Subject To Real Estate: An Investor's Guide | FortuneBuilders (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • What is subject to real estate?

  • Types of subject to

  • Pros and cons of subject to

  • How to find subject to deals

Your real estate investment career might get stalled if you have poor credit. Even if you have the cash to purchase a home or sufficient income to handle a mortgage loan, poor credit could prevent you from securing a mortgage loan.

Many investors turn to subject to real estate deals to purchase properties without securing a mortgage. Subject to real estate is also a practical option for those who need to buy/sell a home quickly and cost-effectively.

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What Does Subject To Mean in Real Estate?

In real estate, subject to means that you’re buying a home that’s subject to an existing mortgage.
Under normal circ*mstances, what happens when a homeowner sells a property in which the mortgage hasn’t been fully paid off?

Most often, the proceeds of the sale are used to pay off the remaining mortgage, and the seller pockets the rest. Or, the buyer may take over the remaining mortgage, a process called “mortgage assumption.”
Subject to is a middle-ground between both options. Under a subject to, the buyer agrees to make payments to the seller’s mortgage company until the mortgage is fully paid off. The mortgage remains in the original owner’s name, but the buyer pays it off.

Sometimes, the buyer may be required to pay off the remaining mortgage balance within a short period, but the buyer may also make recurring payments over a longer period.

Key items to note:

  • There’s often no “official” agreement between the buyer and seller

  • The buyer (in some cases) has no legal obligation to make the mortgage payments

  • However, the home could fall into foreclosure if the buyer fails to make payments

At first glance, it appears that the seller takes on more risk since the buyer has no legal obligation to make the mortgage payments. But even though the buyer is not assuming the mortgage, the buyer is still taking the property title. If the buyer stops making payments, the house will fall into foreclosure, and the buyer will lose it.

Usually, that’s plenty of motivation for a buyer to uphold their end of the bargain.

Subject To Real Estate: An Investor's Guide | FortuneBuilders (1)

Types of Subject To Real Estate Deals

There are three types of subject to real estate deals:

  • Cash-to-loan subject to

  • Seller carry back subject to

  • Wrap-around subject to

Let’s compare each one.

Cash-to-Loan Subject To

A cash-to-loan subject to is the most simple and common type of subject to. When you buy a home from a seller, you’ll pay the existing loan balance in cash.

For example, if you’re buying a home for $300,000, and the existing mortgage balance is $250,000, then you’d pay the seller $50,000 in cash, in addition to the sales price.

As you can see, the buyer isn’t assuming the mortgage. The buyer is just paying forward an extra sum so the seller can pay the remaining balance.

When you hear people mention a subject to, they’re most often referring to a cash-to-loan transaction.

Seller Carryback Subject To

Seller carryback is also known as “seller financing” or “owner financing.” The transaction is similar to a second mortgage.

A seller carryback may be a necessary option if a lender won’t offer the buyer the total amount of financing needed to buy the property.

For example, let’s assume that a property is selling for $300,000. The buyer can only secure financing for $250,000, so they receive a “loan” from the seller for the remaining $50,000. The buyer makes payments to the lender on the $250,000 borrowed and makes payments to the seller for the $50,000 borrowed.

The seller doesn’t actually give the buyer any money—they just allow the buyer to pay installments over a short period. In the example above, the buyer would be given a short amount of time to pay the seller carryback of $50,000.

The down payment, interest rate, and terms can be negotiated between the buyer and seller. The buyer must often pay off the purchase price in 5 years or less and is typically required to make a down payment anywhere between 5% and 25% (the seller stipulates the percentage).

Wrap-Around Subject To

A wrap-around subject to is similar to a seller carryback, but the interest rate that the buyer pays is based on the interest rate for the original mortgage loan.

Because the seller must pay interest on the original mortgage, they’ll require the buyer to pay a proportional interest rate that covers it.

If a seller’s mortgage interest is 5%, they might require the buyer to pay 7% interest on the carryback. Ideally, the seller would make enough money to compensate for the interest on the original mortgage.

Benefits of Subject To Real Estate

Subject to real estate has several significant benefits. Let’s start with the benefits for buyers:

  • Easier to Buy a Property: Subject to real estate is a suitable method for investors who have insufficient credit to finance a home. You can buy a property through subject to even if you wouldn’t normally qualify for financing. You may also get a better interest rate than a standard mortgage.

  • Cost-Effective: Since there are no banks, title companies, agents, or loan officers involved in the transaction, subject to deals usually come with fewer up-front costs and closing costs. Closing costs alone can price you out of a home that you might otherwise afford, so that makes subject to real estate worth considering if a property is just out of your price range.

