The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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8 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: MONDAY JANUARY 2 1939 BELCHERTOWN Holyoke Ware Northampton MANY NEW HOLIDAY WEEKEND REVELS ARE HELD SUNDERLAND IS AIRLY SERENE of a scheduled tonighLThe the Of VIED TURNERS ALLS HATIELD fell Mrs WHATELY SOUTH DEERIELD MONSON ORANGE BROOKIELD GODDARD the GRANBY GILBERTVILLE rntiiAu club license Josei Malcolm their Play Banquet hall were played refreshments was enjoyed White's or lohn Mr ehan of lorence and Wni Salvo of' this city have i eturned Year's revel up to a fair REV KENDIG CULLY TO WED IRIS ARNOLD the rear of 36 A Yard by Lucey was Alasonic station over will meet 315 at the Universalist rank street Providence illness lie club at the to New York after spending the holi days with their parents Air and Mrs Walter Tessier of Hart ford are visiting Air and Mrs Wilfred Tessier of Dickinson street before noon Damage Du Eva Al and ton Northfield and July 12 mystery lunch August 16 Doinliia Roheri Robert 78 died at his Pleasant street this morn a short illness He was and had for 50 DAVIS In thin city th 31t ult Dr rederick Davie 54 of 233 orest Park avenue Services Monday afternoon at 230 al Ratell'a funeral home 734 State street Springtield Burial In Hillcrest Park ceme $25000 UND DRIVE TO OPEN WEDNESDAY years Since she has been a or the past son At 1:30 She's the Hit of Holvoke PAULETTE GODDARD the 3d Sth 9th 12th 16th 19th 23d 26th and 3th Observe 25th Anniversary Air and Mrs Joseph Collingwood of Beech street observed the 25th an niversary of their wedding with a large gathering of relatives and friends at their home last evening Alls Collingwood was formerly Alisa Mae Alderman daughter of Air and Airs Eugene Aiderman council of Boy Scouts of America now shows a total enrol ment of 935 the largest in its history Miss Clarissa Green is general chair man of the committee in' charge of the tea dance of the Junior Service corps which will take 'place at the Roger Smith hotel tomorrow after noon This is an annual event which attracts many of the younger set home from college for the holidays Postmaster James Dowd has an nounced that anotal of $3629 will be paid to 160 persons employed as extra help 'for the Christmas rush OX Westfield the 31st Arthur Ho rstlo ox nt his home 65 Jefferson street uneral from the Sampson funeral home Monday nt 2 Burial in ine Hill cemetery Weotfleld SPRINGIELD PEOPLE HURT IN ACCIDENT EAST CHURCH SUPPER SCHEDULED THURSDAY GRANGE ANNOUNCES PROGRAM OR YEAR Shrrwin Lund of 16 II plncfs concerts rn and dinners were ar midnight and from then ni dancing was cn comnanv Monday at 2 with orc tn prelude at 130 Interment at Oak Grove cemetery SILK COMPANY MAY TAKE OVER VALLEY PLANT GAYNOR AIRBANKS JR Mrs Mary Cohen and John Scrafino Injured by lying Glass as Car Hits Pole Holyoke Jan Mrs Alary Cohen of 100 Sargeant street and John Sera fmo of 26 Central street Springfield sustained injuries from flying glass anl a shaking up when the car in which they were riding skidded into a pole on Alain street near Day avenue about 820 this morning Alichael Tazerus of 21 Essex street was op erating the car owned by Nemeer Gharveb of 33 Aliller street Spring field In addition to the injured per sons those in the car were Abraham Cohen husband of Alary Cohen Da vid Cohen 4 1 Hebron street Spring field and James Moran of 300 Liberty street Springfield There were eight minor accidents last evening owning to the slippery condition of the streets but there was only small property damage and no personal injuries three sisters Aliases Mary Theresa and Catherine McQuillan well known beauty parlor operators for many years two brothers John and Dr Thomas AfcQuillan all of Holyoke The funeral will be held at the Dil lon funeral parlors Tuesday morning at b30 followed by a solemn high mass of requiem at the Holy Rosary church at 10 Burial will bo in St Jerome's cemetery he following pro ITth nt a In inn lecture on "Wild by Norman Wil inusic by Bo members to be be IS ap Police Have Little to Do Despite Numerous New Parties One Driv Alrs rank Dunn of Izint Island Miss Barbara four sons Edward rancis nnd John all of Holyoke Committee to Organize To morrow Backers Confi dent of Success Northampton Jan 1 Organization of the committee which will seek a fund of $25000 to aid in establishing a new industry in this city will be made Tuesday night" The campaign wiH get under way the following day Confident that citizens of North ampton will come to the front early with the necessary cash it is the plan ot those behind the campaign to run it for a week only Already several busi nessmen and citizens have offered to make sizable contributions to the fund in the belief that it will aid general conditions here President Edward Cooney of the Chamber of Commerce has pointed out that the money to be raised in this city will be deposited in a local bank and will be spent for local labor and sup plies None of the money will leave this city the Chamber president has stated from the weekend Damage caused bv home of John itut undteiniined origin the blaze was tinguished before it could spread i ue ciosei some pare! was destroyed and the inter ior of the room was damaged bv smoke and water A chiitncy fire at the home of A aleur of to Elizabeth street was pui snortiy was slight In this city the 31st tilt Morns (luUIenette 10 wife of Alfred nf Hyrt awnu uneral from funeral hom Wednday rnornin at 