The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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NURSES REGISTERED professional Oteaian for staff Nurses to work reri Natal Research Unit Pedia fr OJlrics Experience pre tarred High salary ranges eom yMUrV w'h experience dif fonatial liberal fringe benefits Please apply to: Director of Nursing Service CLEVELAND MEIROPOUTAN i General Hospital 3395 Scranton Rd Cleveland 351 4820 ext 631 or 632 NURSE Registered OPERATING ROOM rositioa available itnmedi Experience preferred but will train desirable ippK cMt Duty hours 7 srjn 3:30 Mo weekends and holidayff Increment for call time Attractive salary Considera tion given for past experi ence Director Of Nurse orest City Hospital 541 7670 NURSES Registered Practical Licensed Oeneral Duty All Shuts Attractive startint salary differential tor evening and night duty No shift rotation orest City Hospital Director of Nurses 541 7670 PRACTICAL NURSESCENSED Nurse Registered STO 11 ine working Medi ans Small modem general hospital Shaker Medical Center Hospital 11710 SHAKER BLVD Ruru undergraduate or LPN experi enced In Geriatric care 3 shifts avail able Only West Side applicants con Udered CL 2 5500 PHYSICAL THERAPIST TOR MOD ERN NURSING HOME nU timealary open Male or female TR 1 3030 NURSING IMMEDIATB OPENINGS XN and LPN for operating room medical surgical floors and obstetrics7 3:30 pm and 3:30 11 pm Apply Dlrntor of Nursing Grace Hospital PR 1 5590 OPTICS CLERK neat attractive 35 35 capable of taking charge 1 PAYROLL CLERK Yeung girt wanted for Payroll Dept st local discount chain Modem air conditioned offices plus company benefits and good salary Must have exp Apply GIANT TIGER STORES 13835 Taft Ave oft Eddy Rd Personnel counselor We wlU train young woman 31 to 40 yrs old In lucrative sales posi tion We ere a well established em ployment agency specializing In the placement of administrative and man agement personnel Company paid benefits plus bonuses and merit raises Call Mr Walters TO 1 5073 PHYSICAL Education Instructor Pull time for freshman and sophom*ore university courses In daytime program in northeastern Ohio Must have MA Can 341 3083 for further In fonution Opportunities for enriching your nurs ing service background by using yourbuitlM to their fullest capacity in dividualised orientation to prepart you tor your assignments and in serelce educational program for per aonal development and advancement: Mghest of salaries and liberal fringe benefits Apply: Dept of Peraonnel Relations Cleve Metropolitan General Hospital 3395 Scranton Rd Cleveland 0 351 4820 Ext 213 or 214 PRESSER wool' fun time year round workers not Just peak season Westido good working conditions Many benefits Apply Box 17396 Plain Dealer PRESSER WOOL Must be A permanent excellent working conditions Apply In person Mayfair Cleaners 3538 131 PRESSER Wool finisher only exp need apply Ideal Cleaners 2503 40 PRESSER wool and silk part time 3 4 days Mt Plsusnt ares Cleaners 3939 140 St Public Relations Position epen for egrreeslv person able well groomed woman some col lege preferred Educational institution excellent salary and benefits AU re plies held in strictest confidence Send MUM tO! Box 18391 Plain Dealer Real Estate Salesmen I KILLCREST AREA RESIDENTS! Wonderful opportunity tor you in one of our 3 offices which span the entire Hillcrest areal EXPERIENCED PREERRED but will train hard working person or details call Mrs Nemeth at HI 9 5080 or MO 2 1059 er Mr Knowlton at EV 3 7600 or EV 1 9378 Dolores Knowlton Retltort Ins UMLS Registered Nurses for charge of centralupply RN for 3:00 to 11:00 and 11:00 to 7:00 shifts good starting salary fringe bene fits Polyclinic Hospital 6606 Carnegie Ave HE 1 9433 21 WaatU 21 JUDY LEE JEWELS has sales open ing for 5 ladles Call 942 8967 SO PMttlM Mate (Centlaaed rere veeedfa*g Column) 25 Good starting rate Small print shop 40th St Clair EX 1 3900 Waitresses co*cktail Experienced Mr Davis EX 1 5650 Telephone Solicitor Experienced (Or We Will Train) We need girls to make appoint ments for salesmen We sell or rent carpeting Working hours open 5 days per week Liberal hourly rate plus commission Comfortable working condi tions Shaker Heights area Can for Interview 31 1100 TELEPHONE SALES ull or Part Tima Experience hesfol but not neces WAITRESS 4 or 5 nights Apply In person LaConga 4995 Rocky River Dr EXPERT office cleaning: Call after 6 and Sunday 7:36 a to 10:00 a 752 9462 WAITRESSES ULL TIME DAYS OR PART TIME NIGHTS Age 35 35 neat exp or will train Pleasant personality excel lent tips Appl In person Guarino Restaurant 12309 Mayfield Rd Apply personnel office Sears Roebuck Co 1 10 and Lorain I With national food concern To call customers on a dally schedule Mini mum: High school graduate pleasant telephone voice capable of operating adding machine or comptometer clear handwriting age 30 to 35 Pleasant working conditions insurance benefits and paid vacations starting salary STS per week An Equal Opportunitymployvr Write Box 27891 Plain Dealer State in some detail qualifica tions ste PART TIME largest cosmetic company haa immediate openings for mature en ergetic women to service excellent AVON sales territories Earnings start at once Can CHI 0775 COOK EXPERIENCED Utility: day or night 781 4953 CUSTODIAN: experienced couple Gen eneral maintenance Own tools West Side 228 3781 DENTAL STUDENT married needs summer work No sales DI 1 4347 DESIGNING Draftlng machinery In cludes hydro electric schematics AC 1 3692 DRIVER: new sedan part oe fun time guard exp hotel EV 1 1620 (Oeattned fo Next Column) II Help Waatei aaiala part Wat 36 or over Hours to WMkdaM 12 to Sat WarrensvilleTd TEACHERS EDUCATORS IELD ENTERPRISES educational corporation has several openings far part or foil time summer em ployment demonstrating the World Book Encyclopedia to interested parents No sales experience neces sary Guaranteed minimum income of $350 for each 100 hrs or no obligation interview call Monday 9 to 5 PM 861 1840 OOD service company has permanent position in Industrial cafeteria for woman to work In light food prepara tion and serving Afternoon hours to be spent servicing food and refresh ment vending machines: 5 day week 10 a to 5 Must be over 30 and live on East Side Good physical condition Must have some food back round with exp in handling money eferences required Call 621 1877 weekdays 10 4 for Interview WAITRESS ull time 3:30 10 pm 6 day week UNIVERSITY DIN Carnegie Medical Bldg 791 4545 WAITRESS: Experienced 5 days no weekends Apply Charlie's Restaurant 1412 Prospect WAITRESSES part time: short order cook part time Exp only Majestic Dining Room EN 