Six Tips for Passing a Microsoft Certification Exam (from Someone Who Hates Taking Tests) (2024)

I have taken a lot of Microsoft certification exams over the last 20 years. I can’t say that I am ever excited to take an exam, but I have done well on them. Over the years I have developed an approach to taking exams and have generally passed many more than I have failed. In fact, as I started thinking about it, I have never failed an exam for which I have gone through the process that I am laying out herein. You do not need to follow this approach, but you definitely need an approach. Taking a Microsoft certification exam “cold” is a good way to end up retaking a Microsoft certification exam.

Step 1: Know what you need to know.

Microsoft certification exams are usually hard, really hard. They are generally not very fun to take. The exams dive into minutia, asking questions that people with years of experience can’t answer. Every question is a trick question so they are pretty hard to guess at.

So, how do you know what will be on the exam? The scary answer is that you can’t, at least not everything. No matter how much you study, you will likely encounter questions you have never seen any material on (more about this later). However, breathe a sigh of relief because there is one place to go to find out most of the topics that will be on an exam.

Microsoft publishes exam description pages for every exam they administer. For example, here is an exam description for AZ-104: Azure Administrator Associate.

This is the first place I go when studying for an exam. The objectives shown in the screen shot break out into sub-objectives. Each sub-objective has a set of skills listed in paragraph form. I break out every skill that is listed into an Excel spreadsheet or a table in OneNote. This becomes my study guide. I make sure I understand the details of each skill in the list. This is, of course, a pretty fair bit of work, but it is better than not having any idea what to study. While you will encounter questions on skills not listed in the page, I have never failed an exam for which I was comfortable with this skill list.

Step 2: Find good study material.

You need really good material to study.

As a Microsoft Certified Trainer, I have experience collecting and assessing which resources are the best for learners to get the most out of. Here are my top 3 recommendations for Microsoft study material:

Microsoft Certified Curriculum (MOC): I have access to Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) as a Certified Trainer, and therefore have an advantage, and can also shed light on its high value in preparing for exams. The MOC content is used in official Microsoft courses, is written by experts in the field and tends to align with the objectives in the exams. This doesn’t mean that exam questions will be written word for word directly from the content, but most of the concepts on the exam are covered in detail in the MOC course content. I have had students swear that a concept on the exam wasn’t covered in the MOC content only to go back and find that they had missed it or forgotten it. This is where having a list of skills is useful. I use the skills list as a guide to the content.

Publisher Study Guides: If you do not have the ability to take a Microsoft official course then there are a myriad of books out there as study guides. Be careful to get a study guide from a legitimate source. Most of the major publishers (MS Press, APress, Sams, etc.) have study guides for the more popular exams and MS Press has guides for most exams. There are also unsanctioned “brain dumps” that many exam candidates use. I will not go into detail, but I strongly advise against using them. Most of these sites violate Microsoft Intellectual Property rights and if you are caught using these resources, Microsoft may levy significant penalties against you.

Online Resources: An undervalued study resource for Microsoft exams is Microsoft Support (or MSDN for developers). Microsoft publishes pretty much everything about everything Microsoft on TechNet and MSDN, so it is highly likely that any technical details that can be asked are covered in TechNet. Of course, the downside is that there are often thousands of pages on a given subject, so the enormity of information can make TechNet seem unusable. That is where having a list of skills comes in.

Step 3: Take notes.

If I wrote “click bait” this is where I would have the headline, “One simple trick to pass Microsoft Exam.” Seriously, it is that important. I jot down every technical detail I see while studying for an exam. Sometimes I use an honest to goodness pen and paper, but I usually use OneNote. Technical details can be anything — from PowerShell cmdlets to registry settings to configuration settings for .NET applications. I write down anything that could be a candidate for an exam question. Much of what I write down will not show up on an exam, but I cannot count the number of times I have seen a question and remembered the answer from the notes. Oh, and here is the cool part: I don’t even study the notes, ever. I never look at them once I take them. The act of writing (or typing) the information fixes it in my short-term memory. I have heard that there is actually science behind this, but I have never bothered to look it up because, well, it just works. If only I had discovered this before my last semester in college.

Step 4: Practice.

With all due respect to a certain former professional basketball player, practice matters. It is important to actually set up and manage a system that you are taking a certification exam on. Likewise, it is important to develop some test-taking skills and have some understanding of what to expect when taking an exam.

There are two forms of practice — technology practice and exam practice. Let’s discuss how to practice each:

  • Technology Practice: It is increasingly difficult to pass a certification exam without actual, honest to goodness hands-on experience. On the one hand that is good — certifying people who have just studied for an exam and have not ever touched the product devalues the certification. On the other hand, people may not have access to sandbox datacenters with multiple servers to set up lab environments.