815 hiph maaa in AH church at 9 Burial in Notre Dame ceme tery South Hadley alla Northampton Jan 1 Although downtown liquor establishments and restaurants were crowded until an early hour this morning with cele brators police activity was reduced to a minimum Only one erring cele brator who ventured on the streets ran into the clutches of the law Police reported that no untoward incidents were brought to their at tention last nicht Ceiehrators con fined their activities to private parties for the most part Tonight celebrations were held at the Elks' home on Center street and the American Legion headquarters at Memorial hall Both places were crowded as were all liquor estab lishments staging special holiday pro grams One driver was nabbed by the state police drive against drunken drivers Matthew Jxoska 23 of street South Deerfield i Taylor Bartlett SO of 37 Spruce Springfield widow of William uneral at the parlors ot Dickln 303 30 state etreet At Holyoke the 31st Mrs i allon) Cavanaugh wife of Tat avanaugh of 162 South street from ne Hobert Sons parlor Monday morning at 815 gh mas of requiem In Blessed eh ireb at 9 Burial In Calvary slightly injured in a collision at the of Maple street and Esther Bolton of In this city th 31st Harry Burbank of 121 Allen street uneral 'vlH be held from funeral home XVert'KiMUy afternoon at 130 Burial at Dnmina home 359 ing after born in St Michel been a resident of this citv years He was a retired brick mason He was a member of the Bricklayers' union and had been a member of the Perpetual Help parish for many years He leaves his widow Eugenie sette) Robert: five sons John Aloise Rosario and Lionel of Holyoke and Emile at home five daughters Airs William itzgerald Mrs Louis St Iziwrence and Airs Alfred Tgiro chelle of Holyoke Airs rank Didier of New York city and Miss Claire at home five brothers Moise ortuna ami Camille all of Albany Joseph of Willimansett and Eugene of South Vladley alls: one sister Mrs Eugenic Robert' of North ampton also 26 grandchildren The funeral will be held at the Messier Lacombe funeral parlors Wednesday at 9 followed by a solemn high mass of requiem at Perpetual Help church at 930 Burial will be in Notie Dame cemetery alarm was rung in from 115 a from the corner and Center streets The was called at 758 this to 170 Hampden street there was a fire BENNETT At Northampton th 1st Hman Bennett fad of Becket uneral from th Haley funeral parlors Chester TueuscUy afternoon at 2 Burial in Becket MrCAUEEY At Chicopee the 30th Al exander McCauley of 92 Austin street Chlrop The ritual of the will held Monday at 830 at the funeral parlor of Sampson com pany 730 Stat street: The funeral win Tuesday morning at "10 In terment will tak place In Hlllcr st Park maaoleum riends Invited At Chicopee alls the 31st ult Miss Margaret McLaughlin of 38 East street avenu uneral from the John Shea funeral parlors Chicopee alla Monday morning at followed by at solemn requiem high mass at St Pat church at Burial will he In St cemetery MYERS At Northampton the lt Michael 31yers 61 ot 18 Bright street after a long illness uneral at the home Wednes day morning at 813 followed by a high mass of tequiem at St church at 9 Buriat In St Mary's cemetery Ahearn Restaurants and Elks Have tended Parties Holyoke Jan worked Themselves pitch of enthusiasm about midnight in the various dine and dance spots of the city where the deferred celebra tions same pattern wa adopted by practi cally range: up ou until a PETERSON In T'aliurr the at the linmr 12 Orchard street Charles Pctersdn 72 ervlr? 'll he held at the fu hnr'erf Brri Main Monday 23 Rev 1 A nfftcUftng frr Oak BLAIR At Ludlow th 1st Mr Emma Blair 65 of 59 Amherst streetVnrl Wednesday morning at 15 from Retell home Indian Orchard fol lowed with' service at 8 at St Jean de church Burial in St Aloyaju a rrnt' ry CLOGGED DRAINS Opened or No Charge No Digging ROTO 0 0 PHONE 4 3754 MCDONALD At Holyoke th 31st Mrs 'Elizabeth Jeton) McDonald 95 wife of Timothy McDonald of 28 Lyman trt uneral from the Dillon funeral parlors Tuesday morning at 830 high mass of rnuem in Holy Rosary church at 9 Burial In 'thia city the 30th Edward LeMay of 494 Page boulevard uneral held from the funeral home of Geortre Pierre 576 State street Monday morn ing at P15 followed by a high mass of re huiem at St Thomas Aquinas' church at 9 urlal wtH be in St cemetery estimated at $200 fire in a closet at Brennan of morning tne rtay on which they must be filed with the RUSSIAN BARONESS WILL GIVE LECTURE irst Meeting the Hth to Include Instalation of New Officers Sunderland Jan Miss Ida Clark lecturer of Sunderland Grange luin rtiiiiouncni 1 gram for the year of olficers 25th life on Alt kinson of state college William Vesvy of bcout troop 508 guests ebruary public military whist party 22 patriotic play tigroup sing ing led by Mrs William current events by Aliss Margaret Joskn box social with Robert Harris as auctioneer colonial dances John inn prompter March 8 covered dish supper with Airs Richard Dickinson as chair man concert hy Girls' Glee club 22 night with Greenfield hnd Southampton invited April 12 conferring of first and second degrees 26 conferring of third and fourth degrees May 10 apple blossom ride and meeting at Buckland: 21 safety night by Charles Ricker of Greenfield: "Safety on the by Patrolman Albert Hayes of the state police June 1 1 fifth annua flower show 28 neighbors' night with Easthamp Asnnein invited ride and picnic progressive so ciable and scavanger hunt September 7 