The Empress Will Have Fun - AdelaiseMalfoy - 재혼 황후 (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

"Your majesty,it's time to wake up"

The girl's voice confused me,I couldn't understand what's happening
I opened my eyes to be met with a high ceiling of gold like the ones you would see in a fantasy romance novel

I sit up to have a better view of the room if you can call it that as it has the dimension of a house
Looking around I see there isn't just one lady in the room

"Your majesty, are you feeling alright?"
Another lady asks quite worried, she seems to be the youngest of them

"I'm alright,no need to worry. But can I have a mirror?"

The young lady hurriedly gave me a mirror
As I look into the mirror I meet blonde silk hair, cold green eyes and skin as pale as paper
Looks like my intuition was right after all

I transmitted in a novel I read recently,fortunately I became the protagonist.
Navier Trovi,the remarried empress now known as the Empress of the Eastern Empire

First I need to learn to do the empress' duties and etiquette.
Before transmitting I used to watch historical serials and liked the etiquette so much that I was practicing very often

I gave the mirror to the red haired girl and stood up
"Please help me dress Laura"
The young lady put the mirror in its place before asking me
"What would you like to wear,your majesty?"

"I would like to wear an elegant and simple dress"
The countess brought a beautiful dress,elegant but not extravagant like I asked
Laura and countess Eliza helped me dress before combing my hair
Now that I think about it,I don't like the plot too much and It would be quite boring following it

Changing the plot would be quite fun,right?
The plot was a little plain,let's make it more complex

Chapter Text

I started reading all the books I found that can help me fill these documents
I stayed up until late many days so I can fill the documents without any mistakes

The ladies had asked me a few times about reading the books I should have known inside out but I always brushed them off by telling them I want to improve my skills

As the Emperor hasn't returned yet I decided that playing the villainess would quite fun

I decided that I won't follow the original plot, I want to see how things play if I act a little bit.. differently
If this doesn't work well I would just follow the original plot then
I was having a tea break when the Countess Eliza announced Sovieshu's return "Your majesty, his majesty the Emperor has returned"
"Is that so?Did his majesty returned safety?" Countess Eliza and Viscountess Verdi seemed nervous,Laura on the other hand seemed frustrated and irritated
"Yes your majesty, his majesty returned safely.."

"Your majesty, his majesty brought a woman and ordered us to take care of her!"Laura burst out of frustration
"Oh,what was his majesty reason?" I asked to be answered by Viscountess Verdi

"She was caught in a trap and his majesty immediately brought her to the palace to have her treated" Laura whined irritated
I really can't understand Sovieshu at all, did he brought Rashta as a sort of replacement?

"His majesty just brought the helpless woman to treat her" Laura looked at me worried
"Your majesty,the quite beautiful..even underneath that dirt you could see the woman's beauty through the beauty she may have it is rumored she's just a runaway slave" Laura crossed her arms as she grew quite angry

"Laura,you shouldn't be disrespectful towards that woman because of her poor status,it's not like she have choosen to become a slave" the ladies became speechless afterwards

I continued drinking my tea looking out the window
Would treating Rashta kindly do me good or my kindness make her even more arrogant?
"Your majesty,his majesty requests your majesties should have dinner together" the emperor's secretary announced the emperor's order
"Yes, I will join his majesty for dinner in a few minutes"

I dressed in a simple dress,and headed for dinner with Sovieshu
I hope i chosed the right outfit for the dinner with the emperor
"Your majesty,what did his majesty say?" Right, Navier asked about the woman he brought to the palace
"What do you mean by that?" I asked the lady
"What did his majesty say related to the woman"

"He didn't have much to say in the matter" Countess Eliza and Laura features darkened
"His majesty said he only brought her to nurse her back to health"Laura was burning with rage
"Your majesty,that's exactly how my father behaved in early stages of his affair!" Laura burst out in rage
"There's nothing to worry about Laura, I'm the empress and she's just a mistress"
As I was taking a stroll in the palace garden I heard an anxious voice
" shh!No,lady Rashta!" I turned to see a head of silver curly hair
Rashta looked at me excitedly with wide eyes then begin smiling
"Oh!Hello!" I started smiling a little amused by her impudence
As I turned to leave I heard the pitched voice again followed by the voices of her maids

