The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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10 Ed Americans Play Hampdens To day RESULTS AND STANDINGS IN (Copyright 1920 New York Tribune Inc) EASTERN LEAGUE pc Lost a 5 is 4 4 1 1 0 2 2 3 4 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE in IXATES POUNi) EAYRS New York postp mtfd ab 3 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 has CHICOX IN I0TH in ab 0 0 2 0 4 1 3 4 2 Hasty 0 RED SOX AGAIN 4 3 pitcher Eayrs Time Ih 30m 0 CADORE BLANKS REDS 0 44 15 30 1 Total 5 4 4 4 4 0 1 ab rut 0 3 1 0 0 COL HUSTON HONORED CARDS 8 TO 1 ATLANTIC 3 3 WILLARD IN NEW YOKE 0 10 MORAN SCORES KAYO In ELEVATORS 6 LOORS CIGAR BASEBALL Amherst vs 4 BEST SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION HAND MADE RAKERS THE CLUBS 0 0 0 and Councilman Will Assist in Banned Bands and isk Bradleys at Same i 4 3 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 0 0 4 4 4 4 2 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 Ov 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dykes 2 Thomas 3 Walker 1 Witt Dugan Welch Verkina Style Griflin 1 Higbee Hasty' Burrus league He will of the Lester 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 New Haven Bridgeport Albany Pittsfield Springfield "Worcester Waterbury Hartford Olson 2 Ward Johnston Wheat 1 Myers cf Killduff 3 Kreugerc Cadore 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THIRTEEN HORSES IN KENTUCKY HANDICAP 0 0 1 Burns 1 Young Doyle 2 Kanff cf Lear 3 Kelley 1 Snyder Toney Total ab 4 0 0 4 5 6 4 Walker Makes His Third our Ply Slam Long Drives of Speaker and Smith Teo Much for Macks Baseball Games Tennis Match and Track Practice Off When Pluvius Starts Working Hub Tennis Team Scores Strongly in Singles Harte Bests Johnson Tilden Defeats Williams from the street to the slight grade irst Game of Indian Orchardi Ludlow League To day Open Sunday Play at Orchard Aiderman Lester Denny Hogan Ceremonies Coine Back 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 President Dan O'Neil Confident Raids on Players Are Things of Eastern Contracted of Past BOSTON NETMEN OUTPLAY QUAKERS Boston Light Harness Racing En thusiasts Pay Close to $1000 for ast Ware Horse Gotham Crew Hits Timely Behind Errors of Robertson and Killi fer for 2 to Victory fib 4 Judge 1 Milan 1 Rice cf Roth i Harris 2 Ellerbe 3 Shannon Schacht Calvoj Snyder Shanks? Johnson Shaw Total Thirteen Circuit Clouts in ive Days Constitutes New Quaker City Record ooo i a 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 p5 a 05 5 8 Phillies May 21 St Louis four from Philadel to game 3 to CHAPMAN VALVES TO PLAY IBERLOIDS Janvrln 1 Schultz Stock 3 Hornsby 2 1 McHenry cf 1 Lavan Dorter IVE LEADING HITTERS MAJORS UP TO DATE Hooper McNally 2 Men'skeyI Hunter cf Mqlnnis 1 ester 3 Scott Walters Russell 7 5 7 Colket fcated Stanley phia 6 3 1 adelphia defeated 2 1 2 0 MAYOR ADAMS TO HURL IRST BALL 0 0 0 0 1 12 1 0 0 0 8 4 2 9 0 0 1 0 a 0 0 0 0 Murphy Lieboldtr Col'ns 2 Weaver a Jackson I elsch cf Jourdan 1 n3 Schalk Tayne iusnerg fcerr Cicotte distinguishes it ordinary cigars New York May 21 Col Huston vice president of the New York Americans to day received a citation fromGen Pershing for meritorious service with the 16th engi neer regiment He served 18 months in rance Carpentier could have strengthened his case by stating that he' came over to meet Dempsey that he would wait until Dempsey was tried and that if the champibn was barred he would meet the next best man to be se lected full proof that he came over to fight as well as to pick up such spare change as promoters might lay at his feet He had more in hisfavor than Willard or Dempsey but these two had already made the circus motion picture idea unpopular before the renchman started Local Dusty League Opens at orest Park 0 1 0 0 1 now the fans who Total 3 0 1 1 1 GIANTS DEEAT BRUINS IN INAL 1 3 1 0 London May 21 rank Moran of Pittsburg to night knocked out rank Goddard the English heavyweight in the second round of what was to have been a 20 rounds bout Theflght took place in the Holbom stadium The bout started with