Hampshire County Pomona Grange meets at Sunder land 13 lecture on by John Mandell of Al 27 com petitive night men against women October 11 debates on "That single crop farming is more profitable than diversified farming" nnd "That more accidents are caused by wives' on the back seat than by sweethearts on the front" cookie contest 25 neighbors' night with South Hadley Plainfield and Buckley invited November 1 harvest supper elec tion of officers and sociable 15 meeting in charge ot home and com munity service committee: current events by Mrs Herbert Bixby December 6 mock trial 20 chil dren's Christmas party SYNAGOG SERVICE HELD OR SIMON COHN Northampton Jan Simon Cohn prominent local merchant who died Thursday became one of two men whose memory had been so honored today when services for him were held Israe! synagog Rabbi Morris ishman officiated The bearers were Samuel CarLson August Myer Ziff Hyman A August David eld man and Burt Alichelman all of this city Burial was in Israel ceme tery AMHERST BABY HOLDS HOSPITAL 1939 HONOR Northampton Jan 1 The son ofMr and Airs Louis Aliazca of South East street Amherst was the only New Year's baby born at Dickinson hospital today He arrived this morn ing A son born to Air and Airs Gccige 'Made of 52 Water street missed be coming a New Year's baby by only a few hours He was Ixirn earlj last night th 31 Mrs wif of Ortav reltier of 19 Whitint? street uneral rom the funeral parlors of Sampson ompny 730 State street Tuesday mornincr it 815 dlowM by service at All Souls' iBirrh 9 riends invited At Holyoke the 31st ult rank McQuillan of 93 Canal street husband of Joe (Llnnehan) McQuillan uneral from the Dillon funeral parlors Tusday morning at 930 solemn mass of requiem in Holy Rosary rhurch at lO Burial tn St cemetery In nZ th divided celebration mo of the dancing restaurants 5ero well rmuded Although not in such krge numbers as in previous ars Holjnke council Knichts or Co bimbus occupied the ballroom ot the Hoct Siuith for a private parly at tended by about 400 The HnlyoRo loctec of Elks conducted a party at the TZlks home at which about 175 were present Tn addition there were innumerable ho parties attempting tn launch the new year properly Several of the motion picture houses conducted dawn shows socalled and a few of the larger dance halls started promptly at midnight on dawn dances A Gash box 14 3 of L' iitan apparatus morning where There was no damage Robert Gillette deputy income tax cMlertnr for the commonwealth will he the aldct manic chamber for two days each week starting Tuesday to assist in preparing income returns His hours will he from 9 to 4 on Tearing Bonn Machine iioji Turners alls Jan 1 What was formerly the Montague Alachine shop is being demolished by employes of the Turners alls Dower and Electric company This building wis badly damaged during the September huiri cane It was used for several years for storage by the machine com pany Watch night services were held at the Baptist church last night the services beginning at 10 Rev Irv ing letcher pastor of the Congrega tional church in Millers alls gave the sermon Rev William A Knight pastor of the church had charge The St Stanislaus Polish society will hold a supper and dance in their hall on street tomorrow evening for members and their families Directors of the Keith Paper com pany have elected Paul Hn Igdon of the Glassine company of Moniv ecutive vice president and general manager of the company The fol lowing are the directors: Chailes Stoddard of Greenfield red Abercrombie of Turners alls: Paul Hodgdon of Monroe Bridge Jef ferson Newbold of Boston Stanley Benton of Pittsfield John Smead of Greenfield John Begley of Holyoke: Albert Smith of Turners alls Costigan of St Louis and Douglas Crocker itch burg Wallape I Harston of Turners alls is treasurer A president will be chosen at a future meeting of the directors The meeting of Clarence tv Allen post American Legion schedule for tomorrow night has been imstpcncd until Tuesday night on account of the holiday At this meeting delegates will be chosen to attend the snectnl state convention in Boston red TV Macker will show moving vjctUres of a fishing trip in Nova Scotia by the members of the Ton Point club an organization of ranklin count sportsmen and refreshments will be served William Zink of Third street had a narrow escape from serious injury yesterday morning at Montague City His car was being towed and in leav ing the main road in front of the postoffice his car which he was steering loft the road and crashed through the fr nre besirle tho rnad ing to Hiph street and landed upsideO in the brook He rcived wetting and escaped with a few hnnses A daughter was hnrn yc sterdav ntorning at the ranklin muntv hes" P'tal to Mr and Mrs Russell Pierce of Street The baby is a grand daughter of Air and Mrs Stuart Winch 'dreet and Mrs I Pierce of Montague center mYOUNG mHEaRT 2nd 1 cat urp rankie Darro Wanted TBhye Police" Large Groups at Hotels and of Well At Hen chib Mr Clarence There will be papers on "Winter birds of Western Massachusetts" bv Mrs John Richards "Bird houses and feeding bv Mrs Harry Billings and "Bird bv Mrs Lovell a question box will b'Hotw There will bo an exhibit of bird houses and feeding stations Any young man from 17 to 15 years of ago eligible and interested in go ing to a CCC camp should report to the hoard of public welfare by MedncsdajY King Philip chapter Order of Kast ern Star has received an invitation to attend the instalation of Lnn chapter at