The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

THE EVENING CITIZEN, OTTAWA, CANADA Friday, December 8, 1950 Page 34 tions will include both the usual Best Seller Morie Column Serial Story Hollywood employer's and employe's con tributions at a standard weekly rate of 43 cents each, entitling the veteran to a weekly benefit ThePlymouth Adventure of $14 40, or $18.30 if he has a dependent. The three returned to the By Ernest Gebler days benefit, the government win make up the necessary extra contributions. Thus, every veteran will be entitled to protection against unemployment for at least 90 days, providing he has served the minimum of three months in one of the special forces. This is basically the same unemployment benefit protection as that provided for Second World War veterans. If the contributions made on behalf of a veteran who has served three months or more, to Liz Scott Gets Lots Of Color In First Western By Erskine Johnson HOLLYWOOD Lizabeth Scott la ditching the black-lac-nlghtgown set for a rifle, buckskins, Alan Ladd and a bottle of Iodine in her first western, "Quantrell's Raiders." She bared a fhapely knee and pointed to an iodine-soaked bandage: "Look, bruises.

I have some others." Even when the going got rough on a location trip to Gallup, company, was Smiling Girl and THE STORT SO FAR: When the Mayflower passengers depart from England In the tall of 1620. they anume they are going to Hudson's river, about where New York City now stands. Four months later they land at New Plymouth, hundreds of sea miles to the North East. Thus the master of the ship, Mr. Jones, earned out his secret agreement with an unscrupulous English businessman who has quietly bought snares In the Company having control of the New Pl'vnouth area gether with any contributions he made before he enlisted, are not sufficient to entitle him to 90 Benefits For Korean Force After War By The Canadian Press The government announced yesterday that men who serve in special forces of the Canadian services will get unemployment insurance benefits to tide them over while they seek work after discharge.

AH servicemen Army. Navy and Air Force now serving Canada in -Korea or because of Korea are considered in a special force. Only the army's so-called special force, however, enlisted men specifically for the job. The unemployment insurance Even before the landing, oonts repents of his trickery. As the settlers struggle to establish their settlement, he keeps the Mayflower In the harbor, determin wniipereu u.

auuuu down comedv taipnt have the Roast Chickens Ready for jour table. Various weights. From $3 ed to remain tul the colony is secure "Liz likes it. She must be force of a bazooka cracking Trouble arises when his grumbling crew learns that the settlers are at last trading with the Indians. Bent on getting some share In this, the sailors, led by Second Mate Coppln, mutiny, hop Wallace Ford's role of Shelley Winters' father in "He Ran All Hollywood thought Liz was cracking "up last summer when the Way" is his 123rd movie.

into tne longboat and head for shore. she ducked a chance to do "Sum "But," he wails, "I had only one Captain Jones, accompanied by Mill, tary Captain etandish and other sett' announcement was made by good one 'The Informer. She's Not Too Fat mer and Smoke" in eastern stock and took a six-week course in philosophy, psychology and poli lers. sets out from shore In a shallop to Intercept them. Among the settlers, John Alden Is the most eager.

He has an old personal score to settle with Sec Ruth Roman is fuming over 4H Order Early! Order NOW! Christmas Cakes Puddings LAYER CAKE With mocha cream topped with shredded cocoa nut and cherries 45c nd 60c ond Mate CoDDln. A little wav out from shore the two boats crash and the battle Labor Minister Gregg. He said the amount of payments will depend on the period of service. The government will pay contributions on behalf of a person serving in the special forces for the whole period of his service up to a maximum of five years' Tlieoe contribu- is on. now go on with the story-Chapter 23 "Knock the scum down, we'll Custard Squares for ft Oatmeal Cookies doi.

20c Cherry Ice Box Cookies dot 25c JO face as scarlet as his jutting boats; Coppin firmly held by the young carpenter, Mr. Jones slithering and jumping about them and beating the second mite where he could. The performance was watched with a still, catlike interest by the savages clustered behind the settlers on the end of Plymouth Hill. So many questions were put to Squanto that he had to come to Mr. Carver for an explanation.

"Oh," the old man began, pulling at his beard in vexation, "it is a well, a game, like dancing." "A very old custom," Brewster added, "like Indians dancing to be friends, like Commoco. Every spring, when flowers come, we make pretended fight in the mud. For the glory of our God. It is all a game, like you play with balls." Squanto communicated the information to the Indians, and they seemed to understand perfectly. They were vastly disappointed when both boats got under way again for the ship.