    There are a couple of solutions to this. The first is to take a course with Global Knowledge that aligns to your exam. The MOC labs often cover processes that are on the exam. It is very difficult to get a question related to a complex process correct unless you have completed that process. Our lab environment is available 24/7, and in most cases, it is available for 12 months after you take the course. This means that you can complete all labs multiple times, and you can usually also set up your own scenarios to test other skills that may not be covered with a formal lab. If you do not take a MOC course, an alternative is to get a trial Microsoft Azure account. You can easily spin up multiple virtual machines in Azure and can set up networks and domains. If you do set up a lab environment in Azure, be sure to shut down your VMs when not in use, as multiple VMs will quickly use up any credits you have.

  • Exam Practice: Knowing how to take a Microsoft exam is crucial to passing a Microsoft exam. I know people who have squeaked by an exam that they weren't completely prepared for because they are good at taking tests, and I know people who know everything there is about a technology but have failed because they didn’t know how to take a Microsoft exam. There are a couple of reputable companies that produce authorized practice exams for Microsoft — CyberVista and MeasureUp. As mentioned above there are nonauthorized sources but I strongly advise against using them. You may want to check the exam description page from Microsoft for additional sanctioned providers.

    Generally, both CyberVista and MeasureUp produce practice exams for the most popular certifications, although sometimes one or the other will have exams that the other doesn’t. Some people prefer one vendor to the other, but I find both typically do a reasonable job. I use practice exams more as a way to prepare for the process of taking an exam, rather than for studying the content for the exam. I will often use the explanation of a particular question as a source of information, but the process of going through different types of questions and practicing my approach to taking an exam is more important. An alternative is to use the certification exam itself as practice. Treat the first time you take the exam as a practice run and expect to fail. Use it to get a gauge on what the exam entails and where you have weaknesses.

Microsoft often runs a free retake promotion, and even if they aren’t running one, the exam is usually only marginally more expensive than the practice exam. There is no better practice than taking the exam itself. Of course, if you get freaked out because you took the exam and scored a 400 (out of 1,000) that might backfire.

Step 5: Relax.

At this point, you are probably ready to either laugh at me or hunt me down. I have spent paragraphs going over how difficult Microsoft exams are, and now I am telling you to relax. Seriously? Seriously. It is possible to pass Microsoft exams, and occasionally even pass them on the first try. When you finally get in to take an exam, there are a few things to remember:

It’s OK to miss a question. In more than 20 years of taking exams, I don’t think I have ever had a perfect score. I know some instructors who have, but I suspect they are either just lucky or geniuses. I am neither but usually pass the exams. Instructors sometimes joke that if you get a higher score than is necessary to pass, you have wasted time studying too much. OK, that really doesn’t seem particularly funny, but the point is valid — Microsoft exams are pass/fail so missing a few questions isn’t the end of the world.

It’s OK to have no idea what a question is about. Sometimes questions are so out of left field that an experienced professional will not know what they are about. Sometimes questions are poorly worded and difficult to understand. Don’t let that ruin your exam. I know people who have failed an exam because they had no idea what the first two questions were about and got completely flustered. It didn’t matter that they may have known everything else on the test.

It’s OK to guess. There is no penalty for guessing. When you don’t know an answer, try to narrow the options down as much as possible, then pick the answer(s) you think best. If you are not sure, always go with your first choice. Supposedly there is research that backs this up, but it is just a good rule of thumb. I still remember failing an exam by one question, and I am pretty sure it was because I changed an answer when I was reviewing my answers. I really want that one back.

It’s not OK to be sloppy. While you want to relax and not freak out, it is also important to take every question seriously. Read each question and answer carefully and always look for any keywords or phrases that indicate the meaning of the question. I treat every question as a potential trick question. This makes me pay attention.

Step 6: Manage your time when taking the exam.

Finally, the last one. This one is easy, and it is possibly the most important tip I can offer. When you start an exam you will be given the total number of questions and the amount of time available. Do a quick calculation (you will have something to write on) and figure out how much time you have per question. While I don’t time myself on each question, I keep this in the back on my mind to make sure that I do not run out of time. I know a lot of exam candidates who have failed because they realized that they ran out of time and guessed at a number of questions.

If you spend a couple of minutes on a question and don’t have the answer, make a guess, mark it and move on. If time permits go back and review the question, but only change the answer if you are sure of the right answer, or you are sure the guess you made is wrong. So that is my approach to taking Microsoft exams. This approach has served me well over many years and many exams. I hope this helps you out.

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Six Tips for Passing a Microsoft Certification Exam (from Someone Who Hates Taking Tests) (2024)


Six Tips for Passing a Microsoft Certification Exam (from Someone Who Hates Taking Tests)? ›

We're pretty good at detecting cheating, so we don't recommend it—we decertify cheaters, remove their certifications, and ban them from taking future exams.

Can I cheat in the Microsoft Certification exam? ›

We're pretty good at detecting cheating, so we don't recommend it—we decertify cheaters, remove their certifications, and ban them from taking future exams.