both men going at a fast pace In the second round Goddard first was floored twice for counts respectively of nine and eight and then Moran landed a ter rific right on the jaw and heTzas counted out ANDERSON SELLS BOB EVERETT 210 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Representative Snow to Hurl irst Ball in Opening of Kacey League atWhip City INDIANS SCORE 9 TO 4 VERDICT 4 4 2 41 3 0 0 0 it is evident that ball players hit or a Happy Motor you can depend upon Atlantic Motor Oils because they are the expression of precision in the science of chemistry Added to this is engineering knowledge of a very high order There is quality in Chicago Runs letcher Stolen bases Young Sacrifice hits Kauff 2 lack Double plays Leal to Terry to Barber Deal to Hollocher to Barber Left on bases Chicago 6 New York Bases on balls off Tyler 4 off Toney 2 Struck out by Tyler 2 by Toney 4 Umpires Moran and Rigler Time Ih 42m A Complicated Affair It is a complicated affair allalong The only victory that can add to credit is a victory over Dempsey The next best in sight looks to be red ulton But Dempsey trimmed ulton in less than 20 seconds If Carpentier beat ulton just how much added glory would he gain And yet there are large flocks of the populace who are not inclined to cheer the idea of any visitor coming over here to clean up a fortune with out striking a blow One good battle over would revive all his early popularity But with him it is still a question as to whether this popularity is worth the chance of being beaten by a' second choice by someone who cham pion i 2 10 1 0 Winchester Barney Berry at 2 Milton and American Bosch Hour With Bauman and West inghouse' at 4 Detroit 3 i Philadelphia 4 Washington '(W 3 8 3 3 2 2 1 Indian Orchard May 21 The Chapman valve team of the Ofchard Ludlow Dusty league looks good to Manager James McCurry Bissonnette and Kamych both idols of the city league last season will don a uniform against iberloid Saturday afternoon in the first league game of the Dusty league The Chappers are to play the Wright wire company of on Berkshjre street grounds Sunday afternoon Representative Samuel Brown of this district who was one of the workers for Sunday sports has consented to pitch the first ball This is the first Sunday game for Indian Orchard looks forward to accommodating record breaking crowd 2 4 i It 0 2 0 4 1 0 1 2 3 0 po a A Westfield May 21 The baseball season here will open on the playgrounds Sunday afternoon at 330 when the local knights will meet the Home City team of Springfield Representative Dexter A of the Sunday baseball bill will pitch the first ball and Grand Knight John Powers will be be hind the bat The battery for the initial game will be McGourty on the mound with Battles a' whirlwind backstop from up country" behind the bat The line up of the infield will include: McGowan Lucia Clark Dempsey end Haskins The garden players will be picked from the following list of fast performers who have been trying out? for the past three weeks: ouchier Harrington Sturgeon Kee gan Sheehan Phair and Rehor Manager Tierney who pi loted the Whip Cities last year promises the fans of this town some fast ball every Sunday from now on as the baseball league as lined up will' be one of the fastest amateur circuits in Western Massa chusetts Pittsburg Blond Knocks Out God dard in Second Round Speediest Mounts of American Turf ace Barrier at Churchill Downs This Afternoon It takes less than 'a minute to drive ton floor over circular concrete ramps of Each car is allotted a certain stall and there it remains until removed by the owner Gasoline and oils on every floor by compressed air Suite of three rooms for lady patrons The most unique parking garage in America STEEL LEAGUE WORRIES ENDED 1 3 0 51 0 po A 1 8 24 11 0 3 1 3 0 8 ELIOT STREET GARAGE CO 147 175 ELIOT ST BOSTON Between Tremont Street and Park Square WALTON AV BLUNT Manager TEL BEACH 7701 29 10 27 11 0 1 0 0 0 THE SPK1NGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY MAY 22 1920 NEW YORK po a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 They are the answer to any question of lubri