Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (2024)

"Does France (and Paris) use euros as its currency?"

"Should I bring euros with me on my trip to Paris?"

"Or wait to exchange dollars or other currency to euros until after I arrive?"

"What are the best places to exchange dollars for euros in Paris?How can I avoid paying too much in currency exchange and service fees?"

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about how to get French money asked by first-time visitors to Paris. Although you may feel confused about the best way to get euros, theprocess is much easier and simpler than you might expect, especially when you have the up-to-date information we're going to share in this article, and know how to avoid a couple of expensive pitfalls.

Our answers to these FAQs about euros for your Paris trip plus our tips about whether to use euros vs your own currency to pay for things in Paris will tell you everything you need to know - and hopefully save you some money!

We've packed a lot of information into this article - so use these links to find what you need fast:

  • Why to Get Euros before You Arrivein Paris
  • Where to Get Euros at Charles de Gaulle Airport
  • How to Keep Your Cash Safe
  • Where to Get Euros in Paris
  • Euros - What You Need to Know
  • How to Reduce Your Need for Euros

Top photo: Paris ATM machine outside a local bank, (c) Paris Discovery Guide

Paris Discovery Guide is a reader-supported publication. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost for you. Learn more

How to Get & Use Euros for Your Visit to Paris Before You Travel

Does Paris, France Use Euros?

Yes.Euros are used by most countries in the European Union, which makes travel between countries super-convenient. Exceptions where you cannot use euros are Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Sweden.

In case you are planning a side trip to London while you're in Paris, you should be aware that you cannot use euros in London (or elsewhere in the United Kingdom), so you may also want to get some British pounds before you travel. You'll do that basically the same way that you get euros.

Do I Need to Get French Money Before I Arrive in Paris?

You do not have to exchange dollars, pounds, rands, or whatever currency your country uses for Euros before youarrive in Paris, but even if you plan to use a credit or debit card for most of your trip expenses, having a little cash in Euros - perhaps 100€-200€ - can be a convenience for several reasons:

  • You may want to stop for a coffee and croissant in the airport before heading into Paris. To pay with a credit or even a debit card, a minimum purchase of 10€-20€ may be required. Having some cash avoids the need to buy a few extra croissants to meet the minimum amount - or worse, having to pass on the coffee.
  • If you are taking a taxi, the RER train, or a bus into the city, you may want the convenience of paying in cash. For example, if you take the Roissy bus to Paris and have euros, you can buy your ticket on board - easier and faster than waiting in line to buy a ticket at the RATP machine at theairport. Taxis operating in and out of the Paris airports are required to take credit cards, but their machines don't always work (or so they claim); having euros to pay in cash avoids an unplanned stop at an ATM. Even if you pay by credit card but want to tip your cab driver, you will need euros because in most cases, you cannot add a tip to a credit card transaction in France.
  • Plus, there is always a chance that your credit card(s) or ATM card will not work - for example, if you forget to notify your credit card company or bank before you leave home about your travel plans, they may freeze your card when they see a transaction from France. Or, if you try to pay with a Discover card, you'll quickly find out that virtually no French businesses accept them; similarly, many places will not be able to accept Apple Pay. For these reasons and more, an emergency stash of euros comes in handy until you get the credit card or ATM situation straightened out. (Although, keep in mind these Pro Traveler's Tips: 1)always bring more than one credit card and, if possible, ATM card, and 2) put "set travel alerts for credit cards and bank" on your "do before you go" checklist.)

So yes, having a small amount of cash in euros when you arrive in Paris is always a good idea.

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (1)

What is the Best Place to Buy Euros in the U.S. Before My Trip?

In the United States, the best place to buy euros with dollars is usually at your bank orcredit union because they are usually the cheapest. You'll usually get close to the "market" exchange rate and pay low, if any, service fees. (Notice how many times we say "usually"? Always double-check feesbefore making the transaction because there may be exceptions.)

Depending on where you live, your bank or credit union may need up to a week or more to order and receive foreign currency, so be sure to allow plenty of time. Generally, banks and credit unions in urban locations have faster turn-around time than in suburban or rural areas.

Other options include travel service clubs such as AAA (United States) and CAA (Canada). Exchange rates may be lower (ie, you'll get fewer euros for your dollars) than you'd get at your bank, and you will typically be required to pay a service fee and perhaps a delivery fee. Contact your local club office to inquire about charges, as these vary by region. As with banks, order your euros at least a week in advance.