It was, even for the New World, a singularly clear evening. Mr. Jones had restored his command aboard his ship. The savages had been persuaded to leave Plymouth Hill and go back to their camp in the woods. With the wind dropped away and a mist creeping out of the north end of the harbor, the settlers stood about yet another open, newly dug grave.

Edward Winslow's wife, Elizabeth, and her adopted waif, Ellen Moore, lay side by side in the same grave. Prayers were said with heads held up. The graves were filled and smoothed level. "Amen," said William Brewster, the Elder. Edward Winslow's younger I doz.

for 45c tical economics at U.S.C. "It wasn't strange at all," she told me. "I suddenly decided I wanted to do- something for my mind instead of my bank ac- COuHu. MGM is boiling. An earlier version of "King Solomon's Mines," made years ago by Gaumont-British with Cedric Hardwlcke, Anna Lee and John Loder, is being booked by small film houses and advertised as "The Original." Jeff Chandler reports for ac printed reports that she's been putting on the blubber and blames it on a Paris gown that she's about to shove into an ash can.

"ir the talk keeps up," Ruth told me on the set of "Strangers On a Train," "I'm going to put on a Bikini bathing suit and show people. I can't help it, though, if I look a little womanly." Until he started going places with Paulette Goddard, Cy Howard dated several band singers. beard. Captain Jones, with one leg Mr. Jones' mouth opened and his round face puckered, as if on the instant of receiving a bullet in the back.

He turned on his heel, and walked unsteadily up the hill and away. "How dare you speak to the man like that?" Brewster reproved Gilbert. "He is more redeemed in, God's sight than some there are here! Your brother would not so offend him to whom we owe so much. It is his wife lies dead, not yours." "These are the dead that set out in hope to the New World," Gilbert said, his voice choking. "Chilton.

Britteridge, Solomon, Degory, Tinker, White all, all, how they are removed, man, wife, and child, cut away of the world, and its salvation that you so covet. Forty-two poor souls that asked only to live. Who shall answer for them? Who shall say he is not guilty? That man you now cherish is guilty." "We are all guilty," the old man answered, and he in turn moved away and walked towards the Common House. After a short conversation with Carver he came ouj again and turned up the hill in search of Mr. Jones, to offer an apology.

But there was no sign of the Captain on the brow of the hill all the way up to the cannon platform. Tall and straight of back, he strode up by the path overlooking the river, until he had to slow down, puffing- There halfway up and quite by chance, for he was about to continue, he happened to glance down through a parting in the tangled growth, and saw the Captain's back, half hidden in a thicket of young trees. He descended through the grass of the bank, pulled a branch aside, and stopped. Mr. Jones was kneeling on the ground, stiffly upright, his hands clasped before him, staring at the limitless distance of the New World.

The old man thought to draw back; in the circ*mstances it was not so strange to find Christopher J6nes praying; but on second thoughts he moved around to get a better view of him. Then somehow he knew that the Captain's stiff posture was no part of prayer, that in all probability he was hardly aware that he knelt on the earth. Certainly he was not engaged in prayer as it; was commonly known; his hands jerked as in grief, his teeth clenched, his Hps moved over tne, side, shouted at the military Captain to stay out of the longboat, that the affair was none of his. The Master kicked 1 0 convincing argument, but no sound came from him he could have been a man making a public confession except that he did not utter the words aloud and that there was no one to hear him. FREE DELIVERY on orders 60c or over.

Call 2-3444; 2-4617; 2-419S Toronto Hamilton Two Locations in OTTAWA the sailor Hinge in the ear, leapt into the center of the longboat and laid about him. John how come ne swiicueu to a non-warbler?" a friend asked Alden said to himself, "Me for tive Army duty aiter ne does "The Iron Man" at UI John Garfield's future movie plans include a comedy, "Mr. Brook one of Cy's pals. a whack too," and prepared to From: The Plymouth Adventure. Copyright, 1950.

by Ernest Gebler. Published by Doubleday and Company. $3. Copyright, 1950, Post-Hall Syndicate, Inc. "With a 1 1 1 e's dough," follow suit 'the story of a street car cracked the pal, "Cy can have Coppin, in the stern of the the voice dubbed longboat, did not wait for Mr.

conductor who loses his car. Wanda What She'll Do? Jones to reach him with his oar Frankie Van, who pounds excess blubber off UI stars, has a sien outside his gym which Wanda Hendrix couldn't get handle. As his cries of, "It Is To he concluded tomorrow Citizen Classified Ads are Ottawa's greatest market place the playwright of the Broadway all but in Jest, Master!" had no effect on the Master, he stepped on the gunwale and sprang for show she was slated for to make changes in the script, so her name won't be twinkling from tne mud flats. reads: "Dept. of Weights and Measures.