What are the 4 basic steps to follow to earn a Microsoft Certification? ›

Follow these basic steps to earn a Microsoft certification:
  1. Determine the certification you need. There are many certifications available in varying degrees, determine which one is most beneficial for your career. ...
  2. Study and/or complete training courses. ...
  3. Take a practice exam. ...
  4. Renew your certification.
Jan 24, 2024

How difficult are Microsoft Certification exams? ›

Many people find Microsoft Certification exams difficult for a few reasons. The exams require a good understanding of cloud services, security, networking, and specific Azure technologies. Some parts, like setting up firewalls or advanced security in Azure, can be tough.

What is an important tip for taking the certification exam? ›

Practice Makes Perfect

The best preparation for a professional certification exam is hands-on training or practical experience because it's the most effective way to get an in-depth understanding of IT concepts. Retaining knowledge and recalling it when needed is easy when you understand techniques.

Can you talk during a proctored exam? ›

Actions and behaviors that will be flagged during an exam: Talking aloud: Unless you have an accommodation, talking or whispering aloud during the exam is not permitted. Being out of camera view: Your face, chin to forehead, needs to be in the camera view at all times.

How many times can you fail a Microsoft exam? ›

You may not take a given exam more than five (5) times within a 12-month period from the first attempt. If you failed the exam 5 times, you'll be eligible to retake it again 12 months from the date of your first attempt. You cannot retake an exam you've passed unless your Certification has expired.

What is the most lucrative Microsoft Certification? ›

Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate$129,253
Microsoft Certified: Azure Network Engineer Associate$180,580
Microsoft 365 Certified: Administrator Expert$150,356
Microsoft Certified: Cybersecurity Architect Expert$147,740
1 more row
Feb 2, 2024

What is the salary of a Microsoft certified trainer? ›

Microsoft Certified Trainer salary in India with less than 4 year of experience to 15 years ranges from ₹ 5.0 Lakhs to ₹ 20.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 10.0 Lakhs based on 10 latest salaries.

What is the lowest Microsoft Certification? ›

Understanding Microsoft Certification Levels and Paths

Fundamentals Level: This level is designed for beginners and provides basic knowledge of Microsoft technologies. It's the starting point for those new to IT or Microsoft solutions. Associate Level: After the fundamentals, the next step is the associate level.

How to study for a MS exam? ›

  1. Review the study guides for technical exams. ...
  2. Skills review for Microsoft Office exams. ...
  3. Watch exam prep videos. ...
  4. Self-paced training on Microsoft Learn. ...
  5. Instructor-led training. ...
  6. Learn from a Microsoft Certified Trainer. ...
  7. Take a Practice Assessment. ...
  8. Microsoft Press resources.
Feb 16, 2024

How to pass certification exams? ›

Professionals should identify subjects they need to focus on by studying the material and then testing themselves 10 minutes later. Interweaving topics during study sessions can also help to improve recollection, so they should focus on multiple subjects while studying.

Are Microsoft exams multiple choice? ›

the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam has both single-choice and multiple-choice questions. The question format could change a bit like setting options in the right order. There are no actual labs during the exam where you need to login into the portal and perform certain tasks.

What are 6 test taking tips or strategies? ›

Here are some tips for taking tests:
  • Go into the test with confidence. ...
  • Get enough sleep the night before the test. ...
  • Put away all your study materials before the test. ...
  • Listen closely to any instructions. ...
  • Read through the test first. ...
  • Answer the questions in any order. ...
  • Relax. ...
  • Running out of time?

What are 3 test taking tips? ›

Multiple/Choice Test Tips
  • Answer all questions in order. ...
  • Read questions carefully. ...
  • Words like always, never, completely, and only are absolutes. ...
  • Watch for words like not, least, and except. ...
  • Anticipate the answer. ...
  • Eliminate answers. ...
  • Go with your first choice. ...
  • Don't look for answers to fall in a pattern.

What is the best day to take a certification exam? ›

For me, the best day to take any certification examination is a day after a long weekend. The reason is you get refreshed during the long weekend. You can focus on your last minute preparations. Do not try to take the exam on a Saturday as one would have been through the hectic schedule for the week.

Are Microsoft Certification exams monitored? ›

A proctor will monitor your exam via webcam and microphone to maintain the integrity of exam results.

What happens if you cheat on a certification exam? ›

The learner or learners in question will not receive their certification and will receive a lifetime ban from any future courses or offerings by OffSec. If the learner is found to have cheated off another learner or alumnus, that learner or alumnus will be subject to having their certification revoked.

Can exam software detect cheating? ›

Through audio and video recordings, screen monitoring, and advanced algorithms, the software analyzes patterns to identify potential cheating behaviors, ensuring a secure and fair exam environment.

What is the minimum passing score in Microsoft exam? ›

Technical exams: All technical exam scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1,000. A passing score is 700 or greater. As this is a scaled score, it may not equal 70% of the points.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.