Travelex and money exchange companies are another option. You'll usually get a worse exchange rate than at your bank - but you may find this to be the most convenient and the fastest option.

Travelex lets you pick up your euros at a local office or your departure airport, or choose home delivery. Shipping is free on orders over a certain amount (typically $1,000); otherwise, you'll pay a shipping fee. The best part? Travelex is fast. You can usually get your euros by the next day. And you can't beat theconvenience of home delivery.

Bottom line: What is the best way to get euros before you travel? The cheapest way will be through your bank. Thequickest and most convenient way may be through Travelex or a similar service.

And don't waste time agonizing about the cost differences of ways to get euros before you travel. If you need only 100€-200€, the cost difference between getting them at your bank vs AAA or a service like Travelex is typically less than what you'd pay for a couple of grande mocha lattes at Starbucks.

What Are the Best Euro Denominations for Travel?

Always request your euros in 5€, 10€,and 20€ denominations. If at all possible, you do not want to get them in 50€or 100€ denominations because businesses worry about forged bills. Smaller stores may not accept them, and at some places, the cashier will scan them to see to see if they are legitimate.

How Much Cash (Euros) Will I Need Each Day during My Trip to Paris?

Everyone's daily cash needs vary - but here's the strategy many visitors use to manage travel costs and cash needs:

  • Prepay as many trip expenses as possible in dollars (or other home currency); this can include your hotel, tours and activities, museum passes, concert tickets, and attraction entrance tickets (which usually also let you skip the line); use a booking platform such as Get Your Guide that lets you pay in your own currency
  • Bring 100€-200€ in cash with you to Paris to cover small expenses, tips, and perhaps a cab ride into the city
  • Use a credit or debit card from a bank with lowor no foreign transaction fees to charge most other purchases while in Paris, such as restaurant mealsand any shopping you might do
  • Replenish your cash supply as necessary at local ATM machines, and plan to leave with about 100€-200€ to use on your next trip to Paris (or another Eurozone country)

If you use this approach. all you need to do is figure out how much cash you'll need each day for tips and other small expenses, and multiply the amount by the number of days you'll be in Paris.

Should I Get Travelers Checks for My Trip to Paris?

No. Travelers checks haven't been widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, stores, or other businesses in Paris for decades. ATMs, credit, and debit cards have made them effectively obsoletein France.

Can I Get Euros in Charles de Gaulle Airport?

Yes. You will see Travelex machines, which look almost exactly like ATM machines, in numerous placesat CDG, especially in Terminal 2 where most international flights arrive. But ... you need to be aware ofan important and sometimes costly difference.

Although using Travelex for currency exchange before you leave home can be a great deal because of its speed and convenience, the airport Travelex machines have a potentially costly pitfallyou should avoid: an option to charge your transaction in your home currency such as dollars which will cost you a lot more if you choose it.

Why? Being charged in your own currency when you're in another country is what's called dynamic currency conversion, or DCC. Basically, DCC allows the ATM owner to add whatever rate they want up to 15% on top of the basic international conversion fee (usually 1%), and any other foreign transactions fees your bank might charge.So you could be looking at close to 20% extra in additional conversion rates and fees. Maybe even more, if your bank imposes exceptionally highfees.

If you didn't get euros before leaving home and want to get some at the airport, go ahead and use the Travelex machines - but just say "NO" when asked if you want to be charged in your own currency. Always choose the local currency, euros, to avoidextra DCC charges. Consider limiting your transaction to 100€-200€, as you can geta better deal at bank andcredit union ATMs once you're in Paris proper.

What about bank ATMs at the airport? Unfortunately, the only bank that has an office and ATM at Charles de Gaulle at this time is HSBC, which is located in Terminal 2 in the shopping area between Terminals 2D and 2F. It is accessible Monday through Friday, 8:45am-5pm. If you can find it, you'll get a better exchange rate and not have to deal with the "do you want to be charged in your own currency" question but searching for it may not be worth the hassle, especially if you're in a different terminal.

You may also see Bureaux de Change (currency exchange office) at the airport. Avoid them. They provide poor exchange rates and charge exorbitant fees.

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (2)

Travel Tip: Keeping Your Cash Safe in Paris

Statistically, Paris has a very low crime rate, especially when compared with other cities - but pickpocketing is the most common crime, and tourists are the most common targets.

You can greatly reduce your chances of becominga statistic by exercising a few common-sense tactics, such as keepingyour wallet in afront (and ideally zippered) pocket, holding onto your pocketbook at all times, and not leaving your phone on the table when you're sitting at an outside cafe.

