How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (2024)

How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (1)

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Payment Application Development: Summary

Payment app development helps companies provide their customers with a fast and convenient way of sending and receiving digital payments. Custom payment apps offer comprehensive functionality for funds management, support all required payment methods and currencies, provide advanced security of customer’s personal and payment data, and can be easily evolved with new features.

Key steps to create a payment app

  1. Analyze payment needs and create requirements.
  2. Plan the project'sscope of work, duration, and budget.
  3. Design the payment application.
  4. Select the appropriate tech stack.
  5. Develop the payment app.
  6. Integrate the application with the necessary systems.
  7. Conduct quality assurance.
  8. Deploy the payment application.
  9. Provide support and evolution for the solution.

    Timelines: 6–11 months on average.

    Cost: $150,000–$2,000,000+, depending on the type of a payment app.Use our free calculator to estimate the cost for your custom solution.

    Team: a project manager, a business analyst, a solution architect, a UX designer, a UI designer, a front-end developer, a back-end developer, a DevOps engineer, a QA engineer.

    ScienceSoft can provide all necessary competencies to help companies roll out reliable, secure, and visually appealing payment applications that ensure seamless payment experience for their target audience and drive high ROI.

    Types of Payment Applications We Develop

    ScienceSoft is ready to help you design and build the type of a payment app that fits the specifics of your business best.

    A bank-based payment app

    Employs existing banking infrastructure (a transaction processing system, apayment gateway) to process and settle digital payments in fiat currencies.

    Best for: established traditional banks, neobanks.

    A standalone payment app

    Relies on non-banking payment processing infrastructure, enables fast and cost-effective funds transfer between the app’s users.

    Best for: fintech startups focused on payments, including crypto startups.

    A social-media-centric payment app

    Provides a digital wallet embedded in the social media platform, allows for instant peer-to-peer payments between the social network users.

    Best for: social media companies.

    A mobile-OS-based payment app

    Offers a digital wallet built upon a mobile OS for NFC- and QR-code-enabled offline payments and convenient online payments.

    Best for: mobile device manufacturers.

    Why Tap into the Payment App Market

    An overall trend towards finance digitalization and cashless settlements, amplified by the growth of the ecommerce industry, drives the increasing popularity of online payments. The total value of digital payment transactions is anticipated to exceed $14 trillion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 11.08%. This spurs the demand for convenient web and mobile apps enabling fast, secure digital payments and makes the payment app market a lucrative niche to step into.

    Go-to monetization strategies for a payment app

    • Charging a transaction processing fee (a flat fee or a percentage of the payment amount).
    • Charging a fee for premium services, e.g., faster payment processing, higher transfer limits, or advanced security.
    • Applying a markup on the currency exchange rate for cross-border transactions.
    • Earning the interest on float accounts.
    • Selling in-app advertising.
    • Monetizing the app user data upon user consent.

    A Sample Architecture of a Payment Application

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (3)

    Payment applications ScienceSoft delivers typically comprise:

    • Web and/or mobile interface for end users to interact with the application (make and accept payments, check the account balance, monitor spend, etc.).
    • A payment processing system to verify a user’s personal and payment information, trigger funds settlement and control its progress.
    • PCI DSS-compliant data storage to ensure the security of cardholders’ sensitive data and enforce proper data retention and deletion policies.

    To operate properly, a payment app needs to ensure a seamless payment data flow to the payment processing networks (e.g., the ACH network, SWIFT, VISA / MasterCard / American Express card network). Bank-based payment apps rely on direct integration between the bank’s existingprocessing system and the networks. Other payment apps usually employ banking APIs to integrate their payment processing system with a chosen acquiring bank, validate the required userinformation, and streamline its further transfer to the processing networks and other banks.

    Note! Cryptocurrency payment processing requires integration with dedicated blockchain networks of the crypto coins that a payment app supports. ScienceSoft recommends employing ready-to-use cryptocurrency APIs (e.g., Coinbase API, CoinGate API) to streamline the connection of a P2P payment app to the required blockchain networks.

    Additionally, a payment app can be integrated with an accounting system of the app owner to instantly record data on the received transaction fees. The solution may also be connected to the data analytics system to share relevant data required to analyze the app users’ payment behavior.