cation for your car or truck There is no problem for you to solve That has been done exhaustively by knowing minds The Atlantic dealer knows too tha for good work your engine needs only Atlantic Medium or Atlantic Polarine THE ATLANTIC REINING COMPANY Philadelphia May 21 our home runs during to 0 to 4 victory of Cleveland over Philadelphia ran the total of four base hits in the local park to 13 new record here for five playing days Walker who reg istered the first 6t the two Philadel phia circuit drives to day has made three of the 13 Philadelphia tbunched hits off Cald well and took the lead in the first inning but home run in "the second tied the score and Manager home run drive in the third scored two runners ahead of him and decided the game The sorce: po a 2 5 3 oio 1 3 1 1 37 12 27 17 0 4 3 3 4 PC7066175004671381673S9 333 King pitch To compete with Jimmy men Marty Conroy has decid ed upon the following as his isk team line up: Kane left field Jack son second base itzgerald third base erris first base Corliss cen ter field Carlson right field Gum shot short stop Harris catch and Maguire laherty or Busby pitch In the other 2 game Bob Milton Bradley team will line up: Brown right field Dunleavy seebnd base Tegan center field Smead catcher Moose eeley first base Pliny Donohue shortstop Hen derson left field Casey third base and Murphy or Johnson pitcher Hall Pratt of the Bosch team will have: Bromley center field Sullivan sec ond base erry shortstop Pow ers first base Griffith or Greenough right fiedl Bearg or Babin left field Case third base erry catcher and Sheehan Jennings or Trombley pitcher Hinds center field Dupree short stop La Belle left field Collins second base Randall or Rivest third lase Ilaverty first base right field Carduff Daley or St Marie pitcher and Potter catcher will represent Johnny West inghouse team in the 4 game 3 o3 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 BROOKLYN po a e560 2 4 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 GAMES TO DAY Detroit at Boston St Louis at New York Cleveland at Philadelphia Chicago at Washington Ware May 21 Bob Everett 210'4 owned by James Anderson of Church street was sold to day to McKinney Bros and Rockwood of Boston The sale price is said 'to be close to The horse was raced on several New England tracks last season by Mr Anderson and cleaned up at Avon Ct and kept within the money in nearly every ace he was in Prince Hamlin 213 a black stud owned by Euclide Danserau of West street went to the same firm as the Anderson hoyse' at a price said to approximate Both horses will probably appear on the New Hampshire and eastern Massachusetts tracks has also an Whlte Sox Hit All the Way Downing Senators 11 to 9 Washington May 21 Chicago be gan hitting the ball in thg first inning kept it up through the lOtli to day and won from Washington 11 to 9 Each team used four pitchers A pass to Liebold single and doubles by Weaver and Jackson gave the the afternoon Allie Kuhn who handled the Albany game so well here Thurs dav was understood to have been the likely candidate for the vacancy but Mr has ruled otherwise That the Eastern will trail the ma jors in the latest ruling of the latter regarding the is certain 'if Messrs Heydler and Johnson are satisfied that when a batter tries to dodge a pitch and his bat inadvertant ly comes in contact with the ball it should be called a strike if a foul and a fair ball if it is fair then such rul ing is good enough for Mr O'Neil High school sport activities were deadlocked yesterday on account of the incessant work of the weather man Diamonds were flooded and tennis courts were so slippery that tacket players would not have been able to work had they donned spiked baseball shoes This uncalled for work on old Jupe part was the cause of the postponement of a baseball game a tennis match and much practice work The baseball game was be tween the Cathedral high school and Palmer high and was to be played in Palmer Tho tennis match was scheduled to be played at Pratt field between Commerce and the Spring field college seconds The track teams of both Commerce