"Oh,H-Hey!" Rashta said trying to reach me.I didn't know her wound was that bad..well she got caught in a trap after all
"You mustn't lady Rashta!"her maids started urging her
"We should just leave" The maids couldn't stop her as she was determined to introduce her self to me
"Hi.I'm Rashta!" The mistress said happily
"Hello Rashta"I said amused by her behaviour

As I turned to leave again she grabbed my dress ripping it
How low her iq can be? How dare she destroy the empress' dress and say 'oops'.
This girl,I can't..
Countess Eliza rushed to slap her arm
"How insolent!"
Rashta was intimidated by Countess Eliza as she started stuttering

"Oh,I-I....I'm sorry..I wanted to call out to you but I didn't know what to call you" I'm sure she knows who I she referring to the 'sister thing'?
Laura step forward scolding Rashta with a loud irritated voice
"Her majesty is the Empress of the Eastern Empire!Watch your behaviour!"

Rashta seemed frustrated and confused by Laura's words
"Pardon?I-I mean I know she's the Empress" Hm.It seems that I was right after all
"You know who I am?" I asked amused. This girl is quite silly
"I'm indebted to his majesty for letting me stay in the Eastern palace" this girl...
"Are you perhaps the woman his majesty helped recover?" Rahsta started smiling but before she could answer her maid spoke

"Your majesty! Please excuse her insolence" she seemed worried about Rashta
"It's alright,but I would like next time I met Rashta my dress won't be destroyed" the maid stuttered an answer before the woman begin talking again
"But i'm so glad to have met you!I've been meaning to go say hello but I wasn't sure when I should"She said radiating of happiness

"Say Hello?"I asked the silver haired woman
"Well we'll be seeing more of each other,so it's only right I introduce myself"she said smiling, did Sovieshu already decided to take her as a concubine?
"So, what should I call, your majesty?" She asked me expectantly,Sovieshu is going to make his entrance soon, I shouldn't sadden her too much
"You can call me 'your majesty', that is enough"I said smiling
Rashta seemed saddened by my response
"That should do it" I said turning to leave
"Oh..Wait-"As she tried to reach for me she was stopped by Laura
"You insolent brat!" Laura started yelling at Rashta after slapping her arm
"How dare you act so boldly towards her majesty, the Empress?"I turned to Laura to stop her from saying more
"Laura,she is not familiar with the etiquette,let her be" Laura stopped and she frowned slightly but before she could say anything the Emperor made his entrance

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Chapter Text

" 'Insolent brat'?"

Laura started trembling in fear when she heard the cold voice
The ladies in waiting greeted the emperor as he went by ignoring them
He ignored my presence as well and went by her side
Sovieshu soothed her to stop crying

"We should take our leave" I told my ladies in waiting
And as we were about to leave the emperor started addressing me
"Wait.Stop empress" I turned to look at him and answered
"What is it,your majesty?" The emperor started pointing at Laura as he spoke
"That lady in waiting.Leave her with me,empress"

"I will if you tell me the reason,your majesty" Sovieshu's features darkened.
I won't let the emperor shame Laura again
"I can't leave her with your majesty without a reason.She's my lady in waiting after all" As I finished my sentences Sovieshu started speaking

"Yes,she's your lady in waiting but she is also a citizen of my empire."
"It's true but there's nothing to punish her for" The emperor's anger grew as I spoke
"You think she did nothing wrong,empress?" His majesty barely could hold in his anger as he spoke

"She may have used excessive words but that was only because of Rashta's mistake" Sovieshu seemed confused for a few seconds until he burst out in range
"Are you trying to put all the blame on Rashta!?" I was trying hold my laughter, I would say love makes him blind but is there actual love?