Another easy way to protect your cash may be wear a money belt or neck wallet.

And don't fall for any of the scams designed to distract you, such as requests (usually by young women) to sign a petition.

Where to Get Euros in Paris

What Is the Best Place to Get Euros in Paris?

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (3)

The best place: a bank or credit union ATM machine, which is called a distributeur in French.

Look for them next to banks or just inside the entrance lobby - you should see the bank's name on the machine. Using the ATM in the lobby generally gives you more protection from anyone seeing you entering your code.

Here are eight French banks with numerous branches and ATMs throughout Paris:

  • BNP Paribas
  • CIC - Crédit Industriel et Commercial
  • Crédit du Nord
  • Crédit Municipal de Paris
  • Crédit Mutuel
  • HBSC France
  • LCL - Le Crédit Lyonnais
  • Société Général

Use your ATM card to get cash (in euros) just as you would at home.Most French ATM machines offer instructions in multiple languages including English, and they're easy to use.

There's no need to worry about which bank gives the best conversion rate. French banks, by agreement, do not add any withdrawal fees or charges on ATM withdrawals, regardless of the ATM card you use. As a result, they offer the same rate at any given time, although the rate itself is dynamic and can change slightly throughout the day.

However, your home bank may add fees for "out of network" withdrawals and currency conversion.Some banks don't do this. Check and understand your bank's fee structurebefore you go. If you travel internationally a lot, you may want to choose a bank that does not add additional fees for international transactions.

Also, although you may be able to withdraw cash from an ATM with your debit card as well, do not do that unless you've checked with the issuing bank or credit company back in your home country to make sure your withdrawal won't be classified as a "cash advance," which typically comes with exorbitant fees and interest. (Of course, if it's an emergency situation, get the cash you needand deal with the consequences later.)

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (4)

Important Tips for Using Your ATM Card in Paris

  • Notify your bank before you leave home about your trip dates and destination.
  • Verify your bank's fee policies for international transactionsand "out of network" ATMs.
  • Make sure you know your card's numeric PIN code; ATM machines in France accept numbers only, not letters.
  • Before you leave home, make copies of both sides of your ATM cardso that you'll have a record of your account number and the bank's customer service phone number.
  • Make sure you have enough money in your checking account to cover your cash needs in Paris; most French ATM machines will not let you get cash from your savings account, or transfer funds from savings to checking.
  • If you have more than one checking account, consider bringing a second ATM card as backup in case you lose your primary card or it becomes non-functional (or it gets sucked into the machine and you never see it again... please don't ask us how we know about this!).
  • When entering your PIN number in a Paris ATM, shield your movements and exercise normal caution; if anyone gets too close to you, tries to talk to you while you are using the machine, or does anything else to make you feel uncomfortable, walk away.
  • Use an ATM machine in the bank's lobby rather than one onthe sidewalk - much safer from prying eyes.
  • If possible, make ATM withdrawalsduring the bank's open hours; if a malfunction occurs and the machine doesn't return your card, you can immediately go into the bank for help.
  • Know your bank's daily ATM withdrawal limit in dollars, and in Euros. If your bank's limit is $300 and the current exchange rate is 1 USD = 0.89 Euros, you can withdraw only 266€. If you try to withdraw 300€, thatconverts to $345, and your bank will decline your withdrawal. Since you won't get a message stating why your withdrawal was decline, this can be disconcerting. The Paris bank may also have an ATM withdrawal limit. Using this same example, if the Paris bank has a 200€ ATM limit, your attempted withdrawal of 300€ will be declined.
  • If your hotel room has a safe, stash your extracash there.

What Is the Worst Place to Get Euros in Paris? What Should You Avoid?

The worst place is any ATM machine that looks sketchy.

See Also

In fairness, most ATMs in Paris are legit, and especially if you use only those clearly connected to banks, you should have no problem.

However, renovations and rebuilding are common in Paris, and occasionally you'll see an ATM machine thatappears to still be operational even though the building around it is in an obviousstate of being dismantled or rebuilt.

Does the ATM machine still work? Don't find out. Don't risk watching your card disappear into it, never to be seen again.

Otherwise, unless you're at Charles de Gaulle and don't have other options, avoid getting euros fromnon-bank ATMs such as Travelex, Euronet, and others, no matter how new and shiny they look.

Remember thepotential DCC (dynamic currency conversion) rip-off and poor exchange rates? Why pay more than you need to when legit bank ATMs are available all over the city?