Central high schools were to hold practice at Pratt field Next week calls for strenuous practice on the part of all the teams The interschool baseball series being practically over the teams will play the games that have been scheduled with outside high schools Doubles Tilden and Johnson Philadelphia defeated Williams and Harte Boston Pittsburg Gets to orver Providence Manager and Braves Lose Again Pittsburg Pa May 21 Eayrs was hit hard to day by Pittsburg who de feated the Boston Braves 9 to 0 After being touched for 15 hits and nine rune in five innings Eayrs was re lieved by Watson a recruit pitcher who held Pittsburg hitness for the last three innings Carlson was ef fective at ail times and received sen sational support score: po 2 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 CLEVELAND po Boston Continues to Hit Hard and De feats Tigers 8 to 3 Boston May 21 Boston continued its heavy hitting to day pounding Dauss and Ayers and defeating De troit 8 to 3 Owens put eight of the visiting players off the bench for boisterous talk Young and Scott fea tured with clever plays on slow rol lers A delightful aroma from TRAISER 4 CO Inc BOSTON WASHINGTON ab po 4 1 1 6 and Caner Boston defeated Craig Biddle and Shafer Philadelphia 14 12 Stanley Pearson and A Thayer Philadelphia" defeated IT Bundy and Dell Boston 6 1 CHICAGO ab po i 0 0 34 13 27 8 2 0 0 0 0 LOCAL KNIGHTS AT WESTIELD SUNDAY the field The Graney 1 Smith Gardner 3 CaldwTlp 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 National League AB 1 0 0 28 6 27 ife 2 Proving What You Will At the exact middla of May the Cleveland and St Louis clubs of the American league were batting 290 with Cincinnati and St Louis of the National league at 284 This being above the average harder in the spring than later on' when pitchers unfurl their kinks But on that same date the hard hitting Detroit club was registered at 3 with the supposedly hard hitting Giants and Pirates at 235 Proving in the main that spring dope is full of and that May a long long way from October (Case should boxing fans have hissed name in a moving picture questions a reader After Jess Willard won the championship from Jack Johnson he boxed but 10 rounds between the spring of 1915 and July 1919 He spent mest of his time in a circus and from a chance for great popularity he fell to extreme' unpopularity Jack' Dempsey was never very popular with 4000000 members of the A and the American Legion and a good many others He lost additional friends when he left the boxing game after his Willard conquest to clean up the movies Carpentier says that he came over to figlit Dempsey and fulfill a mo tion picture and vaudeville contract The situation that he faced was a rasping cne Dempsey was held in check by his own government and it was difficult to expect Carpentier to meet a second choice where he had little to gain and everything to lose On the other hand fight fans recalling the careers of Willard and Dempsey look for something different from the eminent renchman The multitude Jtt large had grown weary of seeing champions desert their profession to mop up on the side Probably most of the complaining multitude would have done the same But this alter the status of the squawk When they found there was little chance for Carpentier to fight over here a large peevishness immediately developed old was the general comment It quite the same old story with Dempsey his main opponent barred Chicago May 21 New York hit timely behind errors by Robertson and Killifer of Chicago and won the final game of the series here to day 2 to Tyler pitched in fine form for the locals and scored their lone run when he tripled and came home on single Chicago was un able to hit in the pinch The score: 1 13 1 4 2 St Louis Make it Three Ont of our from St Louis Mo took three out of phia by winning 1 bunching three hits with two passes off Smith in the seventh for two runs Umpire Hart ordered Rixey out of the game in the fifth when the latter after being hit by a pitched ball hurled his bat on top of the visit dugout whence it bounded into the grand stand Rixey protested it was an