1 1200 WAITRESS EXP ONLY ULL OR PART TIMS EXCELLENT TIPS STEADY WORK tuiwes'Sktaurant AND DELICATESSEN Tumeytown Shopping Ctr 4912 Turney Rd 271 3588 WAITRESSES GRILL GIRLS DAYS and NIGHTS paid vacations meals merit raises Apply 10 A to 11 A INC 11218 EUCLID AVE' WAITRESSES ood and co*cktail Lunch or Dinner Hours Experienced Apply In person 5225 Warner Rd TEACHER primary parochial school Parma Box 1996 Plain Dealer TELEPHONE ORDER CLERK WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED You'll Enjoy Working at RESTAURANT 6210 BROADWAY WAITRESSES ull part Over 25571 EUCLID 731 7446 over no exp nec essary full or part no Sunday or holiday Apply in person BRICK COTTAGE RESTAURANT 11423 Euclid Ave WAITRESS: Apply tn person York Inn 7414 York Rd VI 3 8191 WAITRESS days or nights Egg Palace 5 2d and Detroit WAITRESS experienced over 21 5 days 6:30 am 2 pm 1406 6 WAITRESS: EXPERIENCED: APPLY IN PERSON 1806 PROSPECT WAITRESS: Exp over 21 short noon houra No Sundays IV 6 3333 WAITRESS: ull part time: no holi days eves RA 1 8080 YE 2 0770 WAITRESS DAYS GARIELD CO ER SHOP 3848 Prospect UT 1 2787 RAY technicians male or female Central northwestern Ohio 3 imme diate openings Salary ranges liberal Box 17600 Plain Dealer 30 Position Male ACCOUNTANT bookkeeper: put time services for until business state ments texes etc YE 3 3265 ACCOUNTANT retired full or pert time office work ED 1 5941 ARTIST Ccuunerdtl: Desires summer work or will undertake commercial or tins art week st home 885 1501 ARTIST LAYOUT AND DESIGN Caricature drawing 464 0136 AUTO painter A experienced part time evening 361 4794 BARTENDER: age 36 dependable 8 ns exp neat sober 371 0135 Bartender Moxoiogist fast pendable AC 6 7033 CHAUEUR Truck driver Have li cense know city wdl 731 0807 CHE: 35 yrs exp American and Continental: restaurant hotel country club in or out of town 261 2633 CLEAN 38 ROOM Exp couple MU 1 1065 UT 1 9541 CONSTRUCTION Inspector heavy equipment operator mixer and tan dem dump driver 267 4661 Helper or Lawn Caretaker College student need sum mer work LU 7 1139 IS amate lastruction POWER SEWING DRESSMAKING Progressive ashion School 406 Euclid Tailoring Designing SU 1 4595 GLAMOUR GIRL CONTRACTOR NEEDS ASSISTANT 21 35 WITH CAR OR LI CENSE EXPERIENCE UNNECES SARY RAST TOP SALARY PLUS BONUS 721 6477 ANYTIME EASTSIDE private club Is looking for attractive vivacious young lady Inter ested In learning bar business No exp necessary Will train Hours 1 pm to 8 pm 6 days Contact Sam Katz IV 1 8004 WAITRESS experienced tray serv ice lunches No Sat Sun holidays 391 6750 WAITRESS NIGHTS GA 1 2700 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR: Bxp HOME IMPROVEMENT Work at home for owner Salary plus liberal bonuses No beginners WH 3 3100 TELEPHONE Solicitors work at home evenings Good opportunity Call 9 to 13 GR 5 1398 TRACING No experience necessary Motor car rier tracing clerk 40 hours West Sid Must type ME 1 3000 Mrs Meyers WAITRESSES: Lakewood Experienced ull time 6 2 pm 6 days part time 3 hours for lunch Good pay and tips Mario Restaurant 14501 Detroit AC 6 9819 WAITRESS ull or part time over 31: no Sun days or holidays Restaurant 3956 Lee Rd WA 1 0032 WAITRESS experienced steady 6 days no Sundays over 21 weekly basis Gattuso Restaurant 3115 Brookpark Rd Apply In person WAITRESS: experienced in Jewish restaurant and delicatessen style menues salary and tip 5 or 6 days and 5012 Woodland EN 1 8842 WAITRESS EXPERIENCED ONLY LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS Apply in person after 11 am CAMELOT 17510 MADISON WAITRESS No exp necessary will train good pay uniforms furnished Apply In person Henny Penny amily Restaurant 17801 Miles Ave DRIVER with 65 Country Squire wagon will do any kind of work Box 9896 Plain Dneler HANDYMAN: INSIDE PAINTING REPAIRS ETC 31 2343 INSTITUTIONAL chauffeurin light delivery wagon 541 9054 JANITORIAL work office cleaning nlghta 231 2375 after 7 MEDICAL Student deairea any kind of evening work Box 31587 Plain Dealer ODD jobs student want work for auinmer Bast Side 561 4092 ORDERLY to car for invalid exp References GL 1 1614 PAINTING Kemtoning Plastering Paper removed Reasonable rates By experts PR 1 0594 PHARMACEUTICAL medical supply salesman exp college mortuary sci ence degree SW 1 3033 after 7 PHARMACY graduate needs position to finish internship 475 2148 PLUMBING painting honest work Married reliable 741 9849 PORTER chauffeur houseman Refcr erences CE 1 4236 POWER saw operator Tree cutting climbing ull time 451 4445 PRINTER MultUlth school shop fore man sU phases 991 5495 SALES CLERK Ambitious young man 19 236 2846 SHIPPING or warehouse married college graduate 38 yrs Office ex perience want change 886 4376 SPRING CLEANING painting yard work Beet references 368 0153 TEACHER and coach desires summer work Days after 6 LA 1 2766 TRUCK Driver: Know the city well Chauffeur license After 13 noon 721 3069 TRUCK driver meat cutter reliable man 761 8933 anytime WAREHOUSEMAN Pullmotor oper ator Experienced Steady 881 8984 WAREHOUSE supervisory work exp age 27 6 yrs married 587 3219 YARD work office cleaning attics etc 281 5537 WE do carpentry work on contract nought and finish: apartment houses remodeling Work Is guar anteed We carry liability compensation 341 5199 millionaire soon I Hopei Young aggressive '64 college grad major in Chemistry and Business seeks sales position in Cleveland area Box 154 Moorestown NJ MEDICAL student with BS degree In chemistry and biology desires suit able or practical summer employ ment Ml 1 1852 Sat 7:30 10 pm SUMMER work: Boy 13 years old wants to earn money for school clothes: call George 753 6944 RECENT HS graduate desires steady part time work 4 semesters of auto mechanic WY 1 2410 COIXEGE student business major de sires white collar Job: can type CL 2 6290 MAN 60 (no has been) presently employed 20 years wants change of scenery Box 4096 Plain Dealer MAN 60 exp bartender machinist grill cook: steady 441 0526 17 YR OLD boy needs summer Job Reliable EV 1 8917 TEEN AGE student desires summer Job: reliable 17 451 5897 YOUNG married man wants full or part time night work 921 8836 31 Position emale ACCOUNTING: Small irms little" ot no office help til taxes SK 1 9427 ADDRESSING Envelopes in my home HS education 432 2356 ADDRESSING Stuffing envelopes in my home typing 942 3541 ARTIST: Commercial would like full or part time work LA 1 5729 BABY SITTER days Pepper Pike area 831 1294 BABY SITTING IRONING MY HOME WEST SIDE 631 9158 BABY SIT my home oft 130 Lorain OR 1 1998 BABY SIT: Your home or mine Ma ture Available after 12 431 6047 BABY SITTING: My home exp will pick up 752 6946 138 Kinsman BABY SITTING MY