the Communiv building at Longmeadow tomorrow The funeral of Airs Alary A (al lonj Cavanaugh wife of Patrick Cavanaugh of 182 South street will take place at the James llobert Sons funeral parlors tomorrow morn ing at 815 followed by a solemn high mass of requiem at Blessed Sacra ment church at 9 Burial will be in Calvary cemetery The funeral of Airs Elizabeth fTes ton) AIcDonald 95 wife of Timothv McDonald of 28 Lyman street will take place at the Dillon funeral par lors Tuesday at 830 followed by a high mass of requiem at Holy Ro sary church at 9 Burial win be in St cemetery The funeral of Sister Alary Aloy sius a longtime member of the Sis ters of Providence will take place to morrow morning with a solemn high mass of requiem at Onr Lady of Sor rows chapel mother house Bright side at 8 lnrial will bo jn Cnlvary cemetery Brightside The funeral of Mrs Mary I Chap man took place this afternoon at the Alger funeral parlors Darrow officiated and burial was in orestdale cemetery The bearers were Arlo Carrington William Car rington Albert Chapman Parke Chapman Clarence Barnes' and Ed ward Miller Jrrank McQuillan XI 40111 an OQ 1 died late last night at the hACTHtOl Otten piini Hi I 4 OiiUi nild rpfiufent rf the city for more than 50 years and had been employed in the Mt Toni division of the American Writing Paper corpora ion for more than 35 years He leaves his willow Airs Josie (Iinnohan) McQuillan four daughters Mrs Paul Vaillancourt of White Plains Mrs James Alun gaii nr inis city Inshin Hehir state director of fisheries and game department of conservation will be the chief speaker at the annual birthday paitx of the Connecticut Game Hit er ish asso ciation the nicht of the 11th at Cai negie hall Dr Charles Stark Jr of Rec avenue is spending the holiday in I'hiladel phia Miss Elsie Stork of 13 Green avenue is spending a few da is in New York city Aliss Emma Butor of Maple avenue and Aliss Anna Borowski of Wood bine avenue are spending the weekend in New York city Air and Mrs Billings of 33 spending the Rev A HAndanian will begin a series ot book reviews beginning next Sunday and on alternate Sundays at 730 at East church The ser mons will be based on the following books: 'Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier "The by Alarjorie Rawlins's The Rediscovery of Man by Henry Link This and L'rtTyene hZ RacJel ield and fell of by Laura Krey The "na! talk will be on March 5 The public Is invited lcn lodee of Masons win meet at 30 tomorrow night to confer the nrst degree Automobiles operated bv Dennis McLoughlin of West Brookfield and Sarkis Alananassian of New York city wore in collision at the font rr Long hill EnfioM Load vVtordnv Lath machines had to bo to enrages George Al Sanford of Wrst street lost several of his largest hens in a nUfit supPnEed' by dogs during the cnae one nt a half doz en similar ones in that vicinity but no one has been ahlo to locate animals causing the damaged former Ware high athlete is serving as substitute on the Georgetown university basketball team this season and saw rvVe jn the Iojola and American university games He will be used in the New York university game at Madison Square Garden on January 4 an 1 i he makes the showing expected win no doubt be a regular foidhe remain der of the season A new record which exceeds the average of the Guernsey bfecd for her and class has been com pleted by a year old cow of the Greenway arm herd Starli ht of Ware 2d The official record vised bj Massachusetts State colle rounds milk and 555 poLmls butter fat in claps Kernarri Smit hworth who was MRS SLABINSKI DEAD AT AGE 34 Northampton Jan Mrs Bertha (Stefanski) Slabinski 31 wife of John Slabinski of 12 Wright avenue died this morning at Dickinson hos pital after a short illness Born in Southampton August 1 1904 she had liven in inar town tor 1 her marriage in 1922 resident of this citv eight years she had been emploved at the Smith college laundry Besides her husband she leaves a daughter Grace: a son John Jr both at hom*o six sisters Mrs Mary Rrinn Mrs Wanda McCarthy Airs Josephine Desmarais Airs Grace Wilk and Miss Lillian Stefanski all of Easthampion and Airs Gladys Boijolev of Holyoke' and three brothers Anthony Stanley and Joseph Stefanski all of East hainpton In 'bi city the 1t Mrs Dora A Nwl rf 16l Rumnr avenue uneralrvirp parlnrs 37 39 Howard Tuesday morning lu Burin! in jripatueooro In this city Mary (Malon eltier avenue by Lucey was damaged to the extent of about $10 yesterday afternoon The blaze was brought under control after the roof of the garage had been destroyed No damage resulted from a slight chimney fire at 27 Orchard street ves terday afternoon Hrfmi'ii Called for Chimney AU available apparatus from the Alasonic street fire station respond to a bell alarm rung in from box 18 early tonight A small chimnev fhe in a block at 408 Pleasant street owned by rank Zabarowski was quickly extinguished Thero was no damage EAST BROOKIELD 350 MORE AUTO PLATES TAKEN AT REGISTRY Northampton Jan Although it was not possible to obtain accurate figures on the number of sets of reg istration plates given out at the lo cal office of the registry of motor vehicles it was reported today that up to yesterday noon the local branch had distributed 350 more sets than last year at the same time A total of about 6000 sets of pas senger plates has been given out at the local office thus far for this year and the truck figure runs about 1200 Yesterday morning a total of about 600 sets went while the registry