Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 16, 1961, p. 3 (2024)

honour graduation class the stourtvule tribune ttersdiy hortaba 16 1961 page 3 locai and personal happenings mr grant burkholder of bar- rj stouffville fir brigade rie spent the weekend with his was sxltvix to theresidence l sar geo foote main st w on monday night when an oi space holder market st mrs a g thompson and mrs eattisby albert street north are spending a week at the home of major thompson at camp borden j heater threatened to explode ten members of the stouff- ville dist high school honour graduation class are pictured here at the conclusion of the annual commencement exer cises on friday evening they are left to right rear row- neil memullen bill ratcliff gertrude baker gary baston glendyne gordon kenneth ferguson front row left to right grace dennie margaret hoover elizabeth mclean and muriel loveless grant horton was not present cadieux studio a group of hunters including messrs elmer daniels reuben meyer and edwin byer return ed home on saturday they bagged a total of five deer mr daniels was one of the marks men friends will be pleased to know that mrs win timbers westlawn cresc who is pres ently confined to toronto eye surgery is doing as well as can be expected following her recent operation mrs r c barnhardt and mrs jas e walker of markham and mrs w j henwood of union- ville attended a tea on friday at the home of mrs w john large rr 2 maple chairman of the york county mental health christmas gift cam paign weddings minton ward on saturday october 21 1961 rev d davis united in mar riage edna m ward and roy m minton at the united church manse the bride was attired in beige organza with turquoise accessories and a corsage of talisman roses mrs ken hamm was bridesmaid in lilac taffeta and silk jersey with lilac ac cessories and a corsage of pink roses the groom was assisted by his brother mr charles min ton toronto following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of mr andmrs henry ogden for seventy guests the brides mother mrs hill of george town received in a navy crepe dress with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses assisted by mrs ogden in midnight blue puckered silk with black acces sories and a corsage of yellow roses following the reception the bride and groom flew to new york city the bride travelled in a black knitted suit with tur quoise accessories an orchid corsage and a mink stole gift of the groom mclean gowe on saturday oct 21 1961 in the chapel at deer park united church toronto lynda cor- inne gowe daughter of mr and mrs robert gowe was united in marriage to david john me- lean son of mr and mrs thos mclean of sydney australia by the rev john m wilkie given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore a gown of white organza over taffeta with a lace jacket her double tiered waist length veil was held in place with a lace cap she carried glamelias and white mums the maid of honour beverly smith of corunna bridesmaid jeanette macdonald and junior bridesmaid peggy nott of tor onto were dressed alike in bronze organza over taffeta and carried yellow snowdrift and bronze mums best man was howard meyer of sydney australia and the ushers were bob gowe brother of the bride and barry smith of corunna for the wedding breakfast at the adams house on walmer rd the brides mother wore a brown brocade dress with a cor sage of yellow roses and bronze mums after a motor trip to vancouver they will sail on nov 6 for sydney australia where they will make their home the bride travelled in a blue wool suit pink feather hat and a corsage of sweetheart roses and baby pink mums the bride is a gianuuiiugiiter of mr hor ace and the late mrs walsh of stouffville mrs rolph davis and richard were visitors on sunday with her sister mrs walter gray at lemonville features effective this week end wed sat nov 15 18 del monte fruit co*cktail 41 carnation blic 3 lb pkg 97 cleanser 4 233 saico solid light tuna fish i 33 12c off cheer p 73 dutch fresh chicken 2 31b avcrajro weight lb legs or breasts lb lean sweet pickled cottage rolls lb schneiders country sausage lb pkg devon lean rindless side bacon lb pkg maple leaf bologna 6 oz pkg delicious chicken loaf 6ozpkg 47 55 47 65 19 23 the ladies auxiliary to the canadian legion 459 stouffville are pleased at the interest that was shown in the remembrance day posters by the children of grades 4 5 6 7 and 8 of the two stouffville public schools the prize winners are grade 4 michael brillinger arlene cakely and barbara davies grade 5 brian robinson car ol hetherington and john wal- ley grade 6 joyce williams lyn badgerow and sheila kennedy grade 