Also avoid getting euros at bureaux de change for the same reason: poor rates/high fees.

Should I Bring Dollars & Exchange Them for Euros in Paris?

There no need to bring dollars to Paris in order to change them into euros if you have an ATM card - so do not do it.

Bureaux de change offer poor exchange rates and charge exorbitant fees.Many Paris banks will exchange currency (ie, cash) only for their own customers, so if you request an exchange, you'll be turned down.

Decades ago, hotels would exchange dollars for euros at somewhat better rates than bureaux de change, but most will no longer do currency exchanges at all.

In any case, you'll virtually always get a better deal by using your ATM card to get cash at bank ATMs.

Should I Bring a Prepaid "Cash" Card to Use in Paris?

Maybe - it depends on what's available in your home country, and how much they cost.

Prepaid cash cards let you load the card with cash before you travel, and then you use it just like a credit or debit card.

Prepaid cards in the US are usually not a good deal because you have to "buy" the card or pay relatively high fees. You'll usually save money by using your regular ATM, credit, or debit card instead, especially if you pay your credit card balance each month to avoid interest.

In some other countries such as Canada, you can get prepaid cash cards without paying any extra fees, so they're a fine alternative - but do bring an ATM and/or credit/debit card as a backup in case you need more money beyond what's on your card.

Can I Use My Credit Card to Get Cash?

You can, but don't do it except in an emergency because it's a very expensive way to get money. Your credit card companywill treat the transaction as a "cash advance" and will charge a sizable fee plus a high rate of interest, possibly 20% or moredepending on your card.

If you think you might ever need to do this, make sure you know your PIN (in numbers).

Also, in case you missed our note above about debit cards, don't use them to get cash unless you've confirmed with your bank back home they that don't treat this as a "cash advance." In fairness, many/most do not - but just confirm you won't be charged high fees/interest before doing it.

Euros - Basic Facts

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (5)

Euroscome in bills and coins, based on the denomination. Bills are available in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 euros. Coins are in denominations of 1 and 2 euros.

The euro is divided into 100 centimes, which come in coins with denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 cents.

Currently, you can use euros in 19 Eurozone countrieswithin the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. In thepre-euro days, each of these countries used a different currencywhich meant you had to convert money every time you crossed a border. No need to do that anymore!

How Do I Know If I'm Getting the Right Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate?

As long as youuse your ATM card at a bank ATM to get euros, you're getting the best conversion rate available to individuals (sometimes called the "retail" rate) at that moment.

Want to know the current institutional exchange rate?Use XE Corporations' currency converter to get an approximate idea - but remember, the institutional rate is always better than the rate that you, a consumer, will get.

What If I Have Euros Left at the End of My Trip?

If you plan another trip to France or anotherEurozone country inthe future, plan to keep 100-200€ in bills for your return trip. Put that amount aside, and spend the rest during your last few days in Paris.

If you still have more euros than you want to retain or if you're not sure if you'll return to Europe during the next few years, themost convenient place to exchange euros for dollars (and get a decent conversion rate) is probably your local bank.They will exchange bills but not coins - so spend your coins before you leaveParis.

Of course, another time-honored method for getting rid of unwanted/unneeded Euros is in the tax-free airport boutiques after you go through border control. From Hermès bags to Paris souvenirs to giant Toblerone chocolate barsto Ladurée macarons, you'll find plenty of tempting ways to part with your excess Euros.

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (6)

How to Reduce Your Need for Euros

You can reduce your need for euros and associated currency conversion fees during your trip by paying in advance for as much as possible.

For example, reserve tickets for museum passes, priority entrances, guided tours, cruises, food and wine tastings, entertainment, and even trips to Disney, Normandy World War II beaches, and Champagne tours online and pay for them in your own currency through a booking service such as GetYourGuide:

If your plans change, you can cancel/rebook most events with as little as 24 hours advance notice.

Planning to Use Credit Cards instead of Euros in Paris? Make Sure They'll Be Accepted!

If you live in North America, you may be used to using a Discover or American Express card or even Apple Pay for most of your purchases.

But here's what you need to know: Discover is popular in only a few European countries such as Switzerland and Austria. In France, it's virtually unknown, and most places will not accept it.

American Express has a somewhat higher acceptance rate - buttypically only higher-end hotels, boutiques, and restaurants catering to North American tourists. But even at the priciest spots, you still risk having your Am Ex handed back to you with a "Désolé, avez-vous un Visa?"

You can't count on using Apple Pay either. Although an increasing number of places accept it (again, in the areas most popular with tourists), some don't. There's a trend toward greater acceptance, but right now, it's hit or miss.