HOME 651 7115 BABY SITTING or ironing Ridge and Biddulph area 351 6406 BABY SITTING etc Summer work high school girt 541 3034 BABY SITTING etc East Side girl 361 7842 BABY SITTING: MY HOME LAKE WOOD ANYTIME 521 0915 BABYSITTING: My home pick up deliver Glenville 791 0795 BABY SITTING: MY HOME days 140 251 1628 BABY SITTING: MY HOME EXP Mt Pleasant area 752 4960 BABYSIT in my home days exp 87 Detrolt area 651 3061 BABY SITTING in my home East 91st St 851 5180 after 4 BABY SIT or care for elderly Exp references white 681 5614 BABY SITTING ETC DAYS OR EVES SENIOR 631 8740 BABY SIT WILL PICK UP REERENCES WY 1 8382 BOOKKEEPER full charge state ments payroll taxes office mgr for office or small growing concern TR1 4303 eves CASHIER or factory any shift good reference 795 5824 after 12 CHILD boarded or day care: 12 wk over 4 yrs Lakewood 226 0967 CHILD CARE: Wants work In private home intelligent capable high moral standards age 21 good with children weekends off $45 weekly SK 2 5874 CHILD care or ironing experienced references 991 6419 CHILD CARE: MY HOME DAYS BRECKSVILLE 526 8464 CLEANING general ironing 3 days $30 reliable experienced No Satur days 451 7315 CLEANING Laundry: Mon Thurs? Exp Side preferred SW 5 2024 CLEANING of any kind A ironing References LU 1 1452 CLEANING offices: Reliable exp neat colored 561 2983 Clean $8 Room Exp couple MU 1 1065 UT 1 9M1 COOK BAKER: Exp Serve table beautifully Stay thru dinner City reference No Sunday work No laundry 541 4368 DAYWORK: 3 days own trenipor tatlon 813 references GL 1 3816 DAYWORK: Laundry cleaning: ex perienced 810 carfare 991 0078 DAYWORK: Tues or Thun: Ironing preferred Exp RA 1 1730 DAYWORK Ironing: references 10 plus carfare 751 7034 DAYWORK: Laundry or cleaning Ref erences 368 0315 DAYWORK: 2 or 3 days 8 to 3 or 9 to 3 Experienced 883 4837 DAYWORK OR BABY SITTING exp dependable 421 2251 DAYWORK Wed and Thun City references 883 0365 DAYWORK: References 8 and car fare 421 1092 after 6 DRAPERY HELPER SAT ONLY GA 1 8766 ATER 6 DRUGSTORE clerk full time for summer: 11 student 361 6V18 GENERAL office work typing filing for summer 991 5823 HOUSEWORK or daywork neat Col ored Home nights Reference After 5 HE 2 1605 HOUSEWORK: Child care 3 5 days exp 791 1957 HOUSEWORK Baby sitting for room and board MI 1 6832 IRONING typing kitchen help cleaning factory work 486 5157 IRONING done In my home Reason able AT 1 5266 IRONING Light Housework Ref erences HE 1 5526 IRONING In my home Pickup and delivery 5 bu 661 4446 IRONING: my home East pick up and deliver 587 18 10 IRONING: Expertly done In my home east tree delivery 43 1 8637 IRONING done in my home Buck eye area 795 4075 IRONING my home neat pick up delivery AC 1 6070 IRONING Pick up and deliver Also bachelor laundry 991 8917 IRONING my home A 550 per Bu Corlett 114 area 341 1224 helper 17 yr old de sires Job for summer Willing to leam Reliable 881 7019 NURSE licensed have car: desires days references exchanged Call after 4 991 8634 NURSE: Mature colored Infant ma ternity private hom*o duty oily prefer East BE 2 3371 NURSES AIDK Nights only exp with references 541 2185 NURSES Aide to care for Invalid exp references 341 6889 NURSE: Practical any case Nights A references 752 5446 OICE cleaning exp downtown or West References 351 2310 OICE work: high school senior part time 1 5 753 0342 PRACTICAL nurse exp recent nt tract Days 587 1988 8 to 5 PRACTICAL nurse light duties 2 3 days wk references 221 0809 SECRETARY: Mature: diversified exp Shorthand general office East near buallne Box 17996 Plain Dealer TUTORING grades 1 to 4 Cleveland Hts tearher 991 9354 TYPING my home manuscripts and other 321 8741 TYPING: Addressing envelopes my home experienced 888 1029 TYPING MY HOME EXPERIENCED 531 8549 TYPING BOOKKEEPING BILUNG My home Experience LU 1 4115 TYPIST office work age 18 1 yr college TU 5 4295 MATURE experienced office worker desires full time prefer west have resume Box 4196 Plain Dealer RALES: Earn extra money BeaUne ary CL 2 713 Sales Representative WILL TRAIN TO CALL ON Our Established Customers NO SALES OLD ESTABUSHED LOCAL IRM PLUS BONUS EXCELLENT EARNING POTENTIAL BOX 3381 PLAIN DEALER SALES SECRETARY Tbe girl we are seeking wlU have Initiative be a last and accurate typist be able to handle telephone alls tactfully be familiar with and have experience in engineering details and terms have knowledge In the handling of Purchase orders and eon trecta administration eastern suburb We are an equal opportunity mnployer 2K know of this sc Box 3788 Plain Dealer SALESWOMAN tp In ladles' ready to wear and sportswear pull or part time hour 91ua commission Store bene fits Permanent Department store 14913 St Clair MRS BERSON MU 1 3300 SALESWOMAN: nn or part time age 35 45 no exp Value aty 303 Granger Rd JEWELRY DEPARTMENT SALESWOMAN: ull or part tiin Me 25 45 no exp Spartan Dept Store 30440 Lakeland Blvd JEWELRY DEPARTMENT SEAMSTRESS To manage shop experienced In plas cTyT TS 10518 EU SEAMSTRESSES Experienced in plastic covers good salary 10515 Euclid Ave 731 4280 SECRETARY PART TIME Shorthand required ulltime month of July about 3 days week other wise Start immediately Write PO Box 153 Brecksville SECRETARY EXECUTIVE Above Average Starting Salary Important position with head of Public company Must be well edu cated well groomed intelligent good diction unemeumbered be tween ages 30 45 Supply recent work history BOX 24691 PLAIN DEALER SECRETARY to divisional manager Short hand typing diversified du ties BOX 31389 PLAIN DEALER SECRETARY ADVERTISING AGENCY Intelligent personable single girl ideally about 25 35 to work for executive Vice President A demanding stimulating career op portunity Must be smart accurate able to accept responsibility Prefer ad experience but will train if you measure Up Downtown location Ideal working conditions congenial ueod ates top pay Our employes know of this id Reply In confidence Box 33687 Plain Dealer SECRETARY or apartment management office 1 flrl possess a personable capability In dealing with people a confidence In composing letters and compiling reports Shorthand and good typist Must have Intelligence and good general experience Salary com mensurate wtth ability Box 1692 Plain Dealer SECRETARY for one girl office: short hand typing electric typewriter Con siderable customer phone contact Walking distance from end of Van Aken rapid Prefer experienced ma ture woman Must be available to start Immediately Phone 751 1335 for appointment SECRETARY (private) TO assist sales manager West Side location shorthand essential college preferred especially science must have at least 4 yrs experience Call Mrs Storm 333 0040 SECRETARY