    Key Features of a Payment Application

    From ScienceSoft’s experience, companies looking to develop a payment application usually expect the solution to cover the following functionality:

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (4)

    Payments and money transfers

    • Sending and receiving domestic and cross-border payments, including recurring, split, and advance payments.
    • Real-time payments (RTP).
    • Support for various payment methods, including debit/credit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers, etc.
    • Multi-currency payments, including cryptocurrency payments.
    • Online and offline QR-code-based payments.
    • NFC-enabled onsite mobile payments.
    • P2P money transfers within the payment system’s network using an email address, a phone number, or an account ID of a money recipient.

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    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (5)

    Payment transactions tracking

    • A full history of payment transactions.
    • Real-time tracking of inbound and outbound payment transactions by status, period, amount, and more.
    • Configurable user notifications, e.g., on successful or failed automated payments, due payments, upcoming payment card expiry.
    • (for crypto payments) An immutable record of payment transactions in the blockchain ledger.

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    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (6)

    Spend management

    • Configurable budget and saving goals for a particular period (e.g., a week, a month, a quarter) or category (e.g., food, clothing, transportation, entertainment).
    • Real-time analysis of current vs. planned spend.
    • Alerts on actual expenses exceeding the pre-set threshold.
    • Automated generation of spend reports (by period, category, transaction amount, etc.).

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    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (7)

    Funds management

    • Filling up the account balance using a bank transfer or a debit/credit card.
    • Scheduled and ad hoc payouts to the bank account or a debit/credit card.
    • Automated updates of the account balance.
    • Automated conversion of the account balance and transferred amounts to the user-defined fiat currency or cryptocurrency.
    • Support for in-app currency exchange transactions.
    • Configurable dashboards with up-to-date currency exchange rates.

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    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (8)

    Account management for app users

    • Adding, saving, and updating personal/business info, billing details, including tax IDs, bank account and payment card details, etc.
    • Creating custom templates for recurring payments, such as utilities, rent, telecom, insurance, assigning a preferred payment method.
    • A digital assistant to help app users solve technical, transactional, security issues.
    • End-to-end audit trail of all account activities.

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    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (9)

    Billing and invoicing

    • Tracking paid and outstanding invoices.

    For businesses:

    • Automatically generating and submitting multi-language invoices to customers to initiate the collection of due payments.
    • Automated generation of region-specific e-invoices.
    • Signing invoices using an electronic signature.

    For customers:

    • In-app bill payments.

    Read all

    Ensuring robust paymentapp security

    Cybercrime surrounding the field of e-payments reaches new heights year by year, and payment software is an attractive target for fraudsters. Identity deception, phishing, malware attacks, DDoS attacks are only few examples of cyber threats that, if not addressed properly, may result in funds theft and sensitive data breaches, leading to severe financial, reputational, and legal damage.

    ScienceSoft implements powerful protective measures to secure your app against malicious actors:

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (10)

    • Geography-based KYC/AML and OFAC verification for app users.
    • Multi-factor authentication, including biometric authentication (e.g., facial or fingerprint recognition).
    • Automated device identification and binding to user account.
    • Payment and user data encryption, including asymmetric encryption for crypto payments.
    • Transaction signing using a digital signature.
    • Password management.
    • Automated generation of one-time passwords (OTP) to verify a user for logging and transacting.
    • AI-powered detection of payment fraud, which is critical as financial fraud becomes more sophisticated.
    • Runtime application self-protection (RASP).
    • Authorization controls for APIs.
    • DDoS protection, firewalls, IDSs / IPSs, antivirus protection, EDR, SIEM, XDR, SOAR.

    How to Build a Payment App

    Below, ScienceSoft describes the essential steps we take to introduce reliable and secure payment applications tailored to the clients’ unique requirements.

    Step 1.