Fortunately, Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted, even at many of the street markets and other places that traditionally wanted cash only.

So, do yourself a favor and don't leave home without a Visa and/or Mastercard - and preferably bring a couple of back-ups, just in case.

Do You Still Need a Pin (PIN=Personal Identification Number) for Credit Card Transactions in France?

One more thing to know: most European (and Canadian) credit cards have used a chip-and-pin system for greater security for many years. After lagging behind for some time, most U.S. banks now issue Visa and Mastercards with that technology embedded, so they work (for the most part) seamlessly with the European system.

That means you can typically just tap your card for charges up to 50€. For higher amounts, you insert your card into the payment machine, and either tap in your pin code or sign your name (or sometimes, just press an Accept button).

If you are worried that your card is older and doesn't support the chip-and-pin technology, you can ask your bank for a pin number since all cards have them. That way, if your card is rejected because it doesn't have a magnetic chip, you can still enter your pin number to complete your transaction.

Normally, though, if a cashier asks you for a pin, just shake your head and say "pas de broche, désolé" (no pin, sorry), and they'll run the transaction through for you.

Bonus Tip: When Is a Distributeur NOT an ATM?

"Distributeur" means a machine (or a person) who disburses something - so don't be surprised if you happen to see a "distributeur" where you can get something other than cash:

Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (7)

Why is this useful to know?

Although most people will know what you mean if you ask for directions to the closest distributeur, it's always good to mention Euros in order to avoid any confusion.

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Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide (2024)


Best Ways to Get Euros for Your Paris Trip - Paris Discovery Guide? ›

If you want a few EUR for pocket change, stop at an ATM at CDG

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (French: Aéroport de Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle) (IATA: CDG, ICAO: LFPG), also known as Roissy Airport (Aéroport de Roissy) or simply Paris CDG, is the main international airport serving Paris, the capital of France. › wiki › Charles_de_Gaulle_Airport
and get 20-30 EUR. Don't use the ATMs within the airport, they are private and charge a fee. Wait until in Paris and go to any of the main French banks (BNP, Credit Lyonnais, etc…). Also decline the offer to be charged in home currency.

What is the most cost effective way to get euros? ›

Local banks and credit unions usually offer the best rates. Major banks, such as Chase or Bank of America, often offer the added benefit of having ATMs overseas. Online peer-to-peer foreign currency exchanges. Online bureaus or currency converters, such as Travelex, provide convenient foreign exchange services.

Is it better to get euros in the US bank or in Europe? ›

If you do want to wait until you arrive in Europe to get your euros, a word of caution. It's not usually a good idea to exchange currency at the airport, or even at your hotel. These places are definitely convenient, but you're likely to pay a premium for it. Commission fees can be high and exchange rates unfavorable.

Where should I get euros before my trip? ›

Before your trip, it's best to do a currency exchange at your bank or credit union, which likely offers better rates and fewer and/or lower fees. Your bank or credit union may buy back leftover foreign currency in exchange for dollars when you return.

Should I get euros before going to France? ›

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip.

Some tourists feel like they must have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

What is the best way to get money in Paris? ›

The easiest way to get cash is to use your credit card in an ATM, outside all bank branches and post offices. These ATM are available 24/7 and offer menus in several languages to help you withdraw money. All shops, stores, restaurants, gasoline dispensers accept payment by credit card (Visa and Mastercard mainly).

How many euros should I bring to Paris? ›

Bring 100€-200€ in cash with you to Paris to cover small expenses, tips, and perhaps a cab ride into the city. Use a credit or debit card from a bank with low or no foreign transaction fees to charge most other purchases while in Paris, such as restaurant meals and any shopping you might do.

Is it cheaper to get euros at bank or airport? ›

It is cheaper to exchange money at the bank (or by using an ATM) than the airport. That's because currency exchange stores and kiosks at the airports mark up the exchange rate to make a profit.

Is it better to buy euros with cash? ›

Physical cash is easier to lose/get stolen. You might get stuck with loads of euros after your trip. You can sell them back but you'll typically get less than the amount you paid. You could get a better exchange rate with a top travel credit or debit card.

How much cash should I bring to Europe for 2 weeks? ›

A good rule of thumb, though, is that, on average, you should plan to carry between $50 and $100 per day in the currency of the country in which you're travelling. As with all things, research is your friend here. Understand where you're travelling and what the local customs regarding cash are.