Shorthand required experience pre ferred age 31 35 National ood Company Downtown location 35 hr week 631 9893 SECRETARY OR OICE art time East suburb Box 18591 Plain Dealer SECRETARY EDIPHONE One girl office Downtown 35 hour week Salary SU 1 1442 SECRETARY: accurate typist general office work flung experienced over gsTBi sdos OPERATORS West Side residents preferred Per manent openings Experienced piece work operators preferred however will train a select tew Guaranteed hourly wage during training period excellent piecework rates Joseph eiss 2149 53 St SHIRT OLDER SHIRT PRESSER experience fall or part time air con ditioned HEIGHTS LAUNDRY 163 Coventry SHIRT PRESSER Bxp Ding How Laundry 16304 Detroit AC 6 4222 SHIRT Presser Exp Good hourly rate 1418 Prospect 341 8917 SHIRT presser exp hourly rate or piecework 3317 Noble Rd SILK PRESSERS Bxp fall or part time good hourly rate Apply 1103 Detroit Ave LA 1 2144 Silk Spotter Dry Cleaner Shaker Heights plant haa opening for top quality woman with good ref erences Good salary paid Insurance alr conditloned Call 752 9466 STATISTICAL TYPIST or sales department Must have "figure aptitude" Hospitalization pension plan and other fringe bene fits paid by company Must have own car Location ideal for resident of Perms Brooklyn or Garfield Hts ALLOYS AND CHEMICALS CORP Berman 4365 Bradley Road Steno Secretary or all around office work Must be proficient in dictation and typing with good telephone manner Phone 881 2932 for Interview appointment Inland Steel Products Co An equal opportunity employer STENOGRAPHER Accurate typing end shorthand 3 yrs office experience 40 hour week 300 mo Personnel 661 6200 ext 315 STENOGRAPHERS Temporary durlnc days or weeks you are available 1122 Terminal Tower Stlngel Service i STENOGRAPHER clerk part time 5 hrs dally 5 day week shorthand necessary Box 5688 Plain Dealer STENOGRAPHER for medical office age 18 30 MA 1 2600 Mrs Gold steln before 1 pm STITCHERS Experienced on Singer or knit goods pieco work 7:30 AM to 3 PM Ohio Knitting Mills Inc 7510 Stanton Ave STOREKEEPERS: experienced Salva tion Army 5500 Euclid TAILORING mens clothing exp Cedar Center: part full time 932 9000 10 item 00 Batlnm BARS WYMAN 17 Want OU Gold Diamonds in 06 Lannsi Diamonds Jswslry car lot and body shop Mentor Great Lakes Mall A 1 8928 in Nest Ottosen) INVESTMENT BROKER "LEADERS IN OUR IELD" CORNER PEARL BRADLEY RDS ASSOCIATES REALTORS 1100 Mentor Ave Painesville Phone 352 Collect ANYTIME Clean Up and Sell Those "Stowed Away" Articles for Cash! SAUSAGE Kitchen fully equipped rholesnle license store front open to tele or rent call after 3 pm WO SERVICE STATION OR LEASE south and Central Cleveland and West Suburb TOP OPPORTUNITY TO: MAKE MORE MONEY! BECOME A SUCCESSUL BUSINESSMAN! PROVIDE A BETTER LIVING OR YOUR AMILY! BE RESPECTED IN YOUR COMMUNITY! CALL 621 5255 DAYS AND ASK OR MR BOYER HE HAS VARIOUS PLANS THAT COULD PROVIDE THE OPPORTUNITY YOU WANT LIBERAL LOANS On dlamjjatchS ud eolns aracMAN 401 Prospect MA 1 430 MOTEL PUT IN BAY OPEN 2 6 PM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 21 units and pool 5 months opera tion High income end net return Priced reasonably Terms SEE MR ATWELL AT COMMODORE MOTEL On Put In Bay or Call Put In Bay 285 3101 PERSON TO PERSON 9 AM TU 5 2600 5 PM HIGHEST PRICES PtM for Gold Diamonds and Coins Money Loanedou Diamonds Sol Berman 401 Prospect MA 1 4350 Gold Silyer Diamonds Watches Only Smelters and Refta ers i miler Inc 304 Colonial Arcade LUMBER yard Mill Work Shop write Box 3081 Youngstown Ohio MARINE STORE Chuck Marine Supply Est 18 years One of Greater Cleveland's finest Top flight franchises Good clean stock highly successful operation Good leases Buy now take advantage of summer sales which forecasters indi cate will be the largest in boating history Owner retiring to lorida Price far below value at $15000 plus inventory at cost About $35000 cash will handle Better act fast as seldom does one get an opportunity to buy such a successful operation so cheap A large portion of the Inventory can be financed Last year we were hon ored by Evinrude as the leading deal er in Northeastern Ohio LA 1 6300 daily 'till 8 Hundreds of people can use the things that ere stored in your attic collecting dust An ad under "Household Goods or Salo in The Plain Dealer win oring you casn for Them a hurry 2 DELICATESSEN and Meat: Gross $50000 per year Owner says sell Asking only $3800 but we believe he is still open to a another offer BE ASSURED HONEST SERVICE REALTY 541 4386 135 Sate Misoallanaoas (Contiamed rom Preceding Wrecking Pearl Rd Lumber At Peerl Brookpark Rds Used Lum ber 5000 sq ft drop siding Beams 5000 ft of 6x8 6x10 8x8 10x10 2x6 and 2x8 Brick Bata 5 Or We WlU HauL SALESMAN ON SITE BOYAS BAUMANN EXCAVATING CO 2609 MONROE AVE 861 1292 2 ALUMINUM PRE AB BUILDINGS 35x12 $500 20X12 300' COMPLETE READY TO ASSEMBLE BOYAS BAUMANN 1 EXCAVATING CO 2609 MONROE 861 129 fix new Low rent Good tease Living quarters Included Good starter bar Get your start here Priced or Quick Sale Be irst SOUNDSCRIBER current model425 plus federal tax new price 300' 151 Market Akron BL 3 9730 INDUSTRIAL CREDIT Your inancial riends 2d loor Rose Bldg SU 1 9 8 00 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL Inlaid Linoleum 150 Sq Yd 9x12 Linoleum Rugs 388 Cabinets All Kinds 20 To 80 Off 2 Wheel Bikes Used 5 Up Rubber Car Mats 50c Each Car Rugs 2 or 25c GROCERIES BELOW WHOLESALE OPEN SUNDAY NOON TILL 6 PM SIXTH CITY SALVAGE 2834 25 MA 1 8033 CLEARANCE SALE PROJECTORS SAVE 30 50 DISPLAY MODELS 8mm Movie Cameras: Projectors 35mm Projectors: Polaroid Cameras: Tape Recorders Press Cam eras: Enlargers: etc MODERN CAMERA 9730 DENISON WO 1 4713 winw uppwnunillBB iractlce wanted Pur 1 Coin Operated Westinghouse Laundro ur iraae in allowance nnanemg ALD Inc area code 216 367 3850 5100 164 Room 11 Cleveland Ohto REEWAY WRECKING" GIVE AWAY PRICES HARRIS WRECKING CH 1 1907 CAE 3 A Parma deluxe equipment parking fine business owner sacrificing for quick sale CALL AT 1 8132 TOP REALTY 2490 Lee Blvd Cleveland 18 STANDARD typewriter Royal late model gray 75 MO 2 0066 5 WITH INCOME $900 WEEKLY GROSS 12050 East 4 stores and 10 suites Income of (1275 per mo plus bar Good fixtures Workingmans bar All Uquor sales Solid brick bldg with ample parking Owner retiring after 26 yrs successful operation 1st time offered 5 ROCKY RIVER $1300 to $1500 per wk 12055 West Tremendous location Elenlr Of parking Very busy area Recently remodeled New lease 5 to 6 cases liquor per week Seller has other Interests inancing available Just listed! BAKERY: ully equipped Rent store and equlpmentdSo mo option to buy 241 2121: ER 1 5097 18 HOLE GOL COURSE IdeaUy located with 3 lakes Pro shop Watering system Coffee shop Living facilities A fine investment Worth Seeing! Worth Owning! Kreider Company Realtors 5010 Market St Youngstown Phone 788 4091 "Low Down Payment or TRADE YOUR DOWN: 3 LIQUOR OVER800 WK ALL BAR PEARL ROAD OWN BUSINESS BY JUST Trading Your Home or 12 UNITS WITH ATTACHED SUITE 10000 OWNER I NANCED RT 20 WEST TRAILER PARK "TRADE NOW YOUR HOME APT OR LAND" ON THIS BEAUTIUL 60 SPACE PARK WITH 17 URNISHED TRAILERS SWIMMING POOL SEP ARATB HOME AND TRAILER SALES WEST GROSS OVER 67000 OWNER INANCED 3 A 12060 East Lak Shore Blvd 185 area Known for shot and beer with excellent carry out service Rent 150 mo air conditioned In the heart of apt dwellers Selling only because of death In family Widow cannot oper ate successfully 9AM 932 7100 9 PM OHIO'S LEADING CAE BROKER MOTEL 33 UNITS Spacious grounds frontage Brick building air conditioned large double and aingle units tile baths and show er All modern furnishings Ideal loca tion close to lot of activities Priced below market value One of th finest In southern Ohio See this at once KORYiA Broker 819 Nat'l City Bank Bldg CH 1 3056 MOTEL $10000 DOWN OPEN 2 6 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Resort motel and cottages on Put in Bay Island Conslsta of large wooded lot 6 unit motel 7 cottages small store and office New large swimming pool An Investment of over 60000 Owner will sell all for 35000 TERMS SEE MR ATWELL AT VICTORY PARK MOTEL On Put In Bay or Call Put In Bay 285 3101 PERSON TO PERSON 9 AM TU 5 2600 5 PM ATWELL LAUNDROMAT 4130 131 Now I being redecorated Will open soon 110 down to right person Owner will finance Call 4 21 6560 $10000 DOWN1500 WEEKLY ALL WELCOME CROSSTOWN 3A 11935 East Business at 1500 wk Is at lowest volume In last 20 yrs AU profit operation with no food No companion Nb entertainment No tap beer No cheek' cashing AU business done directly over bar with minimum of help Profit enough for partners yet 1 man could easily operate No asking price Investigate Make offer 3A WEST SUBURB $500000 GROSS303 West Lounge bar and res taurant Exclusive location Purchase 35 cases liquor pr wk Property op tional Very large parking area Ideal for partners Excellent equipment Owner help finance Exclusive listing! uuw vttereu: 5 EAST $5000 DOWN 12071 East Busy area Good tures and equipment Long est THf PLAIN MAUR Of SATURDAY JUNt 19 19 1VICE station equipment Battery eers tire machine and tools Sobto 14600 Woodworth 9620 ORMICA SPECIAL DISCONTINUED COLORS 4 ON PLYWOOD A LSO CUSTOM MADE SINK TABLES ETC KITCHEN CABINETS CUSTOM MADE IN ORMICA AND BIRCH BREIT LOUNGE CO 218 DETROIT 3 81 166 7ALK IN cooler complete wtth com ressor ideal for farm or flowers 25 a ft refrigerator $200 stainlmida fountain beer and pop refrtg rator meat refrigeration counter lectric meat saw electric meat grind cash register scale Dealer EX 1 4838 RESTAURANT and Dairy Ban ive POM Office Money maker Sell laaae UL 1 5597 LUMBER yard retail 44 yrs In bus iness owner retiring Only lumber yard in village of Lewiston volume of business $200000 Good for young go getter Box 11587 Plain Dealer ATWELL INVESTMENT BROKER "LEADERS IN OUR CORNER PEARL BRADLEY RDS USED walk in cooler and counter STEWART CO 915 Broadway BR 1 4141 ACCOUNTING Dractlc chase practice fuU or part of re tiring accountant Send data to Box 11696 Plain Dealer AUTO TOPS and Upholstery With 3 bedrocm bone: brick garase: brick stere trout Good for TV or other jurlneas Owner retiring 561 7380 AUTO WASH: lUneea forces sale No reasonable offer refused Box 39191 Plain Dealer Phone 621 5900 Just My "Clto Plain Dealer Want Ads ESTABLISHED manufacturers rep resentative to sell a sundry item to discount variety stores drug chains and rack Jobbers In state of Ohio Box 3281 Plain Dealer 2 ACRES Commercial and Industrial Building 30x50 on Mayfield Rd In Chesterland Suitable or Vet Hospl tal Contractors Yard Btc AV 6 2601 ACTIVE partner for wtil estaWlshed plumbing and heating business Must hTfn4Jter P'umbtng license Send gwllficatlono to Bax 33588 Plain GOOD tavern opportunity for working jartner Small capital Investment gandbrief resume Box 15691 Plain 82 Personal Loans (Banks) National City Bank the ThrlftILoan way Low rates 29 offices BARBER Shop located right on Rt 21 in Independence No reasonable offer refused Call 663 3976 BARBER SHOP: 3 chain complete business or equipment 941 3031 BARBER shop 3 chalr Modem Rent or sell fixtures AT 1 5447 eves WANTED IBM Executive typewriter late model Mr Shift 229 Columbus Ave Sandusky 626 0956 IBM Executive model electric type writer 8 yrs old tn good condition with table chair 275 464 1934 Ill HI I and Compononte NEW Stereos: German Imported Rea sonable After 6 991 1773 BEAUTY SHOP 6 operators West Side Illness forces sale Reasonable TU 8 1057 BEAUTY SALON: EucUd Uoyd shop ping center grossing 14000 Ask ing 4000 943 2454 BEAUTY salon opportunity tor buy ing or managing small business or farther Information call 2 9 2 7850 BEAUTY SALON: or lease SE fully equipped with apt Box 25391 Plain Dealer BEVERAGE Store 2: Established 20 yrs West Good location Retiring Priced to sell AT 1 7147 BEVERAGE Business 2 Cleveland REASONABLE LA 1 9779 BEVERAGE Store In South Euclid CALL after 6 EV 2 7339 BODY SHOP 2 man operation ully equipped Busy East Side location PR 1 2063 13 Typewritera Office Mach BOHN Mlmeo: Printer model 490 EAU all electric less than 1 yr old will print sheets to Can be seen at American Stamping Co 26650 Lakeland Blvd RE 1 9333 122 Clothing are Repair SALESMAN simples amous manu facturer of sports wear and dresses size 7 9 292 6236 clothing misc 25c to $500 321 7869 321 7819 1114 10 12 all colors $10 ea LQ 1 6593 MINK coats (2) and mink stoles good condition EV 1 6517 ELECTRIC HEATER gas space heat er thermostatic controlled TV West inghouse 18" glider 6 cushion GE radio table model occasional chai it power mower with rider rotary lawn mower 777 6922 SET Richards Encyclopedias: set Chil drens Land and Peoples $450 Stroll chair stroiler carnage cradle high chair play table rocking chair $35 rigidair? Automatic washer $40 228 3161 PLUMBING supplies used lavatories $5 bathtubs $5 kitchen sinks built in new double sink 20x31 $5 60" sink and cabinet complete with trim $50 40 gal automatic watei heater $25 Dealer EX 1 4837 EQUIPMENT scaYfoil brackets planks mortar boxes hod plywood forms water closet watw heater salamanders bottle gas heat er much misc TU 6 0312 PORTABLE Hot Point steam tabla with grille toaster deep well bar gain must sell used 1 time Re possessed $10 down $10 a me Dealer EX 1 4837 LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE Oil OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS New 8 7 $3695 16 7 $95 Al! prices complete with hardware Um ited quantity MO 2 0400 Dealer OIL "65 Moncrief with blowers 350 up Installed Termsl NES HEATING LO 1 405 urnaces Installed Complete NO MONEY DOWN SW 5 4141 GILL HEATING 16MM Bell A Howel sound projector Al 125 Also movlemlte sound pro lector Al 75 or any 60 silver doL iars Private CL 1 4784 1VICE station: West Side low In lory low rent 4 1 3363 )E repair shop Mayfield Hts area: reasonable offer refused 1 3585 ask for Bill eves 681 5207 SO lulniM OypertMltln RESTAURANT AURORA with 3 bedroom apartment above lot 100x250 building 30x40 Geauga Lake Good spot for other UNITED MULTIPLE LISTING BRITTON REALTY CH 8 4711 831 1843 RESTAURANT LOUNGE IN LORAIN ON RTS 6 2 BEAU TIUL PLACE DOING GOOD BUSI NESS TOO MUCH WORK OR 1 MAN WILL SELL OR INTEREST TO WORKING PARTNER CH 4 1625 LORAIN RESTAURANT Excellent downtown location: excel lent gross Widow must sacrifice Moving out of state Call Mr Ellison 621 6262 RESTAURANT Owner ill Come Me and make offer 1857 55 APS1NG MACHINES Typewriters CALCULATORS 252 4821 REMINGTON unused 12 in car riage elite type 234 4500 eve TELEPHONE answering system com oletely automatic 251 2201 CLOSE OUT SALE: Commercial aec Uonal garage door over 45 off Sample 10x10 complete with glaii only $8850 Dealer MO 2 0400? 1964 KING midget compact roadsteh: 11000 miles: up to 65 mpg List995 sell 175 Alter 7 pm 795 7487 CARLTON 10 speed racing bike Carn pagnolo gears hubs pedals other 942321Uke neW' B'5t PIANO BAR: baby grand with ormica top bar upholstered ledge 8 uphol stered swivel chairs (gold) built as unit: excellent condition BR 1 2572 AIR CONDITIONERS 5 ton Chrysli water cooled 220 3 phase 8 yrs old: working condition 2 at $200 each 241 2550 5 GALLON Gl gas can Used In good condition $250 each SURPLUS CITY 13107 St Clair UL 1 511 kthe drill press Jig saw Heath Kit TV repair instrument and misc tools drills saws etc 729 9219 MEAT MARKET Near Shelby Sales $1000 per wk completely equipped shop smoke house sausage equipment etc Ab sentee ownership Owner manager could greatly increase To be sold with property stock and equipment Price only $28000 A KORYTA CO 856 Leader Bldg Broker 526 7894 MEAT DEPT tor lesse In super market Doing approx 1600 wk West Side Box 31088 Plain Dealer $fort nd OfflM literM COMPLETE grocery store fixtures Must move urban renewal area 10' meat counter 8x10 walk ln cooler 8' reach in beverage case frozen food cabinet all complete with compres sors metal gondolas cash register scale slicer grinder meat block and everything necessary for a complete store Will sacrifice EV 2 2287 OAM RUBBER 59c to (149 a lb POPE CO 18630 Detroit PORTABLE Steam boiler electric? New Yorker A Hoffman Preto? good condition 221 3984 HEARING aid eye glasses (2) Roebuck 1 yr old must sell 150 621 2228 BEAMS Timbers Pipe AU Sizes 3301 87th St BR 1 3500 ederal Dismantling A Equip Co 16MM ILMS SUNRAY ILMS ING 2005 CHESTER AVE MA 1 5489 EXTENSION ladder and books 850x14 tire and rim: folding door er mower 237 7558 ISHER Stereo with AM stereo Mutlplex radio a real bargain CaU WY 1 8000 ext 7257 JACOBSEN Reel Mower 2 CycIe Sharpened $70: Small Rotary BAS Engine $25 WH 2 5715 AIR compressor 1 hp 110 or 220 volt 42 gal tank extras $150 581 9864 NEWMAN Record Shop 13946 Cedar Going out of business sacrificing $30000 stock 40 to 75 off HAMS: National NC 300 receiver Viking Ranger transmiter Excellent condition 281 4327 zH AMUsem*nT games and Juke for rec rooms $3 5 and up Lake City Amusem*nt 4533 Payne GAS Coffee Um 5 Gal: Checkwriter 1 Safeguard: Spaghetti strainer knives: misc A 1 5973 DRESSES skirts blouses suits I shirts Ice cream bikes MI 1 4328 days: 441 0640 eves NEW 4' bullt ln bathroom outfit tub toilet and lavatory $60i" 361 3919 Dealart CAMERA 4x5 Masterview Kodak case lens other photo equlp ment 234 6238 after 5 GARAGE DOOR operators automatic 8 models guaranteed $4950 MO 2 0400 Dealer $249 yd value for $149 oam rubber all sizes 99c lb LI 1 3 700 Dealer SH 9 3131 PEARSE Simpson escort: International 100 81 whip misc items SH 9 4812 before 2 SEAMLESS and MESH $5 doz 1407 6 EXCEL HOSIERY PR 1 7QT5 WHEEL HORSE TRACTOR USED and SNOW BLADE WAYSO5 238 6972 VARIETY of TV working and un worklng for sale 961 3964 MURALS: All Types all sizes Rec Room Specials Oils ME 1 2193 0RD TRA CTORS Parts Machinery Horner Tractor Sales Geneva 2 REGULATION swimming pool lad ders and pool cleaner TR 1 3543 NATIONAL cash register double total Like new OR 1 3536 eves LINWLN GAS DRIVEN WELDER 871 6495 DISHWASHER: GEj finest $125 Thermo ax copier 731 1052 Rteion able SH 1 3662 JOB SHOP East Side Equipment buildings and Income property Included UNITED MULTIPLE LISTING BRITTON REALTY CH 8 4711 TU 5 1014 M0NTV1LLE Grocery and general store Includes Reu Estate Business Equipment and inventory Living quarter over store 2 bedroom with expansion room Excellent Income for owner operator $56000 CaU for income and equip ment list and appointment to view PERRY BAR AND SERVICE STATION Includes real estate 2 acres) and equipment Has 3 bedroom living quarters overhead DI and D2 li cense or income and equipment In formation call todayl 334000 plus Inventory DRIVE IN A thriving buslnesa In a well popu 'lt'8 area near a state park A steel building with enamel finish alr con ditloned and all modern equipment Present owners only operate 6 months a year High potential 27000 PERRY DELICATESSEN Includes real estate equipment and inventory 3 bedroom Uving quarters overhead A real potential for a young couple to build up a good family business $23750 PAINESVILLE RESTAURANT Two dining rooms and counter In Shipment Excellent loca tion Adjacent off street parking Good lease High potential Owners will help train 14000 Inspect and i 9 lovely unite and 5 trailera (with water and sewer in) additional apace for more Living quarters 5 rooms and bath 14 acres all on US Rt 42 good terms Trade accepted Rea sonably priced Top Realty AT 1 8132 NURSING HOME Sell all or part Write for details Principals only Box 29385 Plain Dealer Mobile Complete kitchen: Cuyahoga County Mobile Restaurant license Interested parts apply 2150 airhill Rd PIZZA and restaurant for sale Vicln Ity Pearl Rd 66 1 5284 RESTAURANT completely equipped Will lease with option to purchase! Reasonable rent SW 5 1919 YE 2 9169 RESTAURANT 100 25th Spp wk profit Easy tor couple 661 1444 Mlhallc Broker 729 7930 RESTAURANT Broadway area Wlll to aacriflce Must sell due to Illness CH 1 4591 SK 1 7073 SI Panonal Loans (Lieanwd) Economy Savings and Loan 5304 Warrensville Rd MO 3 7500 2123 th at