    Analysis and requirements engineering

    Duration: 1–3 weeks

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (11)

    At this stage, ScienceSoft’s consultants:

    • Communicate with key project stakeholders to discuss the payment app vision or discuss payment handling needs.
    • Introduce a detailed list of requirements for the solution, which describes:
    • The type of a payment app.
    • The required platform to base a payment app on (web, mobile, or both).
    • Functional capabilities a payment app is expected to provide, e.g., support for particular payment methods (cards, bank transfer, e-wallet, etc.), currencies (fiat and crypto), payment models (e.g., recurring payments, split payments), and more.
    • The data the app should be able to process (customers’ personal information, credit card data, crypto wallet address, etc.).
    • Requirements for the app’s UX and UI.
    • Non-functional requirements, including security and compliance requirements (e.g., AML/KYC requirements to prevent payment fraud, PCI DSS requirements for secure credit card payments processing, and more).

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (12)


    Step 2.

    Project planning

    Duration: 1–2 weeks

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (13)

    The accurate planning of web and mobile payment app development can substantially reduce project timelines and prevent operational and financial risks. During this stage, ScienceSoft’s team:

    • Defines objectives, KPIs, and milestones for the project.
    • Determines project deliverables, duration, and budget.
    • Forms the project team and designs collaboration workflows.
    • Outlines possible project risks, defines a risk mitigation strategy and plan.
    • Estimates the expected TCO and ROI of the payment application.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (14)


    Step 3.

    Payment application design

    Duration:3–6 weeks

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (15)

    This step involves:

    • Designing the architecture of a payment app:
      • Creating a detailed description of how the app’s functional modules and a database should perform.
      • Determining integration approaches between the app’s components.
    • Introducing an optimal feature set for a payment application, including security and compliance features.
    • Designing UX and UI for the required user roles, such as individual users, corporate users, app admins:
      • Conducting UX research to understand the behavior of the app’s target audience.
      • Describing user interactions with the app, creating functional wireframes and content layouts.
      • UX prototyping.
      • Designing the visual appearance of the app and introducing UI mockups.
    • Providing a payment app integrations plan with the required payment processing networks, suggesting optimal ready-to-use integration solutions (particular open banking APIs, crypto APIs, etc.), if needed.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (16)


    Step 4.

    Tech stack selection

    Duration: 2–3 weeks

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (17)

    When selecting techs and tools for payment app implementation, ScienceSoft adheres to the following practices:

    • We rely on best-performing technologies and tools to ensure the high quality of the application.
    • We compare possible techs and tools in the context of the client's priorities (e.g., prompt development, minimized project cost, etc.) and form an optimal tech stack with the client’s goals in mind.
    • We employ platforms, frameworks, and ready-made components where possible to streamlinedevelopment and optimize project cost.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (18)


    Step 5.

    Payment application implementation

    Duration: 5–8+ months, depending on the solution’s complexity

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (19)

    The implementation of a payment processing appwith ScienceSoft usually includes the following stages:

    1. Development

    • Establishing development and delivery automation environments (CI/CD, container orchestration, etc.).
    • Creating the server-side code of a payment app.
    • Developing role-based user interfaces.
    • Implementing a PCI DSS compliant database.
    • Performing unit tests in parallel with coding.

    2. Integration with required systems

    • (for bank-based payment apps) App integration with a bank’s payment processing system.
    • (for other payment apps) App integration with the required payment processing networks using banking APIs and/or crypto APIs.

    3. Quality assurance

    • Designing a test strategy, a test plan, test cases and checklists.
    • Writing and running automated test scripts, if relevant.
    • Conducting functional, including integration, and non-functional testing.
    • Fixing defects revealed during testing.

    4. Deployment

    • Configuring the app’s infrastructure, backup and recovery procedures.
    • Implementing infrastructure security tools (authorization controls for APIs, DDoS protection algorithms, firewalls, IDSs / IPSs, etc.).
    • Deploying the payment application in the production environment.

    Developing and launching an MVP helps promptly obtain end user feedback and rapidly adjust the app for higher user value. It allows for lower investments and faster payback from the app implementation. We can deliver an MVP of a custom payment app in 3–5 months and consistently grow it to the fully-featured solution with major releases every 2–3 weeks.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (20)

    Natallia Babrovich

    ScienceSoft's Senior Business Analyst and Financial and Banking IT Consultant

    Step 6.