"No,your majesty.All i'm saying is that Laura only scolded Rashta for destroying my dress so she shouldn't be punished for doing so.Rashta should have been more careful" Sovieshu was out of words..and when he finally spoke
"Rashta is just a clueless girl,you shouldn't be harsh on her" his anger started to decrease

"I was lenient but i'm afraid my ladies in waiting may have been too harsh. I'm sorry Rashta, did they hurt you that bad?" I asked with an amused smile that seemed to be a kind smile
Rashta looked at me suprised then she started smiling and spoke
"Oh, it-it's nothing..,your majesty" I smiled at her and turned to leave
"Well, if we cleared the misunderstanding then I will take my leave"
I'm glad I could save Laura form the shame Sovieshu would have caused her
I was running my hands through my hair as my ladies in waiting suddenly came in
"Your majesty! It was just as we'd expected, his majesty would be appointing that girl as his mistress!"
"..He will?" I tried to look surprised at hearing the news

"While you've been busy all day preparing for the new year's ceremony,his majesty has been busy preparing to take her as his mistress!" Laura burst out in range
Hm,looks like the plot didn't change at all....pity
"When will she be appointed?"I asked Countess Eliza
"According to the rumors,as soon as possible , before the new year's ceremony"

Speaking of which,Wouldn't It be suspicious if suddenly the Empress would act differently?
Well If I don't act too differently from how Navier used to, I won't need to worry about useless rumors spreading..*sigh*
"I will not send a gift" the ladies in waiting looked relieved at hearing my words
"What a relief,we were worried you might send that girl a gift as custom dictates" I started smiling,amused at the ladies in waiting cluelessness
There are three main reasons an empress would send a mistress a gift...

First,if they are friends,second,if the mistress is a high ranking noble or third, if the mistress is from the same bloodline as the Empress
But Rashta doesn't fall into any of these categories
"You mustn't worry, there's no need for me to send her a gift" the ladies seemed pleased with my answer
"Oh,that's right!Is the rumor true,your majesty?" Oh..yes,I almost forgotten,Heinley will be making his entrance soon

"Rumor?" I asked acting confused as the lady begin speaking again
"That the prince of the Western Empire will be in attendance for this year's new year's ceremony " after she finished her sentences the gossip started
"I heard he's absolutely gorgeous.That one look into his eyes is enough to captivate any woman!"
"But I also heard he's as stubborn as a mule"

"He's caught up in a whirlwind of rumors of being involved with so many women,yet the fact that he has fathered no children.."
How could he father any child if he still didn't skip stage one
Do you think the rumor about him being a seedless watermelon is true?" After finishing their gossip all of the ladies turned to me
"But in any case,is he really coming?!"
I smiled at them as I answered

"Yes,he is coming to this year's new year's ceremony "
A knock at the door stopped our conversation
"Come in" A man came in with a large suitcase
"Your majesty,Grand Duke Rylan Roth of Winchester sends his regards with a gift of the finest silk in all the Eastern Empire!"

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Chapter Text

"Send my regards to the grand duke of Winchester" the ladies took the gift and the countess Eliza spoke
"He's a determined one,isn't he?" I smiled
"Yes, it seems he is" I wonder if grand duke's alliance would be of use to me
"Come take a break your majesty, it's tea time" As I took my seat and sipped a little tea from my cup I was interrupted by that girl

"Pardon the interruption your majesty,but lady Rashta wishes to see you" She really is bold,huh
"She my enter" as I spoke a girl in sime blue dress entered speaking in a sweet voice
"Your majesty,it's so nice to see you again.It's me Rashta!" How can her voice be so..childish

"Unlike the last time we met,his majesty has taken you as his mistress.Congratulations" She smiled brightly as she thanked me
"What brings you here,Rashta" She is going to bring up "the sister" thing, isn't she?
"What brings me here?" She said brightly with wide eyes

"To see my sister, her majesty" I smiled uncomfortably at her as Countess Eliza spits the tea she was going to drink
"..Sister?Why do you think we are sisters?" I laughed softly at her unintelligence
"But me and your majesty are sisters, we now share the same husband!" She said smiling excitedly,this girl's stupidness is on another level..can't blame her through
"So..can I call you big sister from now on?"