7 jane terwoerds keith betz and birgit christen- sen grade 8 carol adams neil wagg and randy mole mr and mrs wilbert gower and daughters of church st have moved to the former beach residence on south st too many boys grow wild ac cording to a police chief may be because theyre not home grown no 1 large size florida white grapefruit 5 for 29c cello macintosh apples 3 lbs for 29c emperor table grapes 2 lbs for 29c carload food market main st stouffviixe phone 2s0w free delivery b p club stouffville business and pro fessional womens club held their november meeting at the home of the program convener mrs evelyn patrick mrs reta laushway the president gave a very interesting report about the b p convention which was held in hamilton this fall ontario has 84 member clubs and 82 of these were represent ed by presidents delegates and members mrs fred byer was a guest at our loal meeting she brought along her very interesting hob by of dried and painted weeds and flowers which she and her family have gathered during the summer months and arranged very nicely in vases and picture frames she also had an inter esting collection of rocks gath ered from different parts of ontario and canada these are two hobbies that can be pursued by just about everyone to help bring about a much fuller and happier life dr petrie was the main speak er for the evening on the topic of fluoridation he explained to the ladies the importance of fluoridation in the prevention of dental caries in the mouths of children and urged that we get out and vote on dec 4 r p clubs all over canada have been having a drive for new members during septem ber october and november we are most anxious to have new members to help strengthen our stouffville club please contact mrs don mcphail if you are in terested correction at the commencement exer cises of the stouffville district high school held on nov 10 elinore shirk should have re ceived the high school board academic award of a book for having the highest percentage in grade 9 last year her per centage last june was 887 al so eleanor little should have received a book by reversion for having 826 in grade 10 last june a book is presented to the student having the highest marks in each grade unless the student receives another award in which case the prize reverts to the next highest student both elinore and eleanor will be con gratulated and presented witn books at our assembly this fall the errors occurred due to one error in a report card cal culation last june this error was corrected at the time but the two resulting changes were not made in the awards list and these were not brought to the attention of the principal until after the commencement exer cises the public will have an op portunity to view the interior of the new christ church angli can on saturday afternoon when the evening guild will sponsor an art exhibit bazaar and tea from 2 to 5 pm cars will be made available for transporta tion from down town the lo cation is sunset boulevard next to the orchard park school mr an mrs j h wake en tertained members of the high school band on sunday after noon following the remembran ce day parade mr and mrs howard kee betty ann and john of orange- ville and mr and mrs otto tranmer of bloomlngton were guests on sundav of mr and mrs floyd fairies mr and mrs john timbers of cookstown were recent visi tors with mr and mrs win timbers and with her mother mrs menno grove christ church anglican wa will hold a tea and bake sale at the parish hall main street on saturday dec 2nd from 230 to 5 pm the home of mr and mrs xv kamp rupert ave was the scene of a family gathering on sunday following the christen ing of their baby boy christo pher mr and mrs bert lickorish main st celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary on sun day nov 12 they were enter tained to dinner at their daugh ters mr and mrs lloyd jen nings rose ave mrs annie betz was also a guest on this occasion fortyfour years ago mr lickorish obtained leave of absence from his unit in france to get married he later rejoined his company to en gage in active combat at pasch endaele mr arthur oconnor of r r 1 pickering suffered a fractured skull on sunday when a car in which he was a passenger was involved in an accident on har- wood ave at ajax four others were injured mr oconnor is the father of local veterinarians drs dennis and terence o connor both of stouffville mr oconnor is presently confined to the scarboro general hos pital while the selection is at its best see the wonderful line of greeting cards at the tribune have your own name and ad dress embossed or printed on your cards for business or per sonal use miss emma good of