contactless card transactions 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (15)

    Top 10 countries worldwide with highest number of contactless card transactions 2022

    Leading countries in the world with the highest number of contactless card transactions as of 2022 (in billions)

  • Premium Statistic Mobile POS payment penetration rate in 34 countries worldwide 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (16)

    Mobile POS payment penetration rate in 34 countries worldwide 2023

    Penetration rate of mobile POS payments in 34 countries worldwide in 2023

  • Premium Statistic Adoption of mobile contactless/tap to pay in 23 countries worldwide in 2019 and 2021

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (17)

    Adoption of mobile contactless/tap to pay in 23 countries worldwide in 2019 and 2021

    Share of smartphone users who use proximity mobile payments in 23 different countries worldwide in 2019 and 2021

  • Premium Statistic Top 10 countries worldwide with highest number of POS terminals 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (18)

    Top 10 countries worldwide with highest number of POS terminals 2022

    Leading countries in the world with the highest number of POS terminals as of 2022 (in millions)

Mobile money

  • Premium Statistic Mobile money transaction value 2020-2022, by region
  • Premium Statistic Mobile money accounts worldwide 2020-2022, by region
  • Premium Statistic Live mobile money services worldwide 2020-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading mobile money operators in Africa, by number of countries 2020
  • Premium Statistic Transaction volume of M-Pesa from 2017 to 2023

Mobile money

  • Premium Statistic Mobile money transaction value 2020-2022, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (19)

    Mobile money transaction value 2020-2022, by region

    Mobile money transactions value by region from 2020 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Mobile money accounts worldwide 2020-2022, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (20)

    Mobile money accounts worldwide 2020-2022, by region

    Active mobile money accounts by region from 2020 to 2022 (in millions)

  • Premium Statistic Live mobile money services worldwide 2020-2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (21)

    Live mobile money services worldwide 2020-2022

    Number of live mobile money services from 2020 to 2022, by region

  • Premium Statistic Leading mobile money operators in Africa, by number of countries 2020

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (22)

    Leading mobile money operators in Africa, by number of countries 2020

    Leading mobile money operators in Africa as of 2020, by number of countries in operation

  • Premium Statistic Transaction volume of M-Pesa from 2017 to 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (23)

    Transaction volume of M-Pesa from 2017 to 2023

    M-Pesa transaction volume from 2017 to 2023 (in billion transactions)

Instant payments

  • Premium Statistic Transaction value of real-time payments worldwide in 2023, with a 2030 forecast
  • Premium Statistic Top countries in the world with the most real-time payments (RTP) in 2022
  • Premium Statistic Value of monthly UPI transactions India 2018-2023
  • Premium Statistic Annual real-time payment spending Pix in Brazil 2020-2022, in local currency and USD
  • Premium Statistic Value of PromptPay transactions Thailand 2017-2023

Instant payments

  • Premium Statistic Transaction value of real-time payments worldwide in 2023, with a 2030 forecast

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (24)

    Transaction value of real-time payments worldwide in 2023, with a 2030 forecast

    Market size of real-time payments worldwide in 2023, with a forecast for 2030 (in billion U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Top countries in the world with the most real-time payments (RTP) in 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (25)

    Top countries in the world with the most real-time payments (RTP) in 2022

    Countries with the highest number of real-time payment (RTP) transactions worldwide in 2022

  • Premium Statistic Value of monthly UPI transactions India 2018-2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (26)

    Value of monthly UPI transactions India 2018-2023

    Value of monthly Unified Payments Interface (UPI) transactions in India from August 2018 to June 2023 (in billion Indian rupees)

  • Premium Statistic Annual real-time payment spending Pix in Brazil 2020-2022, in local currency and USD

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (27)

    Annual real-time payment spending Pix in Brazil 2020-2022, in local currency and USD

    Value of real-time payments in Brazil with local scheme Pix from 2020 to 2022 (in million Brazilian real, and estimates in U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Value of PromptPay transactions Thailand 2017-2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (28)

    Value of PromptPay transactions Thailand 2017-2023

    Value of PromptPay transactions in Thailand from 2017 to 2023 (in billion Thai baht)