"No, you can't do that" I said with a cold expression,her naivety is getting annoying
"..Pardon?Do you..Do you dislike me? Is that why?"
"It has nothing to do with liking or disliking you.In the first becoming his majesty's mistress doesn't mean we have became sisters" I said in a calm voice
She wanted to say something but the frosty glares from my ladies in waiting stopped her
"Now that we cleared this misunderstanding, Would you like to have a cup of tea with me,Rashta" I smiled at her
Her face lit a bit at hearing my words
"I would love to,your majesty! " I smiled
"So, how are your etiquette lessons going,Rashta" I asked her
Rashta's face reddened
I was taking a stroll when some golden feathers flew across the wind near me
Golden feathers,hm.I turned my head and saw a big bird sitting on a branch
As I reached my hand towards the bird it's head look my way and flew to me.
The bird sat on my arm as I petted him.
I took the note off his leg and read it.
I smiled, not a good impression for a prince,huh

"Your majesty?" My ladies in waiting came looking at the massive bird in awe
"Isn't it absolutely darling?Did it bring you a letter?" Countess Eliza asked, but before I could asnwer Laura spoke
"Oh,but you must write back at once" I smiled as I answered her
"I should write back, shouldn't I?"
I was walking to my chambers with my ladies in waiting but I opened the door I found Sovieshu standing in the middle of the room
"Your majesty?"he turned to me and spoke
"Ah,you've finally returned empress"
"What brings you here?" I asked Soveishu
"I believe Rashta will need her very own lady in waiting" ..I need to find way to refuse his request
"But finding a willing noble has been difficult" ..even the lower nobles refused?

"It's obvious they're all being cautious because you haven't joinee in on the research,so!I want you to lead the search in finding Rashta her lady in waiting"
"But your majesty, If you as the Emperor couldn't find a lady in waiting for Rashta what makes you think I can?" My words suprised him and seems he was also irritated by them, before he could say anything I spoken
"Did your majesty asked the lower nobles?One of them may be willing to assist Rashta"my words irritated him more

"Rashta is a royal mistress, she can't be assisted by some low noble" He talks like this is something outrageous but Rashta isn't even a commoner..sadly
"Yes, your majesty you're right but the ladies in waiting are of high status because usually the mistresses have a high status themselves" my reasoning only angered him more
"Empress, if you don't want to help in the search you should of have just said" his features darkened

"I would have loved to help your majesty, but how can I as the Empress sesrch a lady in waiting for the Emperors mistress?" My features darkened as I spoke with a cold voice
I was taking stroll again when I met Heinley again or should I say Queen
I smiled as the bird flew towards me
"You're good at finding me,huh?" I took the note of his leg and looked at the bird after I read it
"Hm, what shall I name you?" I smiled at he bird as I petted him
"An intelligent bird like you deserves a name which befits your character"I said as I wrote his name on the piece of paper Heinley didn't seemed pleased with the name

"Your name shall be Queen from now on!" I said Smiling brightly at the displeased bird
"Thank you for coming to see me Queen" I said hugging the bird
"I hope you will come visit me again"
"I was talking a stroll to relax when I heard two voices
"It's quite alright!The empress never comes at this time of day" I started walking towards the voices
"And it's not like she owns the entire west palace.There's nothing no reason you can't come here too,lady Rashta"
As soon as the servant noticed me she started stuttering
"Y-your majesty!" I stand arms crossed wtih a bored face as I watch Rastha sat in my chair

"B-big sister..I-I mean,your majesty-" She begin speaking as she stand up
"That mine" This was Navier's secret place,I won't let her make mess of this place
"Oh,um..!I-I...!" She began stuttering
"And that handkerchief you were lying one is also mine" my features darkened as I spoke
"I-I'm sorry,your majesty I didn't know.I just happened to come across this chair,so I-" I collected myself and spoke again

"It's fine since you didn't know.But you should refrain from coming to the west palace" I sigh exasperated
"B-but I want to become friends with you.."
"We can't be friends as I am the empress but don't worry dear you can be friends with the next mistress" I smiled at her

The Empress Will Have Fun - AdelaiseMalfoy - 재혼 황후 (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.