preston accompanied her nephew mr everek storms of kitchener here for the anniversary serv ices at the united missionary church mr storms was the guest speaker miss good re newed acquaintance with for mer friends here pc dennis davies of the stouffville police department was summoned to the scene of a minor collision on wednes day nov 8th on the tenth line north the two vehicles were driven by al jackson and rich ard madill both of stouffville no one was injured and damage was not excessive mr ken tranmer of bloom- ington has produced a crop of cows horn potatoes unusual specimens in this area mrs otto tranmer brought a sample of the produce in to the tribune last week they were originally grown in the sudbury district mr and mrs david john mclean of sydney australia are pictured here following their recent marriage in deer park united church toronto the bride is the former lynda corinne gowe daughter of mr and mrs robt gowe of toronto and granddaughter of mr horace walsh and the late mrs walsh of stouffville the couple motored to van couver and embarked for syd ney australia on monday where they will make their permanent home mr ken burkholder has been in st michaels hospital tor onto having had surgery on his hand and is expected home this week mrs john badgerow park rd is in scarborough hospital having had an operation on her eye on friday mr and mrs fred brillinger and robert mr and mrs roy brillinger all of stayner and mr and mrs les wideman were visitors on sunday with mrs rolph atkinson lloyd ave births hendy laura ani frank wish to announce the birth of a daughter wanda jane on nov 5th at uxbridge cot tage hospital masters jim and ruth are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter barbara lou ise at orargcville hospital on november 6 ly61 a sister xor billy obituaries strong mr ernest strong of perrys lane woodstock died on mon day oct 30 1961 at the wood stock general hospital he was in his 57th year and a son of the late mr and mrs sam strong former residents of stouffville he is survived by his wife the former elsie havi- land a son allan of chalk river a daughter marilyn of hunts- ville a stepdaughter joyce haviland of toronto and a step son richard haviland of ome- moe three brothers earl and roy of huntsville and floyd of orillia and three sisters mrs vera woodward oshawa mrs ernest boden of newmarket and mrs maurice moore of dearborn michigan the funer- al service was held at the smith funeral home woodstock on thursday nov 2 thomas mrs julia elizabeth thomas formerly of toronto passed away at the brlerbush hospital on monday nov 6 1961 in her 82nd year the former julia elizabeth dreher was the bo- loved wife of the late henry c thomas she is survived by a son kenneth c of markham and a daughter marion mrs n r bucvhanan of cap dla madeline que and six grand children two brothers fred dreher of toronto and herman dreher of simcoo and a sister josephine mrs r thompson of toronto also survive funeral service was held on wednesday at 3 oclock from the trull fu neral home on danforth ave toronto with interment in pine hills cemetery mcavoy mrs edith pcarle meavoy pass ed away at her home 103 park view hills cres east york on tuesday nov 7 1961 the for- mer edith pearle law was the wife of otto h meavoy 3 cric- time resident of stouffville who survives her also a brother lome law of grand forks n d funeral service was held on thursday afternoon at 1 oclock at the trull funeral home dan forth ave toronto with inter- ment in stouffville cemetery w m s meeting on thursday evening nov 9 the wms of the united missionary church held an open meeting in the church the ser vice was conducted by the presi dent mrs bert stouffer who led the devotional and business part of the meeting mrs a walsh then intro duced the guest speakers dr and mrs belch missionaries on furlough from west pakistan and who are working with t e a m dr and mrs belch were dressed in native costume which they use in their work they gave two skits one depicting the doctors difficulty in treating the sick folks and determining the true cause of the illness since the native women answer yes to all the doctors ques tions the other skit gave conversation between the mis sionary and the milkman who was a moslem in her address mrs belch told of their work amongst the moslem people and was followed by dr belch who showed very interesting pictures of the natives and of their hospital work during their furlough period they are living in scarborough and are i planning to return to west pak istan in 1962 the wms ladles are contin uing their work of preparing bandages for the nigerian hos pital and on oct 26 met at the home of mrs