worked at top speed throughout the morning Gilbertville Jan The Hardwick have granted the hquor licenses for the year 1939 bn st cIass UnjOI) hotel an(J uJindSor hote: restaurant licenses wn7 and bcer Thomas Builan William Irftcombe Henry Melanson proprietor Homesload pneka stores sole of all kinds of Hqimra John alardi Wheelwright an 1 Jo ad GJbert ph police drive in this area North Alain was locked up at the state police barracks here on charges of drunk enness and drunken driving shortly before 4 this morning He was taken into custody by State Troopers Leo Latham and William Alack ot Whately A companion was ar rested for drunkenness One person this morning intersection Wright avenue East Northfield sustained an injury to her right leg According to po lice she was a passenger in a car operated by Guilford Bolton of East Northfield which collided with a machine driven hy John Ma honey of 110 Draper street Spring field Patrolmen Roger McGrath and Alichael Shea investigated Concern Employing 750 Per sons Considering Locating in Ware Building Va cant tight Months "Ware Jan An executive silk manufacturing concern is consid ering the W'are Valley plant here as a location for a business which would employ 750 persons Representatives of the silk concern and a member of the New York firm of selling agents for Mills inc present owners of the Vnlley plant have been here rcccntlv Ap parently there is but one objection That is the size of the building as it is doubtful if there is enough floor space to accommodate the machinery and such a largo number of employes The large storehouse former Otis property and now owned bv Ware Industries Inc on the east of Ware river is also being considered by the silk concern if the deal for the five story are Valley plant goes through The building has been vacant eight months since the Ware Valley con cern was taken over by E' Alills and machinery moved to Vt nnd to mills of that concern in the South GRAHAM UNERAL SERVICE CALL EITHER PHONE 3 517 3 0153 SERVICE $500 iHtRl 111 1JW but five of the Issued licenses returned so shows an crease in marriages Late filers wore Arthur charmos of 30 Aspen street and Beausoliel of 6 Vi gea nt street bert Aladignn of Union street Madeline Belisle of Ronsdvillo 1 ru 4 fvrorr ana John J( Vincan street 6 $40000 SPENT IN OR OLD AGE PENSIONS Ware Jan 1 Old age assistance expenditures In Ware for 1933 total approximately $40600 with about half this sum to be returned from federal nnd state funds There are 130 re ceiving pension payments This num ber will Increase in 1939 Arthur AIcBrinn agent 'of the welfare department expects it will be some jears before the peak is reached in the number to receive the payments this being due to reduction in the age requirement the age limit hnd remained at 70 it wns ex l94OCd a le'Cl WCud rachc1 in Because of the heavy demands nn the old age fund it has been neces sary to get additional appropriations to complete the year in New York city Air and Mrs Billings of 33 Aftrthflrn 1 rt holiday weekend with Airs Billings's father in Ashfield John of Belmont avenue spent the day in Thompsonville Ct Air and Mrs Weston Smith of East Orange are visiting Airs Smith's mother Mis Mary Mooney of Mt Tom George Rozwcnc of court and Robert O'Connor have returned to duty at Randolph ield Tex after spending the week with their parents South Deerfield Jan 1 The Gar 4 V1 I I 1 1 jjuju mcir January Tuesday evening at 8 with ichsw 4 The subject will he inally scheduled of the primary and before 5 'kr nt 630 that day the 14th Such nomination papers must he submitted to the reg istrars of voters by 5 nt on the warn nay precemng the dav xr A A town clerk on the 7th II urn Ciuri or the Congrega tional church will meet Wednesday ning An entertainment will follow The committee in charge is: Mrs Edwin Shumway Mrs Charles EaPford Mrs Donald Hazen anti Airs Charles Austin Airs Alary Spencer of Brimfield is spending the holidays at her home on Jackson strew The ox Rod and Gun club will meet at the clubhm to morrow evening A Citi Irwl rvzx i ules Wednesday: evening pun I The AmpriMn i Other Women's Circle Ac tivities Listed Up to Meet ing On June 1 5 Ware Jan Activities of the Women's circle of East Congregation al" parish for 1939 will include the following until June 15 when meet ings will cense for the rest of the summer The annual church supper will be held at the parish house at 6 Thursday with Mrs South worth as chairman Other Januarv meetings are: 13th 3 parish house hostesses Airs erguson and Airs A Handenian 27th sew ing meeting at home of Airs George tciiw ui ilium sireei ju rn ebruary 10 3 parish house Airs Nathalie Davis will give a travel talk and hostesses will be Airs Richard Jackson and Airs Alvin Whit ney 24th 3 parish house Airs 11111011 jonnson win talk on hobbies and hostesses will be Mrs George Packard and Airs A Sanford March 10 230 parish house sewing meeting Mrs Arthur Glare' and AJrs Ernest Rutledge hostesses 2tth 3 parish house hostesses Airs Angier and Mrs James April 13 East Congrega tional church organ recital by John Clark of Holyoke public invited: '20th 6 parish house familv supper entertainment speaker Erwin or bush on "What's in a May 19 115 annual meet ing at home of Mrs I Roberson of Church street with basket lunch eon June 15 3 lawn party and bridge at home of Mrs John Alac uninn or tnuren street with Hastings as chairman MARRIAGE INCREASE REPORTED BY CLERK Ware Jan 1 There were 103 ap plications for marriage licenses Tiled with