accident Luderus of the vis iting club was ordered off the field in the ninth for disputing a strike Hart called on Miller The score: Mayor Arthur A Adams will hurl the first ball at the opening exercises of theSpringfield Industrial this afternoon at orest park be assisted by the president board of aidermen who 4ill perhaps act as the other end of the battery Councilman Denny Hogan will be on "hand also to help with the opening He has always tak en a great interest in the league and President Jack Dillon thought it fit ting that he should be on hand for the opening game Ho will in all probability make the first hit off May or Adams Perhaps Councilman Ho gan will also entertain the fans with a few selections As for music there will be plenty of it tanager Bob Dunbar of the Mil tur aggregation announced ilia j's team would march to the field battle accompanying the tunes of a band Marty Conroy's isk team will also have a band to keep his men in tune These two mu sical delegations together with Denny vocal selections should fur nish plenty of side entertainment for the large erowd of fans who are ex pected to be present President Dillon nounced the names of the umpires wiiu win uiuciate in tns camps the game between the Winchester Barney Berry and the isk teams on diamond No 1 at' 2 either Gross or itzgerald will umpire Zer wich will call strikes and balls for the game between the Mlton Brad ley and the Amercan Bosch teams on diamond No 2 at 2 and Dickey will officiate for the Bauman clothing company and Westinghouse electric nines on diamond No 1 at 4 Representing Jimmy Win chester Barney Berry teairi for to game will be the followinig line up: Haines right field Wands or Morris third base: ar rell first base ord left field De vine left field: Dillon or McCarthv catch: Joe Holland shortstop Sul Memphis 5 Louisville Ky May 21 Thirteen distance horses of the older division which are regarded as among the speediest on the American turf had been entered to night to start in the Kentucky handicap which will be run at Churchill Downs to morrow after noon The race will carry $10000 in added money will be for three year olds and upward over a (distance of a mile and a quarter Apparently the public choice will center upon either Boniface which his won five of six starts this spring in cluding the Clark handicap King Gorin 1917 handicap winner Be rank winner of the Latonia derby last year or ine iorter wmen broken several racing records orest Hills May' Bos ton's tennis team outplayed Philadel phia in the opening matchesof the third annual series fur the Church cup on the turf of the West Side tennis club here to day The final re sult was five matches to four Boston tha holder of the trophy scored heavily in the singles Tilden 2d us the captan of the Phil adelphia forces however conquered Williams 2d the Boston leader with surprising ease The score was 6 1 3 Williams was outplayed and outspeeded in the rallies Richard Harte the stalwart Boston aspirant for a place on the American international team mastered his rival Johnson of Philadelphia 6 2 6 7 5 On service and at the net Harte excelled and he liteially fought his way through the rallies to a victory Princeton team defeated the Harvard team in a dual series five matches to four The threatening weather and a shower that caused a short postponement of play dimin ished the gallery Singles Richard Harte Boston defeated Wallace Johnson Philadelphia 1 7 r5 Porter Jr Boston de feated Carlton Shafer Philadelphia Caner Boston de Pearson Philadel Craig Biddle Phil Harry Johnson Wil'isthi Til den 2d Philadelphia defeated Nor ris Willia ns 2d Boston 6 3 Irving 'Ci Wright Boston defeated Alexander Thayer Philadelphia Morgan and Lennon Likely Mound Opponents at League Park as Men Go After Erstwliile League Leaders i No club in the Eastern has any more drawing power or fascination for the fans" than Bridgeport and EdWaJly and his Americans are sched uled to play at League park to day Bridgeport has shown a strong desire to have its own way in the circuithus far and it was only on the last with New and Manager Me a ST LOUIS 2 1 4 