Spanish/Gender of nouns - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (2024)

In English, the verb in a sentence changes depending on whether a noun is singular or plural. For example, in Standard English, it would be grammatically wrong to write "We is here", since we is plural but is is the singular form of the verb. We need to keep track of which words are singular and which are plural, but since we learn a noun's number when we learn the word, it isn't too difficult.

In Spanish, we also need to keep track of another attribute, called the gender.Spanish has two grammatical genders, which are known as "masculine" and "feminine". Just as a word can be singular or plural, it can also be masculine or feminine. Sometimes it is obvious which gender a word is, such as the words for man and woman. Other times, it may seem arbitrary. Just learn the gender of each noun you learn, and you won't have too much trouble.

Gender of sexed nouns[edit | edit source]

Normally, for nouns that express gendered entities (people or animals), there is both a masculine-gender form and a feminine-gender form (example: el profesor (m), la profesora (f)). Normally, the feminine-gender words end with the letter 'a' and the masculine words end with the letter 'o'. If a masculine word ends with a consonant, the feminine adds 'a'. If word ends in 'a' it can be both masculine and feminine (el artista, la artista).


el niñothe boy, the childla niñathe girl, the female child
el amigothe friendla amigathe female friend
el gatothe catla gatathe female cat
el doctorthe doctorla doctorathe female doctor
el artistathe artistla artistathe female artist

Sex is not correctly expressed by the gender alone. If you want to say "I need a female student" you can say Necesito una estudiante. However, since gender is required but doesn't convey additional meaning, the sentence would be better understood if you say Necesito una estudiante mujer.

In the plural, the masculine-gender form indicates there is at least one male, or that sex is unknown. Los niños is the children. To indicate boys you must say los niños varones or los niños hombres (the male children).

See also Formation of the feminine

Gender of non-sexed nouns[edit | edit source]

Many words in Spanish have a fixed arbitrary gender, which is also called grammatical gender. This is true for all things: el pan (bread), la leche (milk). Most animals follow this rule: el camello (camel), la jirafa (giraffe). There are a few words applied to persons that have grammatical gender: el personaje (personage, character), la visita (visitor).

Normally, the feminine-gender words finalize with the letter 'a' and the masculine-gender words end with the letter 'o'.


Masculine-gender words ending in o:

el camellocamel
el cerrohill
el librobook

Feminine-gender words ending in a:

la palomadove
la hierbagrass
la casahouse

Here the endings that are typical for feminine nouns.

-ala casa (house)el mapa (map)
-adla verdad (truth)
-udla salud (health)el alud (avalanche)
-ezla pesadez (heaviness), la pez ( tar)el pez (fish)
-iónla nación (nation)el camión (truck)
-isla tesis (thesis)el frontis (facade)
-umbrela legumbre (vegetable)el alumbre (alum)

A mnemonic rule for most feminine-gender endings is the "word" D-ión-Z-A.

There is also a (much less strict) rule for typical masculine-gender endings. The endings can be summarized easily by the word L-O-N-E-R-S:

-lel árbol (tree)la miel (honey)
-oel pelo (hair)la mano (hand)
-n (minus -ión)el cinturón (belt)la sartén (frying pan); however, many people say el sartén
-eel volante (steering wheel)la muerte (death), la base (basis)
-rel olor (smell, odor)la flor (flower)
-s (minus -is)el virus (virus)
stressed vowelel sofá (sofa)la mamá (mother, mom)

Since there are many exceptions to some of the rules it is always good to learn the gender along with the noun. Definite articles normally help us to do this.

Some of these exceptions can be memorized in groups. For example, although most nouns that end in "-a" are feminine and therefore take the "la" article, many nouns that end in -ma are exceptions to the rule and are masculine. This is because these words have a Greek origin. For example, el tema, el programa, el fantasma, el clima and el diploma. However, many words ending in -ma have a feminine gender: la cama, la broma, la norma, la rama, la fama, la yema, la estima, la espuma.