    Support and evolution (optionally)

    Duration: continuous

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (21)

    ScienceSoft offers continuous monitoring and optimization of the payment application to ensure its stable performance, compliance with relevant data security standards and regulations, and ability to provide smooth payment experience for end users. We can evolve the app by adding new features and perfecting its non-functional capabilities.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (22)


    Consider Professional Services to Createa Payment App

    ScienceSoft combines 24 years of experience in web development and 18 years – in mobile development with 18-year practice in financial IT to provide companies with:

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (23)

    Consulting on payment app development

    • Market and competition analysis.
    • Payment appconceptualization.
    • Defining productdifferentiation and a unique selling proposition (USP).
    • Optimal feature set, architecture design, UX and UI design, and tech stack.
    • A plan of integrations with the required systems.
    • Security and compliance consulting.
    • Providing an implementation roadmap, including a risk mitigation plan.

    Go for consulting

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (24)

    End-to-end payment app implementation

    • Payment app idea productization and brand design.
    • Architecture design.
    • Web and mobile payment application development.
    • Developing APIs to expand the app’s integration capabilities.
    • App integration with the required systems.
    • Quality assurance.
    • Support and evolution of the app (optional).

    Go for implementation

    Why Build a Payment App with ScienceSoft

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (25)

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (26)

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (27)

    • In web development since 1999 and in mobile development since 2005.

    • Since 2003in cybersecurity to ensure world-class protection of a payment application.
    • In-house compliance experts to guarantee payment app compliance with relevant global, country- and industry-specific standards and regulations.
    • Practical knowledge of 30+ industries, including BFSI, media, and telecoms.
    • A mature quality management system and customer data safety backed up by ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates.
    • ScienceSoft is a 3-Year Champion in The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies Rating by the Financial Times.

    Typical Roles on ScienceSoft’s Payment App Development Teams

    Project Manager

    Creates a project plan, prioritizes the scope of work and monitors its execution, coordinates communication between the team members, reports the progress to the stakeholders.

    Business Analyst

    Analyzes needs and expectations of a client/target users and translates them into functional and non-functional requirements for the payment application.

    Solution Architect

    Designs the architecture of the payment application and its integration points with the required systems.


    Performs UX research, designs user interactions with a payment application, conducts usability testing.

    UI Designer

    Creates the style of the user-facing interfaces and introduces a UI kit for user interface development.

    Front-end Developer

    Delivers UI of a payment app and fixes defects found by the QA team.

    Back-end Developer

    Delivers the code of the app’s back end, integrates the solution with relevant systems, and fixes defects found by the QA team.

    DevOps Engineer

    Containerizes payment app’s components, configures CI/CD pipelines for streamlined app development, testing, and release.

    Quality Assurance Engineer

    Creates and implements a test strategy, a test plan, and test cases to validate the quality of the payment app against the quality requirements defined in the project plan.

    How to Make a Payment App Success: ScienceSoft's Featured Projects

    Sourcing Models for Payment Application Development

    All in-houseComplete control over the project.Lack of in-house specific tech or managerial skills may hamper the project progress.Turn to ScienceSoft to accurately plan the development process or define the skills gap.Turn to us
    Team augmentationA prompt and cost-effective way to temporarily expand your team with the required tech competencies.Project management is on your side.Turn to ScienceSoft to quickly back up your team with specific tech skills.Turn to us
    Full outsourcingA vendor takes full responsibility for the development team management, project quality, progress, and risk management.High vendor risks.Turn to ScienceSoft to get a self-managed team with all the necessary skills for effective development.Turn to us

    Perks of Payment App Development with ScienceSoft

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (31)

    Prompt development

    We guarantee a quick project start (1–2 weeks), frequent releases (every 2–3 weeks), and apply established Agileand DevOps practices to ensure app implementation on time and within budget.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (32)

    Guaranteed compliance

    We ensure application compliance with PCI DSS,AML/KYC regulations, CCPA, PSD2 and GDPR (for the EU), other relevant global, country- and industry-specific standards.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (33)

    Transparent collaboration

    We define custom sets of KPIs, track project progress, and submit regular reports to ensure service quality and transparency.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (34)

    Fast payback

    We rely on an iterative approach to payment app development to introduce the fundamental functions first and speed up payback.