DETROIT ab 3 I 1'0 2 PHILADELPHIA Eliot Street Garage NOW IN HEART SHOPPING THEATER AND BUSINESS DISTRICT CAPACITY 600 CARS NO 1 ENTERTAIN ED BRIDGEPORT AMERICANS HERE TO DA NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS Pittsburg 9 Boston 0 New York 2 Chicago 1 St Louis 3 Philadelphia I Brooklyn 3 Cincinnati 0 STANDING THE CLUBS lack Hof cher a Barber 1 Peal 3 2 4 KHUferc 3 Tyler Total 0 0 0 RESULTS Boston S' Cleveland 9 Chicago 11 nings) St Louis at wit grounds STANDING GAMERS TO DAY Boston at Cincinnati Brooklyn at Pittsburgh New York at Louis Philadelphia at Chicago Young 2 Cobbcf Teach 1 Heil'an 1 Shorten Bush Jones 3 Datias pAvera Hale laga'adt Total 4 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 At Little Rock: Little Rock' 13 Mo bile 5 At Birmingham Birmingham 2 Chattanooga 1 At Memphis: New 10 At Toledo i Milwaukee 10 Toledo 9 Uvan second base agd Moore At ash villef Atlanta 6 Nashville A Total 29 St Louig Philadelphia 0 0 Runs Smith McHenry Goodwin Will iams Two base hit lavan Three base hit Willlama Stolen base Sacrifice hits Lebourveau Rixey Double plats Smith Wheats and Paulette: Hornsby and ournier Left on basee Philadelphia 7 St Louis 4 irst base on balls off Smith 2 off Goodwin 1 Hits off Rixey 4 In 4 innlngg off Smith 4 in 4 Hit by pitcher by Good win (1) Rixey Struck out by Rixey 1 by Smith 1 by Goodwin 1 Losing pitcher Smith Umpires Hart and McComick Time Ih 55m Rap for Rixey in fifth fBatted for Wheat in Yonnr Lear Tyler Two base hits Throe base hits Robertson Tyler 5 3 10 1 0 0 0 their winning margin in 10th The score: CHICAGO po A 0 0 1 4 our Homers eature Game at Philadelphia Powell rick 2 Mann 1 ('raise Holke 1 Boeckel 3 i Ma vllles I 0 EajTB'p arson Refuses to Discuss Possibility of His Return to Bing Visit Arouses Interest New York May 21 Jess Mallard former heavyweight champion of the world arrived here to day from his home in Kansas Willard who stated that he weighed 270 pounds appeared to be in excellent physical condition The former title holder said that he was here off private business and re fused to discuss the possiblity of hi3 return to the ring "This is a matter upon which I have taken a noncommittal stand for the said Willard can not state what my future plans might be for I have other business matters thta are claiming my entire attention I know however that my farming and roughing it in the oil lands had kept me in fine shape and that I can regain the necessary ring condition should I decide to resume boxing at some later arrival Jiere at a time when Promoter 'Tex Rickard is ex pected daily to return from the West and the possibility that the Walker boxing bill may be signed by Gov Smith permitting 15 round bouts io a decision has aroused special inter est ip thq heayj vYeight situation RAIN AGAIN HALTS HIGH SCHOOL PLAY 0 0 0 0 0 39 14 30 11 1 2 0 2 0 Colling Liebold Collins 4 tVtllvlnQA TAA veaver jacKgun eiBvii wmmhwu 4 Milan Roth Ellerbe Shannon 2 Two base hits Judge Weaver 2 Gharrity Rice Collins 2 Jackson Three base hits Wilkin son elsch Stolen bases Rico 2 elsch Sacrifice hits Collins Gharrity Double plars Schacht to Gharrity to Judge Weaver to Collins to Jourdan Collins to Weav er to Jourdan Left tn bases Chicago 11Washington 11 Bases on balls off Schacht 2 off Winkinson 6 off Snyder 2 off Payne 1 off Courtney 1 off Kerr 3 off Shaw 1 Hits off Schacht 5 in 2 innings off Shaw 3 in 2 off Snyder 3 in 4 off Courttfey 4 in 2 off Wilkinson 5 In 5 (none out in flthl off Payne 3 in 1 off Kerr in 3 2 3 off Cicotte 0 in 1 3 Struck out by Snyder 1 by Wilkinson by Payne 1 bv Courtney 2 by Kerr 1 Wild pitch Snyder Winning pitcher Kerr loser Shaw Umpires Moriarty and Con nolly Time 2h 38m Batted for Payne in Total Bostorf' Detroit Runs Hooper 2 McNally Menosl McInnis oster Scott Walters Veach Bush lag stead Two base hits Jones lagstead Mc Nally McInnis Thrco base hits Hooper os ter Stolen base Veach Sacrifice hits Shorten Walters McNally Double play Walters to oster Left on bases Detroit 10 Boston 6 irst base on balls off Daus 1 off Ayets 1 off Russell 4 Hits off Daus 7 in 5 innings off Ayers 6 In 3 innings Strack