QR codes

  • Premium Statistic Global QR payment market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic Top 10 countries worldwide based on number of mobile devices with QR codes 2022
  • Premium Statistic QR code penetration for payments in Southeast Asia 2020-2021, by country
  • Premium Statistic Most used payment methods in online transactions Indonesia 2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading payment methods among Japanese online buyers 2022

QR codes

  • Premium Statistic Global QR payment market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (29)

    Global QR payment market size in 2020 with forecasts to 2025, by region

    Market size of QR code transactions in various regions worldwide in 2020 with forecasts from 2021 to 2025 (in billion U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Top 10 countries worldwide based on number of mobile devices with QR codes 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (30)

    Top 10 countries worldwide based on number of mobile devices with QR codes 2022

    Leading countries in the world with the highest number of mobile devices that use QR code payments as of 2022 (in millions)

  • Premium Statistic QR code penetration for payments in Southeast Asia 2020-2021, by country

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (31)

    QR code penetration for payments in Southeast Asia 2020-2021, by country

    Usage of QR codes for in-store payments in Southeast Asia in 2020 and 2021, by country

  • Premium Statistic Most used payment methods in online transactions Indonesia 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (32)

    Most used payment methods in online transactions Indonesia 2022

    Most used payment methods in online transactions in Indonesia as of December 2022

  • Premium Statistic Leading payment methods among Japanese online buyers 2022

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (33)

    Leading payment methods among Japanese online buyers 2022

    Preferred payment methods for online purchases among digital buyers in Japan in 2022


  • Premium Statistic Transaction value of crypto gateway payments worldwide in 2022, with a 2029 forecast
  • Premium Statistic Most used payment methods in e-commerce worldwide in 2022, with a forecast for 2026
  • Premium Statistic Global consumer and merchant acceptance of crypto payments 2021, by industry
  • Premium Statistic Industries that accept cryptocurrency payments through BitPay 2020-2023
  • Basic Statistic Popular goods and services to buy with crypto 2022, by gender and income group


  • Premium Statistic Transaction value of crypto gateway payments worldwide in 2022, with a 2029 forecast

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (34)

    Transaction value of crypto gateway payments worldwide in 2022, with a 2029 forecast

    Market size of cryptocurrency payments within payment gateways worldwide in 2022, with a forecast for 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)

  • Premium Statistic Most used payment methods in e-commerce worldwide in 2022, with a forecast for 2026

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (35)

    Most used payment methods in e-commerce worldwide in 2022, with a forecast for 2026

    Market share of payment methods in total e-commerce transaction value worldwide in 2022, with a forecast for 2026

  • Premium Statistic Global consumer and merchant acceptance of crypto payments 2021, by industry

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (36)

    Global consumer and merchant acceptance of crypto payments 2021, by industry

    Willingness to use/accept cryptocurrencies for payments by consumers/merchants across various industries worldwide as of 2021

  • Premium Statistic Industries that accept cryptocurrency payments through BitPay 2020-2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (37)

    Industries that accept cryptocurrency payments through BitPay 2020-2023

    Distribution of cryptocurrency transactions processed via BitPay from 2020 to 2023, by industry

  • Basic Statistic Popular goods and services to buy with crypto 2022, by gender and income group

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (38)

    Popular goods and services to buy with crypto 2022, by gender and income group

    Most popular goods and services bought by consumers worldwide when using cryptocurrencies for online shopping in 2022, by gender and income group

Future technologies

  • Premium Statistic Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven payments worldwide 2023, by age group
  • Premium Statistic Consumer opinion on artificial intelligence (AI)-driven payments worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Consumer opinion on virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) payments worldwide 2023

Future technologies

  • Premium Statistic Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven payments worldwide 2023, by age group

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (39)

    Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven payments worldwide 2023, by age group

    Share of consumers worldwide who indicate they used artificial intelligence (AI) for digital payments as of 2023, by age group

  • Premium Statistic Consumer opinion on artificial intelligence (AI)-driven payments worldwide 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (40)