Town Clerk AValker in 1938 one more than 1937 However there were only 90 marriage returns filed in 1937 and last year there were not in rincfiel 1 'Ian ined IJuokficlj Tq11 1 George Gagniei nf jot Eleanor roadpt ingfiel i tv as fined $50 in district court heie cstei day morning when arraigm on a charge of operating an automobile while under the influence of hquor He was also fined 110 on a drunkennc ss harge Gagnier was ar rested west Brook field riday night by Chief of Police George Boothby after his car had overturned on the 'test Brookfield Warren road He was uninjured in the accident The Baptist Young People's union observed New Year's eve last with a watch partv The funeral of Mrs Malvina (Caron) Lucier of West Main street who died riday at Memorial hospital at' Worcester will he held at the hom tomorrow at 815 followed bv a hih mass of requiem at St John's church at 9 Burial will be in St Alarv's cemetery Spencer Airs Lucier was born in Brookfield the daughter of Cyril and Alarv (Jacques) Caron She leaves two daughters Mrs Lydia Brosnon of Cambridge Vt and Aliss Lilian Lu cier or this town thro sisters Mrs Alatilda Ledoux and Airs Rose Mor East Brookfield and Airs Delia Thibeault of Spencer twohrnth PS'Axan' Caron of this town and Cjtil Caron nf stboro At Holyoke the 30th Sister Mary (Clara WaUh) of the Provi ord Solemn hiyh mas of requiem 1n Dtjr EMy of borrows Mother Hous Mon day At Burial in Calvary cemetery Brtghtaide Dillon ryic At Donsmeadow the jnrn CONWAY Congregational Church Election 1The annua mcet Ji 4hhe Cregational church was held Thursday' when the following of ficers were elected: Clerk Airs lor ence Alunson treasurer Mrs Howard I arsons: auditor loyd A Clark two members of the membership commn years Airs Mnry Hi" Linda Boyden representa: tires on the executive committee of Dr nRe orhrch' Mrs Ernna nr fhA StrcetJ landing committee or the Congregational church Graves Kenneth Graves Goorgc Howland Lyman Parsons Deane Ice tewarr Clark was V(ltp 1( the missionary committee this vem dr meeting Thurs was voted tn Transfer thP machinery fund the road machinery accounts it was voted to transfer the balance from liability side walks and street lights to WPA it wrJn sn voted to approve a state project for river channel improvements to be ofrirhsds2IUt Whh advicc approval of the selectmen MICHAEL MYERS DIES AT AGE 81 Northampton Jan 1 Michael Myers 81 of 18 Bright street died tonight at his home after a long ill ness Born in Greenfield ho had been a resident of this city for the past 50 years He was a charter member of the Brotherhood nf railroad Trainmen and the Holy Name societv of Mary's church Mr and Airs' Alevers recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Besides his idow the former Mary AIcCarthy he leaves six sons Wil liam James George Michael Harold and Donald Myers all of this city and 10 grandchildren and one great grandchild The funeral will be held at the home Wednesday morning at 815 fol lowed by a high mass of requiem at St Alary's church at 9 Burial will bo St Alary's cemetery CLOTHES DESTROYED BY IRE IN CLOSET Northampton Jan 1 our small blazes woi extinguished by firemen the In thN rlty the noth Mm Pau lin Smith of 63 Norfolk street widow of Thomas Smith and mother of Dr Samuel Smith of Medford formerly nf West prirurfield uneral will be held from th Morrell funeral home 303 Main street West tfprinsfield Monday mornlns at 10 At the Dickinon hos pital Northampton the 31st ult James Sullivan of 6 Norton street Easthamp tnn uneral will be held frbm O'Brien ftmeral hom Tuesday morninr at S3A followed by solemn high requiem mass at Immaculate Conception rhurch at 9 Burial in St cemetery MAYOR ANNOUNCES NEW OICE HOURS Holyoke Jan William Yoerg plans to adopt a new sched ule of office hours beginning Tues day On Mondays Tuesdays Thurs days and ridays he will meet people by appointment from 10 to 12 No appointments will be necessary on Wednesdays and Saturdays Holyoke Jan 1 The Catholic landing library is sponsoring a lec ture entitled America" to be held in the Lawrence school auditorium riday evening Baroness Catherine de Hueck a member of tjje former Russian nobility ill be the speaker Her girlhood was spent in military diplomatic and court life of the Russians During the revolution her father ho was a colonel in the Imperial Hussars was killed as were 21 of her relatives Police Matron Tnjnred 'Police Alatron Mary Sullivan on the sidewalk on Alaple street near iDwight 'riday afternoon a nd sus tain cd injuries to her leg which necessitated her removal to her home where she remains under the care of Dr Hanoria Shine House Is Ransacked Gerald Boucher of 4S7 High street today reported to police that his house had been entered between 9 last night and 415 this morning and thoroughly ransacked He was un able to give any estimate of losses New Year's Baby Born The first New "baby of record is believed to be that of Air and Mrs Henry Ouillette of 398 Main street A daughter was born at 129 this morning and weighed nine pounds Airs Ouillette was the for mer Geneva Hynek recently at his Church street home has gone to Oakland Ale with thelC in Cummings Construction com vOngregatlOnal rastOf tn jvtny where the concern is building a 1 I ll zm vz school gaged to Hollis (N Y) There will be a general observance PJ TV of New Year's tomorrow with busi ClUCatlOn UirCCtOl" ness suspended Banks and business Belchertown Jan 1 Mr and Mrs places will he closed Postmaster James A Arnold of Ken Gardens James Anderson