Prospect CH 1 4294 HEAVY duty mowers reel and rotary tiller tractors sprayers ann Sup plies Power Equipment Co 435 Granger Rd 1 1840 LOOR washer dryer 30" automatic window fan drapes stove refrigerator310 ea) TV $50 mangle misc items 243 2398 TORO mower reel type good condition $65 Lawn roller 20 gal $12 Blonde showcase like new $65 MI 1 3062 DESKS 71 25 USED WOOD ALL TYPES $10 To $35 ROSE INC 1213 PROSPECT BOOKS AU You Can Carry $3 Bring Cartons Etc 2157 airhill? Today 1 9 PM OLD URNITURE books lamps rec ords Victrolas Jardinieres and mist Private AT 1 4186 EICO Osclliscope electric welder 2 shotguns pump and automatic fam tractor RE 4 0021 BENDER INVESTMENT 9 AM OL 1 5200 5:30 10128 Lorain Cleveland 11 BAR and co*cktail Lounge West Side Parking Must sell by owner 7701 Detroit WI 1 4095 BAR 5 Near steel mills Will trade Can double Income In 6 months25000 Private DI 1 5892 BAR 3A LOW RENT CALL ATER 6 PM 681 9574 BAR 5: 942 152 St (1 to 5 Ml Partners disagree Must sen BARBECUE RESTAURANT Completely equipped for lease or rent Buckeye Ave SK 1 4002 BARBER SHOP 1 chair neighborhood shop In attractive small home in Kirt land near RT 306 House also has living room with fireplace large bed room dry basem*nt garage Well es tablished business: wonderful oppor tunity for right person Business and real estate 17500 A Shields Realtor WH 6 4242 BARBERSHOP 4 chalr complete Very reasonable Must Be Moved pos sibly across the street Call ME 1 1688 after 6 BARBER shop or matching equip ment Priced reasonable and good business Can Twinsburg 425 2198 SUMMICRON 90mm lense: Mamlya 3 Retina 3 85mm MU 35mm VOIGTLANDER Bessamatlc 1:2 coupled light meter 749 1434 NEW Gas urnace Installed Complete 6'295 DORNBACK 946 1600 HAMS Gonset 76 AC power supply LA 4 5165 PEPSI machine good shape reason IZ able 3939 117th WI 1 3339 WHEEL balancer Bear 36: other misc Items 791 2078 T7 sets complete as traded In 5 sets for $45 SP 7 0242 AA 4 er rt xiuLo uuu xo sears uuarasman good rubber 4 for $20 KE 1 117 bHUPSMiTH 5 tools in one new $195 CH 3 4290 80011 condltlon' 28 GAS urnaces 3 rom Large Project $119 Dealer KE 310r AIR CONDITIONER i ton York 12000 BTU 60 351 9297 NEW Precision roller skates black boot size 10 941 4972 IQ fiATTflV CUrvre rtT kitchen set GL 1 mfc LOCATION wanted: Up to date an Sarel fixtures Looking for busy spot lust move at once Box 19296 Plain Dealer 3 CHAIR dental office fully equipped with 2 laboratories attached Gross Income between $60 and $80000 per year Box 23090 Plain Dealer LOCATION available for coin operated car wash fa Aurora Call John Murray Office 267 3850 WEST SIDE SERVICE STATION or lease GA 1 1830 777 7080 eves MODERN Store and Home good for any business Sell trade 271 3167 6 Acres Commercially zoned In SOLON! Presently used as outdoor food Thomas Reap Realty CH 7 7356 CH 8 6551 WANT TO SEMI RETIRE? AAA RATED Very 24 Unit Motel owners apartment Traffic off two Inter State Hiways leading to Yellowstone Gla cier Black Hills and Canada $42000 will handle Wyoming Lodge 1744 Main St Sheridan Wyo BUSINESS Consulting Service Sales territory on East Side in busi ness consulting services for small busi nesses Sales minded person preferred Ideal for husband and wife team In vestment required BOX 3181 PLAIN DEALER ACTIVE PARTNER man or woman wanted for exclusive Nite Club No experience necessary Will teach and let you take charge As little as $5000 down to right person Princi pals only SU 1 4485 or rent: Used Car Lot 90x100 vicinity Miles and 127 St Ml 1 0439 CAES AND MOTELS WANTED ENTERPRISES 884 6400 CANDY SHOP for sale retail Good location West Side 35 years one spot 281 0343 or 281 0151 CAR WASH West Must sell by June 27 Other Interests Make offer Call SP 7 2536 after 7 pm CATERING COOKED OOD SERVICE Estab 8 yrs: Lorain Westpark area $5900 teach business VALENTINE REALTY 252 3210 CIGAR and Novelty store downtown Selling due to illness 791 2100 eves and Sat Sun A 1 5372 COIN LAUNDRY EAST Gross $2000 mo open since 1963 Excellent Willoughby location Half of a new building with ample parking other half occupied by 18 washers 8 dryers and 4 dry cleaners AVORABLE TERMS Call or write LUDWIG CO 352 3368 103 Wash PAINZ3VTLLE CUSTARD STAND (Dari Delight) 1 Sell or lease Oakwood Village on Rt 14 or Broadway Illness 232 8780 CUSTARD VENDING TRUCKS Good Opportunity 749 1599 CUSTARD stand lunch counter Slo 1 venlan neighborhood HE 1 1126 5 SOUTHEAST Owner retiring attractive choice lo 1 cation $1200 per week 1 DYKES REALTY 4663 Tumey UMLS 883 3530 3 5 TAVERNS 1 10 TO CHOOSE ROM rom $500 to $2500 income per LEONARD INVESTMENT CO PO 1 2711 OR 1 2043 2 3A Bldg property Busy Geneva Terrific potential Owner Painesville 353 3486 D1 D2 CAE SE ONLY (39001! KEYS CO Broker HE 2 1900 5 CLEVELAND (16000 CARPENTER CO Broker 232 3422 DAIRY BAR and Restaurant: ive Points next to Port Office Money maker Sell lease UL 1 5597 Delicatetsen Excellent location on Broadview Rd Brick building with living quarters: high net profit Illness forces owner to sell Asking (37000 plus Inven tory Call tor details TRUIN 6834 Bunker Realtor 237 5664 Delicatessen Maple Heights brick building with living quarters I Empire Realty 662 7200 DELICATESSEN Beer wine with Mv Ing quarters Also grocery and meat store Make otter KE 1 7729 DELICATESSEN 2 Golden oppor tunlty Shaker apt area 751 5026 DELICATESSEN 2: EstabUahed 17 years 4604 Superior UT 1 7876 DELICATESSEN 2 Good business Make offer 9730 Lorain Ave 1 DENTAL OICE and Practice of the I late Dr Max Porus WarreruvlUe Sllsby area HO 9 1273 DENTAL Going practice or equip ment 131 Mllea area By ap potntment only 248 6428 DINER for rent on Clifton Blvd 1 Good business opportunity fixtures i Included: ample parking 521 8900 I DRIVE IN THEATER i ully equipped Including 10 teres of land modern concession stand and 1 projecting booth Can be a real mon ey maker by owner PA 94019 or PA 9 9668 DRY cleaning plant Three locations West Side and Lakewood Excellent going business Will sell or consider investment by individual with dry cleaning experience VI 2 3217 DRY cleaning and tailoring: estab lished 40 yrs retiring 3079 123d SW 54413 EXCAVATING business located in small city 25 mi from Cleveland light equipment like new condition Box 27791 Plain Dealer OUNDATION LINGERIE SHOP Completely equipped established 382 0363 eves ROSTOP Drive In for sale Doctor I says Plenty of business ideal I for couple on Lake Erie Write Box 74 Huron 1 GOL COURSE 18 hole Partlslly completed Swimming fishing camp ing Bldg lots Lorain County INTEREST OR SALE Box 9283 Cleveland 38 GREENHOUSES Potted flowers plants perennials shrubs etc Ideal setup for wholesale and retail flowers and