    Our Customers Say

    We aimed to enhance our web platform and create a mobile app to facilitate POS financing. ScienceSoft offered the needed skills in back-end and front-end development, quality assurance, and Scrum management. Thanks to ScienceSoft, we achieved our project goals on time and within budget. They provided high-quality service and valuable tech insights that aligned well with our vision and specific needs.

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    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (42)

    Ascendas Business Solutions

    The guys really cared about the online payment solution (a web app + iOS and Android mobile apps) they developed for my company and weren’t happy until they had it perfect. ScienceSoft were very patient with me when I changed my mind about requirements. They also ask the right questions and look for ways to improve on an idea. Their communication was really good, and they explained their approach to all aspects of the development.

    Check the original

    For our project – building a Bitcoin mobile wallet on Cordova – we needed the assistance of a skilled mobile developer. ScienceSoft promptly provided us with an expert who joined our project team and quickly got up to speed with our Scrum processes. The developer quickly understood the existing code base and proceeded to modify and evolve it according to our requirements. Together, we released our app on time and on budget.

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    ScienceSoft’s Tech Stack for P2P Payment App Development

    We know how to create a payment app for impeccable performance, full security, and seamless growth.In our projects, weusually rely on the following proven tools and technologies:

    How Much It Costs To Make a Payment App

    The costs of building a payment app vary greatly from case to case. Below, ScienceSoft lists the major factors that affect the project budget:

    Core cost factors

    • The type of a payment app (determines the spend on integrations with payment processing networks).
    • The number and complexity of the app’s features.
    • The platform to base the app on (web, mobile, or both).
    • (for mobile payment apps) Supported mobile platforms (iOS, Android).
    • The number of user roles and specific UX and UI requirements for each role.
    • Performance, scalability, availability, security requirements for the app.

    Operational cost factors

    • License fees for cloud services, ready-made app components (e.g., KYC/AML verification services, messaging services), integration components (banking APIs, crypto APIs), security tools.
    • Maintenance of PCI DSS compliance, including annual PCI audits.
    • Payment application support services.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (55)

    From ScienceSoft’s experience, developing a payment application may cost from $150,000 to $2,000,000+, the lower applying to a mobile payment app of average complexity and the upper – to a comprehensive payment app with an independent processing engine at its core.

    Want to learn the cost of your payment app?

    Get a free estimate

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (56)

    About ScienceSoft

    ScienceSoft is a global IT consulting and software development company headquartered in McKinney, Texas. Since 2005, we help companies create reliable and secure payment apps. In our payment software development projects, we employ robust quality management and data security management systems backed up by ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications.

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (57)

    Schedule a call

    How to Build a Payment App in 6 Steps (2024)


    How to build a payments app? ›

    Key steps to create a payment app
    1. Analyze payment needs and create requirements.
    2. Plan the project's scope of work, duration, and budget.
    3. Design the payment application.
    4. Select the appropriate tech stack.
    5. Develop the payment app.
    6. Integrate the application with the necessary systems.
    7. Conduct quality assurance.

    How do I create a payment processing platform? ›

    How to create a payment gateway
    1. Create your payment gateway infrastructure. You'll need a server to host your gateway, whether it's your own or via a third party. ...
    2. Choose a payment processor. ...
    3. Create a customer relationship management (CRM) system. ...
    4. Implement security features. ...
    5. Obtain required certifications.

    What is the payment app procedure? ›

    Payment apps allow them to connect and load an e-wallet with money from their bank or credit card, which enables cashless transfer to friends or retailers. Paypal is one of the earliest digital payment platforms facilitating P2P money transfers via email.