Can I walk into Bank of America and get euros? ›

Any Bank of America customer can exchange foreign currency at any financial center.

What is the best day of the week to buy euros? ›

Typically, the least busy times of the week are Mondays, mid-week and the weekend (excluding Friday). These days have the lowest number of transfers in the week, so you might expect to see less fluctuation in the mid-market rate.

Where can I buy euros without a fee in the USA? ›

The best place to exchange foreign currency in the U.S. is at your local bank or credit union before you leave for your trip.

Should I bring cash to Paris? ›

When do you need physical cash in Paris? Due in part to Covid, card payments are generally the default in Paris nowadays. It is rare to come across instances where a credit card is not accepted. That being said, some stores, bakeries, and cafés might have a credit card minimum of 5, 10, or even 15 euros.

How can I avoid currency conversion fees? ›

To avoid dynamic currency conversion fees when traveling internationally, choose to pay credit card transactions in the local currency rather than in US dollars. Some merchants will attempt to make this decision for you, so confirm which currency you're transacting in before you pay.

What is the cheapest way to get euros in Paris? ›

Avoid airport and hotel currency exchanges

If you're in desperate need of cash at the airport or hotel, change the minimum amount you need to get by until you find a more centrally located exchange booth. For an easy and usually cheaper option, withdraw cash directly from an ATM.

Is 500 euros enough for 3 days in Paris? ›

As long as you don't get caught up in 'designer' shopping - you should be able to have quite a bit of fun on 500 euros. If your hotel is already paid for and the 500 euros is just as you say for food and fun, absolutely. This has been covered many times on the forum, with even less money noted.

How much money do I need for 7 days in Paris? ›

CategoryEstimated Cost per dayTotal Cost for 7 days
Accommodation (3-star hotel)$70-150$490-1,050
Food (average meal for 1 person)$15-30$105-210
Transportation (metro, bus, taxi)$1.50-2 per trip$10.50-14 per day
Attractions (museums, monuments)$10-20 per entry$30-60 for 3 attractions
1 more row
Mar 10, 2023

Do you tip in cash in Paris? ›

A few euros in cash, even on a large check, would be considered a nice gesture. At a high-end restaurant, 5% of the total amount will be more than enough to show appreciation for excellent service. It will be difficult to pay for a tip on a credit card, so make sure to carry small bills for this very occasion.

How many dollars is $100 euros? ›

Euros to US Dollars conversion rates
100 EUR107.69 USD
500 EUR538.47 USD
1,000 EUR1,076.94 USD
5,000 EUR5,384.72 USD
7 more rows

Is American money good in Paris? ›

Money Matters U.S. dollars are not accepted in most establishments, though some hotels, shops, and restaurants may accept U.S. dollars at an agreed upon exchange rate. Euro (€): The French currency Bills: 500/200/100/50/20/10/5 Coins: 2€/1€/50 cents/20c/10c/5c/2c/1c The Euro is divided into 100 cents, or centimes.

What is the cheapest way to buy euros? ›

What is the cheapest way to get euros in the US? The cheapest way to buy euros in the US is usually online. You'll have a couple of options, depending on what suits your needs: Choose a specialist provider which has multi-currency accounts to support international spending - like Wise or Revolut.

How to get euros before a trip? ›

One of the largest and most popular places to buy travel money in the US is Currency Exchange International (CXI). You can order over 90 currencies online, including Euros. CXI also has around 30 branches in major cities across the US⁴.

How many euros do I need for 4 days in Paris? ›

About €100 a day is a reasonable figure. This may include a few small souvenirs, but if you do serious shopping, the figure can increase dramatically.

Where is the cheapest place to get euros? ›

Waitrose has the best Euro rate right now at 1.1511. You'll need to order online to guarantee this rate as rates may be lower in store. You can buy your euros online and collect them from your nearest Waitrose travel money store if you don't want to wait for home delivery.

What is the best way to get a large amount of euros? ›

You can use a bank or currency broker to exchange large amounts of currency. The cost is a combination of exchange rates and transfer fees. Currency brokers can normally beat the banks in terms of cost. If a currency broker is Authorised by the FCA, it is required to use safeguarded client accounts.

Where is the cheapest place to get euros in the US? ›

The best place to exchange foreign currency in the U.S. is at your local bank or credit union before you leave for your trip.

Is it best to take euros or use a card? ›

While credit cards are accepted in most situations, currency can be more convenient for public transportation and small vendors. It's also wise to carry an emergency fund with enough cash for a few days, just in case your card gets lost or stolen.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.