  • Faster Equity/Income: When you purchase a subject to property, you’ll gain equity in the property very quickly since some of the mortgage has already been paid. Subject to transactions also close much faster than standard mortgage transactions, so they’re more ideal for house flipping.

Now let’s cover the benefits of subject to real estate for sellers:

  • Saving Grace: Unfortunately, some homeowners are facing foreclosure, or they have a major life event—like a divorce—that requires them to dispose of a property to get cash quickly. A subject to real estate deal can be a necessary solution for these homeowners.

  • No Repairs Needed: Similarly, subject-to sales often accept the property in as-is condition. This can be highly beneficial if the homeowner needs to sell quickly or does not have the ability to pay for repairs at the time of the sale.

  • Quick Sales: A real estate investor might want to quickly sell a property so they can finance a new, more profitable investment. A subject to transaction can help the investor quickly and affordably dispose of a property.

  • Avoid Closing costs: In many subject-to sales, sellers are not responsible for closing costs. This can help them reduce costs associated with selling, which can eliminate a lot of stress during the transaction process.

Subject To Real Estate: An Investor's Guide | FortuneBuilders (2)

Risks of Subject To Real Estate

You need to account for some significant risks before you participate in a subject to transaction.

First, let’s cover the risks for buyers:

  • Foreclosure: When you’re buying a property without using a standard mortgage, it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re financially prepared to buy the property even when you’re not. Standard mortgages can be effective in weeding out those who don’t have the money to handle homeownership’s financial obligations. Even if you’ve secured financing for most of the sales price—in the case of a seller carryback—some homebuyers might underestimate the difficulty of making two different payments to a seller and a lender. Subject to real estate is most efficient for investors who have multiple streams of income and have plenty of cash to handle the multitude of payments.

  • Loan Acceleration: Under some subject to real estate agreements, the lender reserves the right to accelerate the loan and mandate a full payoff earlier than you intended. That puts you at a major disadvantage.

  • Insurance: It’s much more difficult to insure properties acquired through subject to transactions. That’s something to think about if you plan on holding the property for a long period.

Now let’s cover the risks for sellers. The seller undoubtedly faces the most risk in a subject to transaction.

  • Liability: Although the buyer owns the home and acquires equity in the property, the seller is still liable for the mortgage. If the buyer doesn’t make the mortgage payments, you could face liability if foreclosure doesn’t cover the outstanding mortgage balance. Your credit score would be significantly damaged. It’s not enough to sign an agreement with the buyer—you need to find a buyer whom you’re confident will make the agreed-upon mortgage payments.

  • “Due on Sale” Clause: Some mortgages have a “due on sale” clause, which mandates that you pay the remaining mortgage when you sell the property. Lenders often don’t enforce this clause because they’d rather receive steady mortgage payments than pursue foreclosure—but some lenders might. If you’re forced to pay the outstanding mortgage when you sell, then you won’t earn any interest on the buyer’s mortgage payments. The sale will be far less profitable.

Why Would A Seller Want A Subject To Deal?

A seller will usually agree to a subject to deal when they are in financial trouble. One example of this is when they are facing foreclosure due to not being able to afford their mortgage. Since subject to deals are often quick get started, the seller will be relieved of their financial burdens faster than many other solutions. They also have a chance to improve their credit score, as the buyer is actually paying for the mortgage while it is in the seller’s name. Finally, a seller will save money by not paying closing costs as they aren’t selling their home through a realtor or broker.

Subject To vs. Loan Assumption

There’s a major difference between a subject to transaction and a loan assumption.

In a subject to real estate transaction, neither the buyer nor the seller informs the lender that the seller has sold the property. The buyer does not get the lender’s permission to take over the mortgage payments; lenders may enforce a “due on sale” clause if they discover a property has been transferred.
Many lenders don’t mind that a property has been transferred, so long as somebody makes the mortgage payments. But all lenders are different, and some real estate investors don’t want to take any chances. Subject to real estate deals, while not illegal, are meant to be conducted “under the radar.”

On the contrary, loan assumption is when the buyer formally takes over the mortgage from the seller. The buyer must qualify for the loan, and once the buyer is qualified, the seller is removed from the mortgage and no longer held liable.

The buyer is usually charged a “loan assumption fee.” It’s not an expensive fee, but it’s just another expense that subject to investors like to avoid.

Subject To Real Estate: An Investor's Guide | FortuneBuilders (3)

How To Find Subject To Real Estate Deals

How exactly do you find subject to deals?