Scott Brady may have to join the Hollywood Kick-Back Club paying back a percentage of his salary to secure his release from Eagle-Lion. Tuesday December the marouees as a Junior Kath At The Coliseum He sank almost up to his knees. John, in the stern of the longboat, reached out to catch Coppin by the back of his jacket. arine Cornell. Saccharine movie roles and romance rumors are annoying Wanda, who complain Cooking on the legal oven at the moment is an injunction that 12th ed: The second mate, trying desper ately to free himself both from will restrain the studio from in terferine with his career.

"Why are people trying to get me married off? Just the other the mud and the clutching hand, and at the same time seeing Mr. The Andrews Sisters showed day there was a report that 1 was going to marry Bob Sterling, brother, Gilbert, winced. "What a little thing to be let live in me a plaque they nad Just re Jones preparing to strike him Why, I had only one date with with the oar handle, caught the world," he said. His eyes, ceived for their singing on the "Club 15' air show. It read: John wrist and overset him in $5,000 IN PRIZES $1.00 Tickets Now on Sale 'Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Five Mil "Born Yesterday" proves that to the water at the longboat's rising, looked into the eyes of Captain Jones, standing on the other side of the graves.

"But you brought them here to die. lion Dairy Farmers Through $1.00 Columbia's Harry Cohn, who paid a hefty sum for the play, Their American Dairy Associate Salute Club 15 Singing Stars The stern. Then, sucking and squelching, he ploughed away from the boats over the mud flats. John crawled out of the shal Of cold, plague, starvation THE JUNIOR THEATRE or tht Ottawa Drama League plays "The Indian Captive" (Musical Scors by Sandra Coupal) AM) "The Sentimental Scarecrow" Saturday Afternoon December 9th at 2.30 HILSON PUBLIC SCHOOL All Seats Unreserved Children 25c Adults 50c Special Prize Andrews Sisters As Favorite When we should have been In Vocalist Group in Behalf of The south where the sun is kind Pumpkin Pie low water after him, covered from head to foot in black mud and seaweed. wasn't! The film translation of the stage hit emerges as a moving, freshfaced companion piece to "Mr.

Deeds Goes to Town" and "Mr. Smiths Goes to 'Judy Holliday's mow-'em- and the fruit grows." We are very happy," winked 'Be silent, Gilbert," Mr. 1950 DODG Patty, "that we didn't get a pie as though with some Intense and Brewster whispered. I in our All Extra and Special Games 25c jl Ottawa Choral Union HANDEL'S fFtftfT All 1 Television Comes Closer To Ottawa ViaJJ.S. By Don Brown Citizen Btaff Writer Television may be several years away from Ottawa yet, but it Is a safe wager that programs from United States stations will be beamed to local living rooms long before Canadian stations reach the Capital.

According to officials, it will be at least six years more likely ten years before a TV station is established in Ottawa. with FuiiLslriiliila L1M1.ER HARDWARE Beechwood St Marler Road GARAGE JULES BAILLOI ti FILI 21) Youville St, Hull MAURICE ROGER 4 CIE 175 Principals, Hull A. BELANGER LTEE. 215 Montcalm St, Hull RESTAURANT DOMPIERRE 1.13 Hull RESTAURANT CHE JUL1EN, Blvd. St.

Joseph, Hull PETIT A SAUVE 102 Blvd. Sarre-Coeur, Hull A. L. RAYMOND 210 Champlaln, Hull YVON BRAULT 226 Montcalm, Hull PAUL CARTER GROCETERIA 71 St, Raymond, Hull J. A.

LALONDE 175 Blvd. St. Joseph, Hull CHENIER FRERES 221 Notre Dame, Hull RICHER-CHENEVERI log Montcalm. Hull P. A.

CARIERE 4ft Dupont, Hull JOSEPHAT TASSK Points Gatineau, Que. MME. LEODA MONGEON Gatineau, Que. R. LAJOIE CyrnlJe, Ont.