mit hr IlfliigR bv Avers 3 bv HusrsII 4 7th tBatted for Murphy in 8th JBatted for Wild pitch Russell Losing pitcher Dauss Collins in 10t JBatted for Schacht Jn 2d Umpires Oweng and Chill Time 2h 8m IBatted for Snyder an 6tb HBatted for for Dauss in sixth fBated for Ayers Courtnev in 8th Batted for Shaw in 10th in ninth BOSTON i ab 4 Total 35 11 27 9 1 ClevelanJ 1 Philadelphia 1 0 Rigbee I Carey cf WhHted3 Cutshaw2 CatoiH Grimm 1 Schmidt Lee Carlson Total 3G 15 17 1G 0 Pittsburg 4 0 Runs Bigbee Southworth Whitted 2 Cut shaw 2 Grimm Schmidt Carlson Two base hits Carey Cutahaw Carlson Three base hits Bigbee Whitted Double plays Eayrs Gowdy and Holke Caton vutshaw and Grimm Left on bases Boston 7 Pittsburg 5 Bases on balls off Eayrs 2 off Carlson 2 Hits off Eayrs 15 in 5 innings off Watson 0 in 3 Struck out hy Eayrs 1 by Watson 1 Losing pitcher Eayrs Umpire Klem and Emslle RESULTS All games postponed rain STANDING THE CLUBS Won J2 11 8 000 Kuns Graney Chapman Speaker Smith Gardner Jobinrtw Caldwell 2 Dyke 2 Walker Welch Two base hits Johnston Speaker Gardner Dykes Witt Blgbce Home runs Smith Speaker Walker Dykes Stolen lse Thomas Sacrifice hits Chapman Witt Double play Gardner and Johnston Left on bases Cleveland 5 Philadelphia 8 Bases on balls oft Caldwell 1 off Bigbee 3 oft Hasty 1 Hits off Blgbee 0 in 5 1 3 innings off Hasty 2 in 3 2 3 Struck out by Caldwell 4 hy Blgbco 2 Wild pitches Bigbee Hasty Losing pitcher Blgbee Umpires Hildebrand ana rvans time in fiat tea zor in ninth time the club played Haven thatit was pushed out of' first tlace in the standing The Americans have come within tialf a gtme of winning two thirds of their tussles this spring and Walsh lias been getting high class pitching from his staff right along In fact Mio pitching family in the league has turned in better hurled ball games than Marty Walsh Ed Stauffer Bill Lennon and the rest This is one big Meason' why Bridgeport is to be found Up there battling for the lead The last named Lennon is the most Ekely to be given the pitching respon kibility to day by the former White Box star Ed is not in the habit of dominating his hurling favorite before the afternoon of the game but to day's selection lies between Lennontend Killifer a right hander whom NVaish worked yet but who may get a chance against the Hamp pens to day Lai Brackett Gene Martin and the Grimes twins Ray Lats fourth and Roy sixth are all with the club again The local management was anxious io get Big Ed to take the mound Jiimself for this Saturday contest but Ed is not yet in proper condition to Undertaking a nine inning grind He is getting in personal touch with East rrn league ball by doing a pinchitting stunt now and then but will Lot pitch till he feeis himself right Cy Morgan the one local pitener kvho has shown any guarantee of be ing able to go the nine inning routetvill probably be trotted out by Jack Morgan is just best bet and seen him in action so far will more than likely be given that priv ilege to day Ace Jensen is the al ternate choice Another event Hampden support ers are expecting to day and Holyok ers in particular is to have rank Duffy shatter local early season tecords and hit in seven straight games The Paper only contri Ubution to the league has gone through the last six tilts without missing his base hit and if he can trash one to day he will set a new (local consecutive hitting mark which while nothing to write home about will be a new record for t'ie Hampden batters to shoot at Duffy and Bobby Rice are doing the mpsi reliable bat work for lynn's flock I Gonzales is not yet ready to get back into the line up so Silva will short and Dunn second Tommy Naughton at first base is looked to lor some more of his flashy bits On both the occasions Bridgeport knd Springfield have met so far E4 men have been happier after the game than but both these encounters took place on soil foreign to the Hampdens On their own lot they hope to turn the tables Victory for the Hampdens to day Will help toward putting them backin third place New Haven playa the Hillies in Pittsfield to day and Bridgeport is banking on the cham