You can find subject to deals by using online real estate listing platforms and searching for specific terms. Some of the best deals are properties that are already in foreclosure, or properties that are behind on payments. Investors can target distressed or vacant-looking properties as they search for potential listings. Owners who cannot make necessary repairs may be open to a subject to deal.

Another way to find these properties is to execute a direct mail campaign, targeting potentially motivated sellers. Create multiple mailers with your contact information and follow up on possible leads to make these deals happen. You may also find success by utilizing your existing real estate network. Ask around for potential foreclosures or sellers in need of a quick sale. These could lead to a subject to deal.

When To Offer Subject To Deals

If you’re a buyer, you can offer a subject to deal if the seller:

  • Needs quick debt relief

  • Is facing foreclosure

  • Has to relocate and needs to sell the home quickly

These sellers are more likely to agree to a subject to deal. But you can offer a subject to to any seller if:

  • The property has existing equity

  • The property is a multifamily home that’s already generating a cashflow

  • The property is a fix-and-flip, but the seller can’t afford repairs

If you’re a seller, you can offer a subject to deal to any buyer who:

  • Can’t secure financing due to low credit

  • Doesn’t have the cash for a sufficient down payment

  • Is an experienced investor with a diverse real estate portfolio

How To Present Subject To

When you’ve identified a buyer or seller with whom to offer a subject to, you need to reach out to them and make a proposal. Keep in mind that every buyer/seller has different motivations, and you want to make sure that your proposal meets their needs and yours.

If you’re making a proposal to a seller, present the subject to as just one of many different options. Explain how the speed and cost-effectiveness of a subject to may be advantageous to the seller.

If you’re making a proposal to a buyer, explain your situation and emphasize how the buyer can benefit from the transaction’s speed and cost-effectiveness. Even if you’re in a precarious financial situation, don’t let the buyer set the terms and rates for the transaction. As the seller, you still have the upper hand in all negotiations.

Due Diligence

Before you take part in a subject to transaction, make sure you do your due diligence and:

  • Research State Laws: Some states may have regulations concerning subject to deals and owner financing.

  • Consider Loan Terms: If you’re a buyer, make sure you know whether the loan is fixed-rate or adjustable (adjustable terms can throw a wrench into your financial planning). Also make sure you know whether insurance or taxes are included in the monthly payment.

  • Past Balances: The seller may not be up-to-date on utility payments. Make sure you know which past balances you’ll assume if you take over the property.

  • Buyer Vetting: If you’re a seller, you need to make sure that your prospective buyer has the income to make the mortgage payments on time. Ask for proof of income, or ask to see the investor’s real estate portfolio. These aren’t unreasonable requests.

  • Decide On An Offer: Based on the condition of the property and the seller’s position, you can decide on the right offer and exit strategy. In some cases this will require your own funds, but in others you may find yourself getting paid to take the house off their hands.

This kind of preliminary research is the best way to protect yourself in a subject to real estate deal and ensure that you’re partnering with the right person.

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Tips for Subject To Real Estate Investing

Here are a couple of important tips for investors who are considering a subject to deal:

  • Hire a Real Estate Attorney: It’s vital that you hire a real estate attorney to oversee the subject to deal. The attorney will help create a legally binding contract between you and the buyer/seller so that you’re protected if things don’t go smoothly. They can also help you navigate “due on sale” clauses that might be featured on the mortgage loan.

  • Plan Your Investment Strategy: If you’re pursuing a subject to deal for real estate investment, make sure that it fits your overall investment strategy. A subject to is generally a high-risk investment, so be sure to counterbalance it with low-risk investments, like rental properties or property management income.

  • Research the Loan Terms: You should always perform your due diligence before buying any type of property. In this scenario, study the loan terms before you make any agreements. There may be hidden items and clauses to watch out for, such as prepay penalties. Also make sure to understand whether the interest rate is adjustable or fixed, and whether or not insurance and taxes are already included in the monthly payment.

  • Analyze the Investment Property: Run a thorough investment property analysis to make sure you’re making a worthy investment, and that your exit strategy is sound. For example, conduct a rental market analysis to estimate your potential rental income or run neighborhood comps to see if your after repair value is worthwhile.


A subject to real estate deal is when you buy or sell a property with an existing mortgage. Under a subject to deal, the buyer takes over the property, but the seller retains the mortgage. The buyer makes mortgage payments for the seller, and the lender is not informed that the property has been transferred. For buyers, subject to is an excellent way to buy a property when you have insufficient credit or when you want to buy a property with fewer closing costs. For sellers, subject to is a good way to quickly dispose of a property if you need immediate debt relief or if you’re facing foreclosure. Foreclosure is a major risk for buyers and sellers participating in a subject to, and it’s generally a high-risk investment. It’s highly advised that you seek an experienced real estate attorney to help you draft a subject to agreement.