C. W. LINDSAY Sparks St, Ottawa VICTORIA PHARMACY, Wellington Ottawa LAROCQCES FRERES, Dalhousie Ottawa JOS. DOLAN A CO. 34 Bank Ottawa DUMONT PLUMBING LTD.

Dalhousie Ottawa THARMACIE CHARTRAND 253 Dalhouslr St, Ottawa R. I. BASTIEN Nicholas Ottawa MARC1L FRERES, 30Ua1housle Ottawa PARISIEN-BOYER 373 Dalhnusie Ottawa WINDSOR SMOKE SHOP Dalhousie it Rldeau Ottawa MURPHY'S DRUG STORE Rank Ottawa ROBERT ELECTRIC 15 Rldeau St, Ottawa THE FAIR Rtrteau Ottawa PHARMACIE BRIS80V 197 Somerset West. Ottawa P. W.

ARGUE LTD. 234 Bank St, Ottawa PHARMACIE BEI.ISLE Sl St. Patrick St, Ottawa 1)1 BE BARBER SHOP Ui Sussex St, Ottawa But several stations proposed ready to start TV installation as soon as the U.S. government re JOHN STURGESS HELEN BOATWRIGHT EVALEEN DUNLOP ALBERT MARSON Wednesday, Dec. 13 Odeon Theatre Seats: 1.75 2.25 2J50 On Sale at Theatre Beginning TODAY-Ko 6 p.m.

or phone Mr. ALLAN, 2.3675 SERIES TICKETS ALSO O.N SALE! moves its ban on commercial construction. As the crow flies, Ottawa is within the 50 miles "good reception" radius from these proposed Mr. Jones by then had the longboat thoroughly subdued. Coppin found harder ground and managed to run.

The Master, his yellow teeth bared, leapt from the longboat and by good chance landed on a hard knoll of sand. Waving his piece of oar, he. plunged after two mud-coated, floundering figures. Struggling on, getting bogged, escaping, Coppin ran northwards from the inlet with John close on his heels, both followed at some distance by Mr. Jones.

Under the bright northern sky the seaweed glinted and the pools sparkled. Coppin, blindly charging over what looked to be a shallow stretch of water, suddenly sank up to the waist in black mud and sand; before he could fight free of it John, encased in mud, fell upon him, and they both went down, thumping, slithering, entwined on the slimy seaweed glinting mud flat, both half blinded and as near smothered. Coppin fought to escape, John to hold him and beat him with his fists at the same time. As they heaved and struggled like creatures of the dark pools risen to the surface in mortal combat, Mr. Jones reached them.

Had his rage allowed him pause he would still have had difficulty in distinguishing one from the other; as many of his blows with the oar handle fell upon John as upon Coppin. They broke apart under his belaboring and Coppin ran around In wide circles, winded and unable to see where he was going. The Master ran at his heels, hitting him blows, the sec? ond mate blundering blindly, yelping and pleading. They ran full circle and came back to John, who secured Coppin by the collar. stations, and reception would be WW UUVsUU 000 for U.S.

cities in Northern New York State are expected to be in operation within the next three or four years and Ottawa will be within the reception area. At present there is a "freeze" on television station construction in the U.S., brought on by the critical international situation. The U.S. is channelling all TV construction to the output of radar and other communication equipment for the armed services. Several radio stations in New York State bordering Lake Ontario and the St.

Lawrence are FC2 HOLIDAY FUJI In Aid of Needy Children Be more popular at Christmas parties! be caught with Gay 901 A U1 nil dsncinf this year. Brush up without distortion or fading. Beyond Fringe Even the setting up of a "video" station in Montreal or Torontothe two cites earmarked to receive the first CBC outlets would not produce reception here as Ottawa is beyond the "fringe" reception area. At the present time Toronto Montreal and Windsor are the only Canadian cities receiving TV programs, as they are the only ones close enough to U.S. transmitters for proper reception.