has arranged the announce the engagement of following schedule for the holiday: No their daughter Iris Virginia to Rev deliveries by city or rural carriers and Kendig Brubaker Cullv son of Mr no window service in the office a and Mrs William Cully formerly collection will be made from street of Camp Hill Ta who are spending le ter boxes at noon: the usual mails a year with their son in Belchertow will be received and dispatched at the Congregational parsonage A representative of the Massachu A family pn rty was held Christmas setts iiuoine tax division will he at day at the home of Mr Cullv's sister tn 12 from and brother in law Mr and Mra Sunday was broughijtmo riday morning and taken to Bt osnahan fu ter's degree nt the Hartford s'S neral home on High street followed of Religious Education in mi by a requieni high mass at All Saints' tL direiUnf education and church Rev Kenney celebrant church sccrcfarv in the iiaIHq Burial was in St cerneterv I tcrian church Ilnllic A Miss Delahunty wns horn at West KtiiXd Hnllis 1 Mr cully lra oTto HartrSeiTiVS! Dr Segar of Chun stret district medical examiner will go to Belchertown' Jan Mr and' Mrs COMMITTEES SELECTED OR HIGH SCHOOL PROM S'rSSmA Mrs George McKinnon of Sargent I entertain the Progressive Many to lake Cave of Ar afternoon 1 Thompson and family whose rangements lor Annual Wednesday are making thetr home Junior Class Event "hlh Ir and Mrs siifton winter present Mare Jan The junior prom at The auxiliary of the Rons of Union Ware high school is still some dis Veterans has elected these ofiicers" tance away nut that following com President Mrs Celia Pratt mittces have been chosen to take care president Airs Elizabeth Pitsir treas of the aetivny Decorations Alfred urer Mrs Ethelyn guild Pigeon chairman Claude Lavallee Airs Darsa Snow patriotic instructor and Joseph Magnus advertising Nor Airs Albert Grout: chaplain Mrs Ellen man 1 hillips chairman: Albert Tur 1 Ixivett past president Mrs Atih cotte lorence Cote Edward Porter La foie Althea Sheldon cohnn Curtis Wilson Bar the registrars of voters will hold bara Hale Phyllis McCarthy and Ethel the following met tings for repistra ui'hy tion: Alemorial hall Wednesday fiom Tickets Robert Dillon chairman 7 to 9 ranklin school Sat ur Raymond Higncy William Moriarty day the 14th from 2 to 4 Shirley Messier Sophie Jasink and Alemorial hall Tucsdav the 17th Ellen Hyland ushers Doris Trumble from noon to 10 Doris Alontgomery Eleanor Alathews There will he a regular meeting of Elizabeth Trudeau red Query Edna Union Grange Tuesday evening Greenfield Edward Tyler and Norman Aliss Jcnn Baggs Is spending a 10 Tinier invitations Christino Szczy av vacation with her parents Mr giel chairman: Norman Tinier Jean nnd Airs Roy Baggs of North Main Kisiel Helen Treia and Celia Winch street Aliss Baggs is takimr a busi Gcorge AIcG rath physical education ticss course at Bay Path institute director at Ware High has arranged I Springfield a basketball tournament for pupils The Social guild of the Congrega who do not play on the school team tional church will serve a public the schedule to begin next week and suprer at the chapel Wednesday eve play to be on Alonday and Thursday I An entertainment will follow itnriHuuus i uvre 'MH oe iwo groups boys under 100 pounds and thniee over pnunus captains will select teams and file names before opens In th! city th 3Hh Norah(Davirt) Owiey widow nt Michael unral from her IM home 45 Newbury Monday tnornln? at Requiem high nan in Our Lady of Hop church at 9 Buriar In St Michael' John Shea service COOK uneral of Howard A Cook at Congregational church Southfield Tuesday at 2 Burial at Southfield DAILY In this city the 30th Lucius T'aDy 45 of 66 Holyoke street uneral errvlces tn Eutawville C' Tuesday A Byron funeral director Library Regulaiions Hatfield Jan 1 The following and regulations for the Hat field lie library were drawn up at a meet a basketball team a ing nt the library trustees last week: the Quaboa vXv ha? Ronks are to be issued to childre teams 1CaUe Of under high school ace on Wednesday! The funeral af'ernnnn nnb Pavjnp thc Monday Ion UK and riday evening opening hours for died at the home of JZ who adults there is to he no loitering in South Ma'in or about the building at any time I was held vesterdav afternoon' borrowers of books are asked to strict I Congregational church Pev ly observe the rule of silence Patrons Cully officiated Mi VtTr 'cndl of the library nre warned that unless I Allen was or anist Mount 1 'ct'lse th psa rules are observed the privileges chapter Order of ernon of the library will be denied offend whiCh she was 1 wei enf contatninf ne'v rulfs attended in a bodv The bearer? "ere placed in the library riday Ixiuis uller CailTet arson night and their strict observance will McPherson of thif town Mrs Ther Dill rf' South AIr Mrs Bernard Kiley of AhALdau5hH Belchertown in Kiley home on School street I Mr and Mrs Walter Day and chilHrrn TlzvvT I Aancy or Ke I coughtan who have been spend I ''hateijy Jan The schools will the past two weeks with Mr I Tuesday Day's parents Air and Airs John 11 iss Bertha A Waite has returned Day of Main street 1ft rida for studies in Middlebury college their home They will spend a few after b'n1ing 10 days with hnr par days in Richmond Hill with Mr and Howard Waite Mr Day's sister and her husband Dr uJss Eliaheth afts and John and Mrs Andrew McGowan Hibbard have resumed their studies i Mr and Mrs Andrew Liberaski of VaRsachusetts State college Am Bradstreet