    What are the steps in payment process? ›

    Here's an explanation of how payment processing works:
    1. Transaction initiation. ...
    2. Payment gateway. ...
    3. Transaction authorization. ...
    4. Issuing-bank verification. ...
    5. Authorization response. ...
    6. Transaction completion. ...
    7. Transaction settlement. ...
    8. Reconciliation and reporting.
    Jul 10, 2023

    How to build an app like Cash app? ›

    How to Develop a App like Cash App: A Step-by-Step Guide
    1. 1) Research your target market. ...
    2. 2) Outline your app's features. ...
    3. 3) Create a wireframe of your app. ...
    4. 4) Choose the right platform. ...
    5. 5) Find the right development team. ...
    6. 6) Test, test, and test again. ...
    7. 7) Launch your app. ...
    8. 8) Market your app.
    Feb 22, 2023

    How to build an app like PayPal? ›

    With the decision taken to create a PayPal like app, you need to follow these steps:
    1. Project Scoping. ...
    2. Choose the Correct SDLC Model. ...
    3. Come up With a Strategic Approach to Development. ...
    4. Assign a Scrum Team. ...
    5. Get Cloud Services. ...
    6. Get an Online Payment Solution. ...
    7. Procure an ID Verification Solution. ...
    8. Buy a Bulk SMS Solution.
    Jan 2, 2020

    Can I make my own payment system? ›

    Building a payment gateway requires considerable technical knowledge. You'll need a team of experienced developers who understand not only how to build software but also how to navigate the complexities of payment processing, such as dealing with multiple banking APIs and integration with various ecommerce platforms.

    Can you create your own payment system? ›

    If you are a merchant that wishes to have their own payment gateway, you'll need a payment processor and an acquiring bank. Merchants already need a merchant account to accept digital payments, which are provided by acquiring banks.

    How to make an app like Stripe? ›

    Must Have Features of App Like Stripe
    1. Admin Panel Features:
    2. User Panel Features:
    3. Owner Panel Features:
    4. Stage 1: Market Research and Planning.
    5. Stage 2: Assemble a Skilled Development Team.
    6. Stage 3: Define Core Features and Functionalities.
    7. Stage 4: Design the User Interface and Experience.
    Jan 12, 2024

    What is an example of a payment app? ›

    10 Best Online Payment Apps in India 2023
    Online Payment AppPlay Store Rating
    Amazon Pay4.5
    6 more rows
    Feb 14, 2023

    How much does it cost to develop a payment app? ›

    The cost to build a P2P payment app varies from $100,000 to $150,00 for an MVP. The design and development of Fintech application price is based on a complex of factors like the type of an app, complexity of workflow, number of integrations, the type and location of the team.

    How much does a payment app cost? ›

    A payment platform app usually costs about $50,000 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $30,000 or as high as $70,000. A payment platform app with a low number of features (also known as a minimum viable product, or MVP) will be more affordable than an app that includes all intended functionality.

    What are the six steps required to process a transaction? ›

    There are six steps in processing a transaction. They are data entry, data validation, data pro- cessing and revalidation, storage, - output generation, and query support.

    What are the basic steps of an online payment? ›

    How does online payment processing work?
    1. Customer. The customer initiates the payment by selecting the desired product or service on the business's website and entering their payment details.
    2. Business. ...
    3. Payment gateway. ...
    4. Payment processor. ...
    5. Issuing bank or card network. ...
    6. Payment processor. ...
    7. Payment gateway. ...
    8. Settlement and funding.
    May 25, 2023

    What are the basics of online payments? ›

    The customer authorises payment via an online form allowing the business to automatically collect the funds when due. The business' bank and the customer's bank communicate and action the payment request when the payment is due, ensuring the correct amount is debited from the customer and credited to the business.

    How much does it cost to build a payment app? ›

    A payment platform app usually costs about $50,000 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $30,000 or as high as $70,000. A payment platform app with a low number of features (also known as a minimum viable product, or MVP) will be more affordable than an app that includes all intended functionality.

    How much does it cost to make a payment app? ›

    Developing a payment app in 2024 means understanding the potential costs involved. At the basic level, a simple payment app might require an investment ranging from $30,000 to $50,000. Alternatively, for a more complex app in 2024, costs may range from $100,000 to $250,000 or more.

    Can I create a payment gateway on my own? ›

    Building a payment gateway requires considerable technical knowledge. You'll need a team of experienced developers who understand not only how to build software but also how to navigate the complexities of payment processing, such as dealing with multiple banking APIs and integration with various ecommerce platforms.

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    Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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    Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

    Birthday: 1996-05-10

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    Job: Legacy Sales Designer

    Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

    Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.