vegetables Spacious grounds 3 greenhouses Good boiler heating systems 5 room 1 bath home Desirable location Canton Excellent market for all that Is grown Price (36500 Worth Checking KORYTA Broker 819 City Bank Bldg CH 1 2056 GREENHOUSE west: Money maker modem home: 15 acres 50000 class Cory Realtors TR 1 0262 INDUSTRIAL plant available for sale and lease back Will consider 2d mortgage financing Write Box 3390 Plain Dealer i JEWELRY store busy downtown cor I net: small excellent for watchmaker or pawnbroker Terms Mr Lesters HE 1 6430 IN 4 9159 WALK IN cooler complete with com pressor Ideal for farm or florist 25 cu ft refrigerator 200 stainless steel soda fountain beer and pop re frigerator meat refrigeration counter electric meat saw electric meat grind er cash register scale Dealer EX 1 4838 National Register NEW JAN COST 975 WILL SACRIICE OR $600 753 5690 OR 464 9033 TAYLOR custard machine Glenco stainless steel reach ln box cube nake Ice machine soda fountain air condi tioner drink machine freezer Gon dola counter hot dow unit draft beer system WI 1 4609 PORTABLE Hot Point steam table wlUi grille toaster deep well bar gain must sell used 30 days Re possessed io down (10 a mo Dealer EX 1 4837 COMMERCIAL meat cooler stainless steel 6 ft Comerdal Toledo meat 9694ae'1Cal f00d reler LARGE upright beer cooler 2 yrs! old 35 case capacity and draft beer 1 0d 8700 ech jy 104 j7 METAL Uns various sizes 60 to 140 openings 18 and 24 drawer units Varifax mimeograph etc 13724 St Clair GL 1 5664 LORISTS ATTENTION! Walk tn 6x6 cooler like new custom built Heavy duty cooling unit Display window Sacrifice 243 2461 1 HARDWARE store wall fixtures tables steel shelving desk glass cut ter and case AD 5 2183 1 Largest Display Used Desks Chairs Tables Piling Cabinets Nat Arnold 7010 Euclid 361 2878 NATIONAL Cash Register dept store type 10 totals cost 2400 like new675 238 4729 COMPLETE restaurant equipment350 Call Mr Caufman EN 1 9072 or Mr Kent EV 1 5571 of Hills service type cases: 3 Toledo scales All good shape ree delivery 851 3398 Highest Prices Paid for Used Restaurant and Bar Equipment ADMIRAL COMPANY UT 17733 OLD heavy 4 drawer electric cash register 60 co*ke machine 35 CE 8 4438 DESKS Chairs Letter iles Tables 6100 Lorain AT 1 6858 QUAKER State barbecue machine like new 741 9614 6 LORIST display cooler 2 yrs old 450 SK 1 6300 chair and filing cabinet good condition: private 371 4115 CIGAR and wrapping counters: cos metic ease: gondola AT 1 4774 120 Auctions Antique Import Coins MARKET Well known dealers In and foreign coins Rare finds nice junque Dance Pavilion Euclid Beach Park Between 156 and 163rd on Lake Shor Blvd Cleveland 0 Sat June 19 12 to 8:30 Sun June 20 12 to 7:30 Ad and 30 cent good for one 50 cent admission to Antique Market plus one admission to any ride ANTIQUE AUCTION On State Rt 57 2d House Bast of water works Grafton SAT JUNE 19 AT 10:30 A Collectors Items old clocks rayo ell bracket hanging and miniature lamps Ironware copper brass old dolls glassware china dry sink dowery chest commodes wagon seats spool cabinet Helsey glasa and hundreds of other Items DON AUCTIONEER PHONE ELYRIA EA 7 8141 The Aurora Auction OPEN EVERY WED AND SAT MEATS PRODUCE CHEESE BAK ERY URNITURE ANTIQUES MISC Located On Rt 43 Aurora Ohio 138 Wanted Miscellaneous AL NEEDS bedroom dining room UJng room refrigerators and stoves HE 1 0613 A 1 5133 Dealer AL PAYS top prices for bedroom living room stoves refrigerators and rugs EX 1 3238 Dealer WANT OLD CLOCKS lamps an tluqes china glass picture frames unusual Items 421 6211 749 5843 Cash or Used urniture DEALER 621 1558 PIANOS WANTED Ll 1 4177 ANTIQUES wanted: China cut glass marble top furniture Oriental objects of art etc GL 1 0724 SKID PLATORMS 36 60 or 30 60 9 In underneath clearance 732 7080 WE BUY Plumbing Tools Metals and Appliances 561 4595 or 391 4149 URGENT need of furniture for apart ments HE 1 5770 Dealer RERIGERATOR CABINET SINKS and TVs RA 1 5050 ANTIQUE Rocker China picture frames clocks misc 932 4757 HIGHEST prices paid used furni ture appliances WI 1 5543 Dealer OR used furniture Call TO 1 1852 Singer urniture 2685 25 WE BUY Used urniture and Appli ances 4632 Lorain 281 8065 CASH OR USED URNITURE DAYS 631 8939 651 3669 221 9517 urniture wanted 132 Sale Diamonds Jewelry DIAMOND engagement ring 1 carat fold 475 BV 1233 135 Sale Miscellaneous NIAGARA umace Oii urnace rom job site 40 Gal tank BROADWAY WRECKING BR 1 3939 40000 BTU Westinghouse overhead heater Admiral TV console brand new 734 2346 SCOTT 299B stereo amplifier and Scott 350 stereo multiplex tuner150 for both 243 1837 TELESCOPE mirror 6 10 with cell and mounting Best offer 761 2470 after 1 pm CAMOtA 16mm Bell Howell 200 Turret normal wide lenses case new300 now 100 ER 1 1396 Jeep com plete 1947 50 swimming pool lad der cover 35 CL 2 2180 RYAN Vericutter Renovator Reno thln 135 321 6756 RERIGERATOR trunk bird eage electric heater AC 6 8941 POWER mower Eclipse 2 yrs old: good condition VI 2 1726 3 OVERHEAD doors 8x7 TopsolL Light fixtures IV 6 4565 PORTABLE welding machine Jeep wagon: tools 581 1749 eves ALUMINUM combination door! 20" fan 651 6246 ANALYTICAL BALANCE SeKo: A YE 2 4757 HELLICRATERS CB3 CDR roto? hl gain 3 element beam 267 1194 ELECTRIC saw Porter table garden tools misc A 1 4444 AIR conditioner Emerson (window) largel yrold WH 4 0484 CASH REGISTER: National electric rebuilt A 888 1029 AUTO AIR CONDITIONER: ORETS BEST 135 884 7478 AIR CONDITIONER 6000 7000 BTU WINDOW TYPE HO 9 1029 RUMMAGE Sale: riday and Satur day 5960 Barton Rd Olmsted ADULT reclining invalid folding chslr like new 734 4490 BELTONS hearing aid used 3 weeks OR 1 0842 ar CL 1 7437 BEAUTY shop dryers tables chain reducing machine 234 0770 2 ACE neon hamburger sign 12 ln by 4 ft 8851 Brookpa Rd NEW cast Iron bullt ln bathroom outfit 75 EX 1 4839 Dealer NEW bullt ln bathtub comer cast Iron 50 Dealer HE 2 2844 AIR conditioner 1 ton used 75 361 3919 Dealer RILES: 308 Savage 4x scope 33 Remington 4x scope 228 0498 WOODS 4 Hagen Headliner I'A 3 4 5 ahaft 60 TR 1 7144 GAS URNACE Boilers 138 up ree estimates Dealer WI 1 1529 HAMS: New Elco oscilloscope: fine Ode banjo MO 2 66 21 CARPET CLEANING EQUIPMENT i REASONABLE 481 3753 20 WATT PA 'amp new 50 10 gal aquariums VI 2 0342 HENDERSON 4 HP riding lawn mower misc garden tools 771 2396 110 USED 4 8' luorescent fix 1 tures bulbs 1095 CE 1 2080 i LIGHT PLANT: 4 KW 115 VDC 4 Cylinder 75 HI 2 3595 HOSPITAL bed wheel chair and com 1 mode 6 mo old OR 1 1968 MULCH hay 35c bale: about 100 bales Twinsburg 425 2223 STAR MULERS! 9 convenient stores Lowest prices on all mufflers.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.