announce the engagement of their daughter Sophie to Ixauis ynei brotherhood of Sunder ilkoski son nf Mr and Airs Anthonv Deerfield and Whately ilkoski of Hadley meet Tuesday evening in the Nomination papers for the primary church parlors in must ba filer) with the town clerk not of Thursday evening as orig loss Than 20 days preaious to the dav na11 scheduled Supper will be of the primary and before 5 on nt that day the 14th Such nADHnattAn I The condition of Louis Enelahnrrtt who has bei ii seriously ill of pneu monia in Dickinson hospital is much improved Aliss Al ildred lavin will return mr ouucs juesrtay in Washing ton after a io day visit with her parents Mr and Mrs John lavin '4UI evening in the church parlors Sup per will he served at 630 and the speaker will bo William Campbell nBlan representative of Amor Monson Jan 1 The sermon at the lean Cyanamld company Universalist church tSaC preached by Rev Brainard Gibbons and his subject was 'The call of con science" Dr Stanley Blomfleld Oranee Tan 1 Tnhn Whiinov lr 1 1 ne Gong relational church al1f' a Jr TnyJ lfiPrvire communion wns observed rn 2f Air and Mrs John Whitnej I Afonson lodge of Odd ellows will of Chase street is spending his vacn meet tomorrow night nt 8 at the finn frrtm Plni vl kin I uuivoiie ins nanK diock The ortnightly Aliss Alary Drown of Summit street Tuesday afternoon is spending the week at South Ash dining room of burnham I otmv i' Ralph MacKnight of Highland street The American Legion auxiliary will is ill with pneumonia at arren Me I hold a regular mating Tuesdav night mortal hospital Alontague City at Grand Armj hall at 8 hiss vimira earigo is spending the week with relatives at Newton Iower alls UlUn Tlfinnftif Wo 14 in I visiting her sisters Mrs nene I Biookfteld Jan 1 fhe Brookfield Whipple and Mrs Walter Kincsbnrv observed the passing of the Miss Edith Ayer employed at oar wit a party in Northfield seminary is at her home 5crr for the holidays Miss Kav Daniels I dur eiening and nl days Haneing isIat'7in rC1CTI' of" AIrT'viola 'LhT Jinvden and Lawrence Binley Oscar Poetashnoy for New Tears rcuIu mPttjng of the Grange hw nil wprcni "ill be hold Tuesday nialff at Banquet ha taken an apaitment at 6 55 cst jla ollowing a business mooting frame nights will be observed There Lincoln Magee of Middlesex Medical will be games for both 'young and old school at Boston Jias been spending ln charffe of the lecturer Mrs Leah ft rT 4 kin a a I retVi pait iho hi uHu i nene valley Mrs alley ana irs Joseph Magee ris Buxton will read reports on Miss Helen Kiley who is doing pH recent state Grange session nuiTMii) di diiHidiud xiaiu is spending a vacation at the home of her parents Air and Airs Kilev of West River street I Granby Jan 1 The first community Miss Shirley Richards daughter of social and supper for 1939 will be Mr and Airs William Richards of held at the chapel on Wednesday cve Maynard street is spending ihe week I ning The entertainment of the eve at Mansfield with Aliss rances N'a ning will be pictures of Norway Swed vitzsky cn and England which will be exhib I ited by Alorton Hull of Holyoke In Turkey and Persia the color of The public schools will begin reg carpels have significance: Black sig ular sessions on morning nifies trouble: red and purple honor after the Christmas vacation and distinction During the school Christmas vaca tion new maple floors have been laid first game between Yale and I in the principal's room at Kellogg hall Princeton the hall burst in the mid 1 The choir rehearsal has been die nf the game a messenger went I chanced from riday evening to two miles for a ball to finish the Thursday eninr at the parsonage at pun 730 HEeBIkIB 4:15 i tie laikeu About Star nf Year MfiSt MMMBM y1 JR win rp i).

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns the Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, MA is the birthplace of basketball and home to Dr. Seuss, offering a rich history and vibrant cultural scene for visitors to explore. With its “City of Firsts” title, Springfield boasts a diverse array of attractions, from museums and parks to iconic landmarks and entertainment venues.

Who are the founding fathers of Springfield MA? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

How many states do not have a Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

What religion is Springfield? ›

Character attitudes. In the episode, "The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star", Springfield's only known pastor, Reverend Timothy Lovejoy, states that his church (and that of the majority of Springfielders) is actually part of "The Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism".

Which president was from Springfield? ›

For nearly 23 years, Springfield was the center of Abraham Lincoln's life – his social, legal and political world. Historian Michael Nelson wrote: Lincoln thrived in Springfield: he lived there… longer by far than in any other place.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

Why is Springfield called Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

What is the history of the Springfield Indians? ›

Combined, they were in existence for a total of 60 seasons from 1926 to 1994, with three interruptions. The Indians had two brief hiatuses from 1933 to 1935, and from 1942 to 1946. The team was known as the Syracuse Warriors from 1951 to 1954; in addition, the team was named the Springfield Kings from 1967 to 1975.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.