george timbers xor a work meeting at home mr and mrs stan kelly 119 main st stouffville will be at home to neighbours and friends on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary saturday november 25 1961 from 2 until 5 in the afternoon three stouffville district resi dents were among 104 appli cants who appeared before judge cory in ontario county court last week to receive cana dian citizenship certificates they included annie and theodoras assinck r r 3 stouffville gerhardus geelink rr 3 stouffville johannus and maria hulshof rr 3 stouffville fcawn bowling club on nov 2 1961 the ladles of the local lawn bowling club held their closing meeting of the season in the club house the new executive for 1962 are as follows president mrs ma bel watts 1st vice pres mrs doris farthing 2nd vice pres mrs marion farthing secre tary mrs luella lemon treas mrs reta laushway games comm mrs dorothy wagg mrs elinore crossen mrs ag nes wallace prize committee- mrs eva boadway and mrs rena ratcliu improvement- mrs delia birkett mrs clara johnson social committee mrs sue schell mrs rena rat- cliff mrs eva boadway mm clara johnson press mrs doris farthing visiting mrs delia birkett miss gertrude todd auditors mrs elinore crossen mrs margaret wagg mrs percy tarr lloyd ave spent a few days recently in new york city she accompan ied her sister and husband mr and mrs herb irwin of tor onto plan to attend the pot luck supper and annual meeting of the horticultural society on this friday night at 615 in the united church basem*nt a group from cedar grove will entertain with slides on var ious subjects rev rees pastor of the north markham and dicksons hill united missionary churches brought an edition of tiie delhi times of india to the tribune rev rees has just returned from georgia ind where he was conducting a special series of evangelistic services dr and mrs dennis oconnor of elm road visited with friends and relatives in the windsor and detroit areas last week they left on thursday and re turned home on sunday mr everek r storms of kit chener editor of the gospel banner official weekly maga zine of the united missionary chrch was the guest speaker at the stouffville u m church on sunday the congregation marked its 58lh anniversary mr storms said he was pleased to learn that arrangements had been made to place the gospel banner in every home of con gregation members during the coming year special music was provided by mrs walsh and the junior echoes of gormley messrs l e oneill and ken betz left on monday morning on a deerhunting trip into the tobermory district the stouffville fire siren was sounded at seven oclock mon day evening as part of the crosscanada civil defense alert mr and mrs gordon gostick and family of toronto and mr and mrs merlin pugh and fam ily of prince albert visited with mr and mrs frank gostick on sunday gordon who is em ployed at tca remained for a few days mr and mrs ben wideman of markham iwill mark their diamond wedding anniversary on sunday nov 19th they will celebrate the occasion at the home of a son mr wideman was a former stouffville drug gist the ladies auxiliary reports a splendid turnout for their re membrance day tea the dis plays of posters and oil paint ings created much interest and favourable comment proceeds of 11650 was realized from the effort making a worthwhile con tribution to the poppy fund the united church wa will meet in the church parlor on monday evening nov 20th the program will consist of a devo tional by mrs a march mr ed macrea of lemonville will speak and miss lynda nolan will sing all ladies are invited the w a bazaar and baking sale will be on saturday nov 25th the hom*o of miss bessie dick son main st e has been som to mr art carlin they are a young scottish couple with two children and have been in can ada about 5 years they will be moving in this week this home has been maintained by the hen ry dickson family for over half a century miss bessie the last member of the family to live there has been spending the past few winters at the home of her brother roy dickson in toronto fifty years ago the late henry dickson operated a blacksmith shop on the prop erty new anglican parish hall the new anglican church the 40000 structure will be on sunset boulevard is in its opened to the public for the final stages of completion first time on saturday nov 18th when a bazaar and tea is scheduled to take place the official sodtuininz was con ducted only four months ago a portion of the orchard park public school is pictured en the left staff photo



Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 16, 1961, p. 3 (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.