    Consumer opinion on artificial intelligence (AI)-driven payments worldwide 2023

    Share of consumers worldwide who indicate they feel comfortable with using artificial intelligence (AI) for digital payments as of 2023

  • Premium Statistic Consumer opinion on virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) payments worldwide 2023

    Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (41)

    Consumer opinion on virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) payments worldwide 2023

    Share of consumers worldwide who planned to use either virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) payments as of 2023

Topic: Mobile payments with digital wallets (2024)


What is the difference between mobile payment and digital wallet? ›

eWallets are digital versions of traditional wallets, accessible across various devices, whereas Mobile Wallets are specifically tailored for mobile devices, emphasizing features like contactless payments and optimized user experiences on smartphones or tablets.

What are the key benefits of using a mobile wallet? ›

Seamless Transfers: Repay friends and family without the fuss of cash or bank details. Simplified Card Management: Sort multiple payment options easily. Expense Tracking: Access transaction histories and spend analytics. User-Centric Design: Experience intuitive interfaces with abundant online support.

How do digital wallet payments work? ›

Here's how it works: Instead of sending a customer's actual credit or debit card number, the digital wallet generates a one-time code—called a token—made up of random numbers and sends that to the card reader instead.

What are the three types of digital wallets? ›

There are three types of digital wallets: closed, semi-closed, and open. Closed wallets are produced by companies, and can only be used to transfer funds between the user and wallet-issuer—such as Amazon Pay.

What is an example of a mobile wallet? ›

Mobile wallets allow users to make in-store payments without having to carry cash or physical credit cards. The most popular mobile wallets include Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and PayPal.

What is a disadvantage of using a mobile wallet? ›

Digital wallets can store multiple payment methods, credit cards, debit cards, loyalty cards, and airline tickets on there. He said the biggest negative is that not all retailers are set up for mobile pay and reminded users to always carry a backup payment method, just in case.

What problem does digital wallet solve? ›

Digital wallets allow you to pay when you're shopping using your device so that you don't need to carry your cards around. You enter and store your credit card, debit card, or bank account information and can then use your device to pay for purchases. Digital wallets can also store: Gift cards.

Are digital wallets good or bad? ›

In general, digital wallets are considered much safer than using physical credit cards, which can be more easily lost or stolen.

How many people use mobile wallets? ›

In 2022, the global total value of digital wallet transactions was $7.5 trillion, and the global mobile payment market was valued at $53.5 billion. 2. There were also 3.4 billion digital wallet users in the world, or 42.6% of the global population.

Why is an e-wallet better than cash? ›

Digital transactions are generally safer and can be tracked more reliably, which reduces potential instances of fraud. Plus, all e-wallets require some form of verification before payment, which means even if someone steals your phone, they can't steal the money in your e-wallet.

Can someone use my digital wallet? ›

However, it is still possible for a criminal to gain unauthorized access to someone's account, which is why digital wallet fraud is often enabled through more traditional methods of cybercrime, like phishing or a malware attack.

Can I withdraw money from my digital wallet? ›

Adding your debit card to your Digital Wallet means you can get cash using your phone. Just select your card in your wallet and hold your phone over the Contactless Symbol at any Bank of America ATM.

Is Apple pay a digital wallet or mobile wallet? ›

Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are examples of device-based digital wallets because they require paying using an iPhone, Apple Watch, or Samsung phone. Google Wallet and PayPal both offer apps that can be added to compatible phones, allowing them to be used as device-based digital wallets in store.

What is considered a digital wallet? ›

Digital Wallets contain digital versions of your credit and debit cards that are stored in wallet apps on your mobile device. Examples of these apps include Apple Pay®, Samsung Pay® and Google PayTM. (To help protect your security, your card number and personal information are not stored.)

Is digital wallet the same as Apple Pay? ›

Apple Pay acts like any other digital wallet: your customer stores their payment card details in Apple Pay, and during check out, your customer simply selects their preferred payment card in Apple Pay.

Is it safer to use a digital wallet? ›

In general, digital wallets are considered much safer than using physical credit cards, which can be more easily lost or stolen. When you lose a physical card, anyone who finds that plastic might be able to use it before you realize it's missing and prior to attempting to cancel it with the card company.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.