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Spanish/Gender of nouns - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (2024)


Spanish/Gender of nouns - Wikibooks, open books for an open world? ›

Gender of sexed nouns

Is books in Spanish masculine or feminine? ›

Nouns: gender (género)
el librothe bookla ventana
el cuadernothe notebookla mesa

How to tell if Spanish nouns are masculine or feminine? ›

Nouns that refer to animate objects will generally have two forms, masculine and feminine, which will be easily identifiable by their endings (-o or -a). Nouns ending in consonants like -n, -r, -s, -l, -x, or -y are typically masculine. Nouns ending in -d, -ión, -ez, or -is are typically feminine.

What are the rules for gender of nouns in Spanish? ›

Masculine nouns are used with articles like el or un and have adjectives that end in -o, while female nouns use the articles la or una and have adjectives that end in -a. To know if a noun is masculine or feminine, you should look to see what letter(s) the word ends with.

What are 10 masculine nouns in Spanish? ›

Examples of masculine and feminine nouns in Spanish
Masculine nouns in SpanishFeminine nouns in Spanish
el camarero - the waiterel camarero - the waiter
el maestro - the teacherla maestra - the teacher
el señor - the gentlemana señora - the lady
el árbitro - the refereela árbitra - the referee

Are los libros male or female? ›

Answer and Explanation: The singular form of the noun phrase los libros ('the books') is el libro ('the book'). In Spanish, we use the definite article el with masculine singular nouns such as libro, lápiz ('pencil') or coche ('car'), and los with their plural forms.

What is the gender of libros in Spanish? ›

Libro and libra are nouns. Nouns have their own genders (male or female). Nouns have their gender independently of other nouns in the sentence (niña is feminine and libro is masculine no matter what). It is adjectives that must agree (in gender and number) with the nouns that they describe.

Is television masculine or feminine in Spanish? ›

Answer and Explanation: The Spanish noun televisión (pronounced: teh-leh-bee-SYOHN) is feminine. To help you learn its gender, remember this tip: Spanish nouns ending in -sión or -ción are feminine. Therefore, you have to use it with the article la (the), as in this example: Suelo ver la televisión después de cenar.

What are the 3 rules for making nouns plural in Spanish? ›

Let's recap the main points:
  • If a noun ends in a vowel, simply add -s to form the plural.
  • If a noun ends in a consonant, add -es for most cases.
  • If a noun ends in -z, drop the -z and add -ces.
Feb 12, 2024

What are the only two grammatical genders for nouns en español? ›

Let's start with something simple: the word for “gender” in Spanish is género, and our two genders are femenino (“feminine” ) and masculino (“masculine” ).

How do you know if a word is masculine or feminine? ›

How do I know whether a word is masculine or feminine?
  1. If a noun refers to a male person it will be masculine, if it refers to a female person it will be feminine.
  2. Nouns with these endings will (generally) be masculine: -age. -ment. -il, -ail, -eil, -ueil. ...
  3. Nouns with these endings will (generally) be feminine:

Why is noches feminine? ›

This difference is a result of gender, the idea of words being masculine or feminine: Tardes (afternoons) and Noches (nights) are feminine words while Días (days) is a masculine word.

Is it el mano or la mano? ›

up when learning new vocab because they had learned this rule of thumb. Just think of the Spanish word for “problem”: el problema! The same goes for some words that end in -o that are actually feminine: la mano, la radio, la foto, etc.

Is a book masculine or feminine? ›

Answer: Book is a neuter gender. Explanation: Gender denotes the 'sex of any animate object'.

Is librI masculine or feminine? ›


What is the Spanish word for books? ›

Conclusion. In summary, the word for "books" in Spanish is "libros". It refers to printed or written material that is bound together and intended for reading, studying, or reference. While "libros" is the most commonly used word for books in Spanish, there may be regional variations in vocabulary and pronunciation.

Is it el lápiz or la lápiz? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Lápiz is gendered masculine in Spansh, so the definite article is el and the indefinite article is un. Here are some sample sentences: Necesito el lápiz.

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