Answered: How accurate is CreditWise® credit score? | Join the Discussion Now (2024)

CreditWise® is a score monitoring tool by Capital One®. With CreditWise, you can check your credit score at any time for free through Capital One. Most of these credit scores are only educational. They are not used by lenders to decide your creditworthiness.

The CreditWise score is calculated using the TransUnion® VantageScore® 3.0 model. So, it will be pretty close to your VantageScore credit score through TransUnion. However, the score reflected on CreditWise may not be the same as what you get from your TransUnion credit report. This is because there might be some information CreditWise may not be able to get from your credit history, which may be in your TransUnion credit report.

Answered: How accurate is CreditWise® credit score? | Join the Discussion Now (2024)
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