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Subject To Real Estate: An Investor's Guide | FortuneBuilders (2024)


What is subject to real estate investing? ›

Summary. A subject to real estate deal is when you buy or sell a property with an existing mortgage. Under a subject to deal, the buyer takes over the property, but the seller retains the mortgage. The buyer makes mortgage payments for the seller, and the lender is not informed that the property has been transferred.

What does subject to mean in real estate? ›

Subject To investing, often referred to as “Sub 2” or “Sub To,” means you pay the existing mortgage while it remains in the seller's name, but you take the title to the property. As with a traditional purchase, the seller moves out and you have complete ownership.

What are the disadvantages of subject to real estate? ›

Disadvantages of subject-to loans

Some mortgage companies call loans due if the property transfers to a new buyer. You may lose the house if you do not have the cash to pay off the mortgage and cannot get financing in your name. Finally, insuring the home can be very challenging.

Why would a seller do subject to? ›

Avoid a Foreclosure

Need to sell your house quickly? Selling subject-to allows the buyer to purchase your house quickly even if it needs repairs or has little to no equity.

How does subject to financing work? ›

For Subject to financing deals, the existing financing is taken over by the buyer. However, the mortgage or loan remains in the seller's name and with the same terms. In these cases, the real estate investor pays the mortgage payment and gains the right to sell the property.

What is the difference between seller financing and subject to? ›

Subto is when the home owner still has a debt on the house, meaning you'd sign over the deed and start making payments to their current loan. Seller Finance is when the house or asset is paid off which allows the seller to come up with their own terms and finance the property to you as if they were the bank.

How do you structure a subject to real estate deal? ›

The contract should be structured in a way that allows the buyer to take over the seller's existing mortgage payments. Once the contract is in place, the buyer needs to close on the property. At closing, the buyer will sign a promissory note to the seller for the amount of the mortgage.

Which is an advantage of a subject to mortgage? ›

The primary benefit of a subject-to transaction for all parties is that it is a faster process than the traditional loan route. The seller and buyer agree on the terms and then transfer the deed to the home over.

Can an investor take over a mortgage? ›

In a subject to, sometimes called a subject 2 deal, the existing financing that a homeowner has setup is taken over by an investor. This route is basically paying for the mortgage already in place through an agreement with a homeowner.

What is an example of a subject to mortgage? ›

For example, suppose the seller took out a mortgage for $200,000. They paid $150,000 of it before they decided to sell the home. The new buyers would then make payments on the remaining $50,000. Under a subject to agreement, the buyer continues making payments to the seller's mortgage company.

What is the difference between subject to and assume mortgage? ›

"Assume" means the buyer takes on liability, and the seller is no longer primarily liable. "Subject to" means the seller is not released from responsibility.

How do I close a subject to deal? ›

Close the deal: Once you've reached an agreement, it's time to close the deal! In the case of a "Subject To" deal, this is actually very quick and simple. You'll sign a contract with the seller and start making their mortgage payments. Now the property is yours!

How does a subject to sale work? ›

“Subject-to” refers to a creative financing scenario used in real estate buying and selling. A subject-to property is a property that is sold with the existing mortgage still in place. The buyer does not assume the mortgage, but rather agrees to make the monthly payments to the seller.

What does it mean when a sale is subject to? ›

Sold subject to contract, or sold STC, means that the buyer has made an offer and the seller has accepted it. But in either case, until the paperwork is completed and the contracts are exchanged – neither the buyer or seller are legally committed to the sale.

What is a subject to real estate strategy? ›

In a subject to, sometimes called a subject 2 deal, the existing financing that a homeowner has setup is taken over by an investor. This route is basically paying for the mortgage already in place through an agreement with a homeowner.

What is considered a real estate investment? ›

Investment real estate is real estate that generates income or is otherwise intended for investment purposes rather than as a primary residence.

What is the subject to value in real estate? ›

Subject-to with Seller Financing: In this type of “subject to” deal, the seller agrees to finance the buyer for the difference between the purchase price and the loan amount, which is a form of a second mortgage on the property.

What is the difference between subject to and assumption? ›

"Subject to" means the seller is not released from responsibility. The word "assumption" is used when a buyer assumes personal liability for an existing debt. If the buyer defaults, the seller no longer has responsibility as the buyer has "assumed" the loan.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.