Windsor Is the more fortunate of the two, as it has the chance of three Detroit stations. Toronto can get the Buffalo, Ottawa's Most-Awaited NIGHTS" dance simple and fast. You have only one key step to master tad alb other dances develop out of it. So put yourself in the bands of an Arthur Murray expert Learn now and bt all set for the time of your life. Phone or come in to the Studio now for a Free dance analysis.

oo all the latest ttepa aod ready for the mer rieit holiday ever. It's to easy to become a popular partner at Arthur Murray'. Hit wonderful new discovery, Th First Step To Popularity," makes learning to ok- MONDAY TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK SHARP! December 18th I9ih ARTHUR HURRAY L. i N.Y., programs on one channel 62 i DANK ST. SEE! As a Special Added Attraction a MAMMOTH PARADE Is planned featuring specially imported costumes, bands and many more surprises! Everyone MUST BE SEATED BY 7.45 p.m.

to fully enjoy this show! Tel. 2-9619 Cor. Sparks Government and CBC officials have no Idea when construction on an Ottawa television station will be started. At a minimum it will be several years after the proposed Montreal and Toronto stations are in operation. LION CLUB II II A WINNER LIKE WYMAN! knit It's A Tough Time To Be A LnJ vl--.

Odd Gift Foi-St. Laurent By J. Hume Citizen Parliamentary Writer Prime Minister St. Laurent Is the proud possessor of a hand-tome brass door knocker, the gift of the Nova Scotia government, for use at his summer home at St. Patrice, Que.

The tongue of the door knocker is a replica of tuna fish, with the inscription "Nova Scotia" across the bottom. Customarily, the Nova Scotia Rovcrnmont has made presentations of the tuna fish knocker to distinguished guests at the annual International tuna fish competition at Wedgeport, N.S. Tuna Membership Presumably, the Rift to the rrune Minister carries with it honorary membership In the International tuna fish cluo. Appropriately enough, the knocker was presented to Ms. St.

Laurent yesterday by Resources and Development Minister Robert H. Winters. Mr. Winter Nova Scotla'i representative tn the federal fovernment. He represents Lunenburg in the House of Commons.

The town long recognized a.i the fishermen's capital of the province, even though the tuna fish competition is held off Wedgeport. near Yarmouth, aorne dUtance away. Finally, the knocker is the work of the Lunenburg Foundry Company, whane craftsmanship tn brau is famous, far beyond Canadian borders. DACKACHE? Wn ImH'I'II mnvt ttrlfift thnr, Ih.rp ln lime I if lit. haw I rvi, IhouwnH fmi ojiiti Irnm tw.

l.rli. rwmhil ninu, k.inv aid liv-f d'niria hv laa'tif Hits nvn mil. Hv mmhinmi I lri. Ihfnu in Lf, tha' i Mil mss 45 Mm I. 1 Na3- rjfi-M-j-SS-- 7 Ii-'rlZ-S5 a a 4 1 1 Proceed For Lions Club Welfare Work P'WaUd ChrMmM Prizes! Tree i all Ma Jo 110,600 EACH NIGHT frl Winner! Featuring Each Night! Are teen-iscti hoodlums, and a national pioblrm or merely muddled kirli in a confuted world? MACLEAN'S lent re.

porter sociologist Sid Katz croH Canada to find out Read hit enlightening antwer in the December 13th Uua. My Neighbours Th Quints Fumort and mytha have crown up around Callander's Fammji I'lvt. but It tkit Bruce Mcleod who hai known them all thir eelohrated livea to tell tht REAL storr, Another Red Pushover In Formosa? In thli revesting on-the-aeen report, Fraaer, Macleans Ottawa tailor, critically examine key trouble, itwt in world afl-iiri. ALSO: Tht ChrUtmat festival Victoria! fcmprMs lintel. kf tRLCI HUTUIIWN MACLEAN'S itUwti hUgtunt OUT TOOAYI 1951 STUDEBAKER tlHMrIo', ctstom i-dook sed.w Ttwue itfcamlir.fd beautli completely equip rwi Including licence, fiilcd wllft gu "rcftd A CAR EACH MCIIT ITH OIR GREATEST TRIZE ARRAY! TURKEYS FOR CONSOLATION PRIZES You Can Sec Jane Wyman All Tins Week In 'The Glass Menagerie" At 'Hie Ktg.ii Theatre, You Con See The Beautiful Mercury ANYTIME AT aT ff If On Sale Monday.

Dec. 1 1 tit. 9 a.m. TICKETS AT AtDITOIlll'M ONLY! TickfU be ivnilahls for bolh nishui (Dfcfinbrr 1 1 Sidnm nf livw lilt lf M'l. Idr.chasfsI tjurrn IV, or.

af Muka ROVALE MOTORS 1 jiiiV.iMt)i.B.

The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.