pions taking a fall out of the present league leaders Bridgeport is "playing too Other leagues besides the Eastern lave risen and declared their in dignance ovard the Steel league The American association with President Hickey at the head is the latest of 'the righteously wrathy But the Eastern for one will not in future by pesterings from the Steel circuit In the opinion of President Dan Mr wrote to certain of the big steel men whom he was unable to find at home when he made his recent trip to Lebanon Pa and reply has reached him to the effect that he need have no further worry about contract ed players in the Eastern being ap proached by Steel leaguers and enticed away from their clubs TL head of the Eastern plans to take another swing down into Pennsylvania before long though no definite date for the visit has been set He will then erf deavor to come to a final settlement With the steel people Though all the big men were not conferred with on the first trip be it noticed that no more ball players have hopped the Eastern since that time Mr O'Neil now feels sure that Steel league raids are now a thing of the past Umpire McLoughlin has been ap pointed to fill the acancy recently left by the departure of Jimmy Ennis McLoughlin officiated in the league last season and his first assignment year will be the Erictaeport Springfield game at league park this 8 11 8 GAMES TO DAY Bridgeport at Springfield New Haven at Pittsfield Hartford at Waterbury Albany at Worcester The score: BOSTON ab 4 4 4 3 1 4 4 4 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Indianapolis: Minneapolis 9 In dianapolis 1 vAt Louisville: St Paul 5 Louis ville 3 At Columbus: Columbus 6 Kansas City 0 Wesleyan Saturday May 22 At 300 Pratt ield Amherst Total 32 6 24 13 1 0 4 0 0 0 Brooklyn Bunches Hits Off 'Eller for3 to 0 Triumph Cincinnati May 21 Cadoro pitched his first full game for Brook lyn to day since his' record breaking 2G inning tie against Boston and shut out the champions 3 to 0 The Brooklyns made five straight hits off Eller in the fifth inning earning their three runs Luque relieved Eller aft er the latter walked the first man up in the sixth and allowed only one hit in the last four innings The score: CINCINNATI ab po 4 Daubertl 4 vron Roush cf 3 23 Chicago 1110 0 0 Washington 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 Runs Collins Wmvh Rath 2 Groh 3 Duncan 1 Kopf Neale Wingo Eller Luoue Ruether 1 0 Total 31 8 27 19 Total Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 3 Runs Konetchy Kilduff Kreuger Two base hit Ward Three base hit Konetchy Sacrifice hit Myers Double plays Eller to Groh to Rath Kilduff to Olson to Konetchy 2 Cadore to ward to Konetchy Left on bases Brooklyn 6 Cincinnati 2 Bases on balls off Eller 2 off Luque 1 off Cadore 1 Hits off Eller 7 in 5 innings off Luque 1 in 4 Hit by pitcher by Eller 1 Strack out by Eller 2 by Luque 1 by Cadore 2 pitcher Eller Umpires and Quigley Time Ih 23mBatted for Luque in ninth 0 0 0 4 I I i I JR A Hornsby 27 107 19 44 411 Groh 108 24 41 380 Daubert 26 101 17 36 356 LeBourveau 20 67 7 22 328 Myers 24 03 12 30 323 American League Johnston 26 92 8 39 424 Jackson 26 105 12 40 381 Jacobson 26 93 14 34 366 Weaver 26 112 23 40 357 Gerber 26 84 8 30 357 Won Lost Pc Cleveland 20 8 714 Boston 18 9 667 Chicago 15 It 577 New York 14 IS 519 St Louis 13 II 481 Washington 13 15 464 Philadelphia 17 346 Detroit 7 21 250 Won Lost1 PO Pittsburg I 10 616 Cincinnati 17 11 607 Brooklyn 13 to 565 Chicago 15 15 500 St Louis 13 15 '141 New York it it 110 Boston 13 135 Philadelphia 11 17 7593 po a ab po a' 0 2 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 Bancroft 4 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 cf 4 3 1 0 0 112 0 Stengel 4 1 0 0 0 2 2 5 0 JMH'er2 4 3 2 0 2 0 0 1 Pauletta 1 3 1 li RMil'er3 4 112 0 0 5 10 2 1110 2 4 0 0 AVheat 1 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 Rixey 0 0 0 2 0 1'0 4 0 GSmithp 1 0 0 3 0 Gallia 0 0 0 0 (1 lleuself 10 0 0 0 8 27 14 1 Total 31" 9 24 0 0 1002000 1.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 6271

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.